What can I update ari ni ek? It's just another of them lazy Sundays (yerlah tuh...every bloody Sunday is a lazy one for me kan). Takpe... this weekened je aku leh rilek, sebab next weekend da ada kat Singapore tuk Anugerah Planet Muzik (and als the Singapore Mid-Year Sale, tuh yang penting tuh)
Tak kuar rumah seharian. Jawapan apakah aktiviti seharian, apa lagik. Torrent je la. Lately I've been checking up a lot of work from magicians and illusionists.
You have the normal names like Criss Angel and David Blaine, tapi majority skang suka Cyril Takayama (Mawi punya favourite).
Aku nya personal favourite is Wayne Houchin. He is just totally AWESOME! And only 24. And yet even Criss punya Mindfreak, he worked as a consultant. One of the youngest and fastest upcoming magicians ever, and a psychology major at Chico State University. Pergh....amazing.
Spent the better part of the day catching videos of his work.
Malam layan Gangstarz kat rumah dulu on TV, horrible sound quality. Everyone just sounded so horribly bad, I think in huge part due to the production.
I have no idea why, but technical aspect of their production horrendous.
Even lighting pun leh hancur. Bebudak Flava for instance moka semua KELABU ok sebab lighting cam kasar. Aiyo...kesian make up artist semua kena carut tak pasal pasal. Heh...
Yang penting masa performance bebudak Equal Star, ada sorang yang moka familiar. Not among them, sebab memang kenal meka... but their dancer sorang yang tetiba masuk weave in and out of them. Rupanya betul sangkaan aku when habih je aku ke Auditorium Dewan Bandaraya Shah Alam.
Kala korang layan Melodi, korang mesti kenal muka dia gak. Dia salah seorang wartawan Melodi, Michelle. Baru aku tau dari orang kampung dia, rupanya, dia ni memang dancer masa kat Kuching. Oh my...you learn something new every day.
Amik ko, Mitch baby...letak gak pic ko kat blog aku.
Heh....biasala. Kalao da jadi wartawan ni, orang ingat tuh je kita mampu buat. Ramai tatau a lot of reporters multi tasking gituh sebab banyak lagik bakat meka. But what to do.... apa pun Michelle, I am stumped gurl that you were a dancer. That part of you, I did not know.
Love you babe!!!
Hah, sebut bab kawan kawan reporter ni, ingat tak cita Raden yang aku cakap ada gi audition tuk watak Saliha tuh atas jemputan M.Nasir? Heh...kami kebelakangan ni rajin buli dia sebenarnya usik dia pasal benda tuh.
Kesian gak tengok dia...and Raden...jangan marah ek....love you sayang..(terguling gelak sambil taip ni!!!)
Kisahnya aku kena cubit sampai lebam oleh Raden sebab dia baca aku letak pic dia kat blog dan cita pasal benda Saliha tuh.
Anyway, masa kat press conference Gangstarz yang aku hadiri (rumah pon 10 minit je dari venue, so abih je last performance aku sampai in time for finale), aku amik pic, tapi bukan of Raden.
Tapi 'hasil keja' dia. Hah...cakar ayam katanya shothand pelbagai. Heh...matilah carut tulisan member. That's why people, I carry a recorder AND use my mobile to record interviews. Tak kuasa nak tulis tulis ni nak kena carut oleh orang yang nampak tulisan aku. Segan ok scribbling.
Hah...tapi sapa leh translate apa Raden tulis ni, aku bagi hadiah... hadiah autgraf Raden yang MUNGKIN bakal Saliha (matila aku kena cubit sampai lebam lagik!!!!)
Merasalah aku sain sendiri ala ala cakar ayam bokan korang tau pon.
Sila letak jawapan lost in translation anda di ruangan Comments dibawah.
Moving on...bab Gangstarz ni, honestly bebudak ni ada ler talent. Tapi the sad part is nothing outstanding.Not in the part of the Malaysian groups.
I mean, I'm as patriotic as the next Malaysian, tapi seriously, bab developement bakat, kita ni jauh ketinggalan.
Sedih bab E-Voke tak dapat masuk because I think they were improving so much, but hey, biasalah adat competition. I won't mention anything about Colabr8 sebab I have this thing against hip hop wannabes when they don't have any identity and just sound a little to much like, brotha tryin' to be black when they're not.
Why I wonder memandangkan Indonesian and Japanese hip hop ada sound sendiri and not try and sound black.
Flava yang berasa dari group nasyid je kira ok la antara all, tapi meka ni rojak abih vocals meka, styling tak tentu.
Of all the competitors, no one can deny, the best package, vocals, performance and potential wise is definitely the two Indonesian groups, Mendua (love the two girls in the group kat sebelah...) dan The Lima.
Tapi bab leh menang ke tak tatau ler sebab SMS hanya kat Malaysia je....so of course majoriti vote for patriotism kan, so even with the two acts in the final, I don't know if they will make it in the top two.
Perlu ke Malaysians win by default? Mmm...competition final in two weeks...tengok je la...
As for Infinatez, the last group yang layak, tatau la. Meka ni jauh sangat standard meka, even though they are admittedly talented. But semalam they chose the right songs, and even though vocal erm...sedih sikit, they did quite ok.
Apapon, tunggu dan lihat je la apa outcome of the competition. Gila gak offer of US$150,000 punya hadiah.
Tukau Ringgit da almost half a million da. Pergh...imagine the stuff you could do with that!
Eh...ada keja sikit nak abihkan tadi, biasalah, nak extend my creativity sikit and diversify kemampuan gak cam kengkawan.... and dah lewat...so night all...
Apapon nak add sikit, interesting to see if my next vision menjadi ke tak sebab the more I work on it. It's my biggest and most ambitious attempt, so mintak korang doa doa jadik gak lah. Kalao everything set kang, aku announce sini. All I can say is, it's something to do with TV production.
Takleh cita lebih dari tuh.
Skang sibuk nak siapkan blueprint dan related paperwork je...tuh da banyak sangat.
Kang esok update entry kalau tak sibuk ok... take care peeps!!! Lots of love....
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