Tuesday, December 07, 2004

...and the alphabet... Z

Nothing much to tell to say. The morning was silly and not worth talking about.

Busy shit today. Anyway for fans of Jac who won Malaysian Idol, here's good news. Her album's coming out on Dec 13 in all record stores. Semalam ada pre-listening, and I must say the album is worth a buy.

Hung out at Sony-BMG sebab malas balik in the jam, tambah ngantuk tahap cipan.

Ok lah...dah tengah malam ni. Need some sleep. Got quite a lot of work for tomorrow.

News got no interesting Page 1 for tomorrow, and meka sibuk mintak2 aku nak carik bahan. First choice, mintak call Datuk Sharifah Aini. Gila lah meka ni mintak aku nak wat isu tengah malam. Kak Pah memang ok dan accesible tapi sapa tak ngamuk kalau da nak kul 2 pagik nak call lak! Cis!

Aku nak ciao jumpa Arm for supper. Aku kebulur ni. Kira since 5am this morning aku baru telan dua peket mee maggie, sebotol susu, kuih dua tiga ketul and one coffee. Dah laa sejam je malam tadi membuta sat kat opis tak tahan punya pasal. And that's more than 24 hours siot aku tak tidur. Gila babas!

Ok lah...surrender...nak catch some zzz's.

Sony-BMG punya office's main attraction for me. This huge Beyonce poster...rasa nak kebas je! Almost life size tuh!

Jac...hah lupa cakap...the album includes a new version of Gemilang, as well as the live version, along with When I Fall In Love and Tunggu Sekejap.