Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Akademi Fantasia di Menara KL

Pada mereka yang minat Akademi Fantasia - jangan lupa hari ni (Selasa) pada pukul 3 petang, pelacaran album-album EVO akan diadakan di Menara Kuala Lumpur. Of course, ramai-ramai ler budak-budak Akademi Fantasia musim kedua akan hadir. Thank you Shai sebab ingatkan...da tau sejak minggu lepas tapi terlupa...

I'm very tired at the moment - so tak banyak to post.

To fans of American Idol - tomorrow is the first round of elimination performances from the guys! Followed by the first performances from the women, and on Thursday FOUR of them (two guys and two girls) are going home!

My favourite at the moment is Mikalah, Anwar and David Brown. There's also this other girl, but can't remember her name. Hope they go all the way!

So see you guys tomorrow - found lots of pics I have to post - from my Bangkok trip to the recent Penang trip yang on tour with Akademi Fantasia Tour 2005.

Thank you pada kawan-kawan yang email bertanyakan pasal ujibakat Akademi Fantasia 3. Kalau apa-apa pertanyaan pasal proses ujibakat yang aku leh tolong, jangan segan-segan tanyakan, ok.

Got to go home now. Ada kerja sikit lagi nak habiskan dirumah kerana tak nak lama kat office esok. Nak gegas ke Menara KL punya pasal. And on Wednesday, nak gi Sabah for the tour with Akademi Fantasia. Orang Sandakan dan Keningau dah demam?

Me? I dah ngantuk....good night....