Saturday, February 02, 2013


I respect Psy. He works hard. People think he was an overnight success because of Gangnam Style, tapi hakikatnya dia kerja kuat. Dah enam album baru rezeki dia sampai nak dikenali seluruh dunia. His arrival however was in style. Kerana tu aku hormat anak seni macam dia berjaya dengan usaha sendiri.

Tapi hari ni sumpah aku sedih dengan perangai orang kita.

Kisahnya, Psy will be performing for the Barisan Nasional open house come Chinese New Year.

Sebelum aku cakap apa-apa, ni disclaimer. This has NOTHING to do with politics! And forgive my rant in both English and Bahasa Malaysia. I think and speak like this in real life.

Aku terkilan dan terpanggil untuk komen hal ni because firstly, this is a CHINESE New Year celebration. Why is a Korean for Chinese New Year? Do the organizers think we look the same? Kira bangsa Cina dan Korea ni meka ingat sama ke? This is merely an assumption - but if that is so - that is just FUCKING racist! Siapa punya idea bangang ni lah...

It's Chinese New Year. Not Seollal (Korean New Year).

If they called him because of his popularity, he was already on the way to our shores anyway for a show. Plus, not to mention - what else do you know apart from Gangnam Style to justify tens of thousands (guess in which currency) which he will be paid? Plus, Gangnam Style is SO 2012.

Takde ke artis Malaysia berbangsa Cina nak dipanggil? Kalau nak sangat panggil orang luar, panggil lah yang betul-betul darah Cina. Ni perayaan bangsa Cina kot. Psy has NOTHING to do with the celebration of our customs and traditions. Yes, I am Malaysian Chinese.

It is sad to see this happening.

Ingat murah ke harga Psy. Bulan tiga ni he'll be performing at the Future Music Festival Asia and I know Psy's price range. Bukan murah. Siapa yang nak bayar? Duit dari mana? Dia di bayar ikut USD. Bukan RM. Dahlah baru keluar berita kata nilai matawang negara akan jatuh berbanding dollar Amerika...

Biasa kalau show kerajaan, nak bayar artis tempatan, susah sangat nak keluar bajet. Always the same thing, that we don't have the budget to pay. Tapi tang orang luar saja, laju je dihulur apa diminta hanya kerana nak sangat orang luar mai.

Habis tu? Anak seni Malaysia nak letak mana? Sudah tak ada artis Malaysia ke yang nak panggil? Lagi relevan panggil anak seni berbangsa Melayu dari anak Korea untuk sambutan rumah terbuka Tahun Baru Cina. Bukan ke Shila Amzah sendiri semakin naik namanya di China? She is being paid a lot to perform in China, while we bring in a Korean to perform for our Chinese New Year celebrations. Anyone can make sense of that?

Artis Malaysia berbangsa Cina pun ramai yang dah menempah nama di luar. Kenapa tak gunakan duit untuk memanggil mereka pulang untuk sambutan ini?

Baru kecoh orang menari Gangnam Style ketika Thaipusan kerana tidak menghormati adab dan agama. Ini nak buat rumah terbuka panggil Psy. Siapa punya kerja ini. Aku mintak sangatlah pihak penganjur Barisan Nasional yang prihatin dan peka terhadap kebodohan yang ditunjukkan dalam tindakan memanggil Psy untuk jadi tamu khas rumah terbuka Barisan Nasional.

Listen... listen... listen! Kera di hutan disusukan, anak di rumah mati kelaparan!


DAP did Ubah Roket Style, a parody of BN leadership to the tune of Gangnam Style. I think BN is trying to get back at them by getting hold of the singer himself for a national CNY bash in Penang.

Is Jibby having the last laugh?

I don't want to go into politics as I said. I just think it's a racist move and a waste of money.

JIbby ain't gonna be the one who has the last laugh.

The Penang Lang gonna be having our last laugh at the polling booth.

We will punish BN _MORE_ for wasting OUR MONEY to hire that pig face psy from Korea.

There are still a lot of Penang Lang who are poor. Instead of wasting money on that pig-face Psy, that money could have been used for the poor in Penang.

And the whole thing is an insult to Penang Lang as well.

BN seems to think that we Penang Lang are idiots, that we can be swayed just because they have that pig-face psy

Fuck 'em !!

I concur with RunWitMe. BN wants to show and prove they can do better/organize better etc. So if Pakatan did a parody, they'll bring the man himself and do that so-2012 gangnam style.

Even Psy reported to say he's so over gangnam style, i guess that's why he's charging extra to perform this song.

and yes, what's up with the korean singer for a CNY celebration?