Bosan ari ni sebab lepak jer, last last lewat sikit. Finally decided nak gi IKON nak tengok how the solo competition is measuring up. Jalan sekali ngan group kengkawan dari Astro (thanks to Jolyn and Anis) foe the lovely hospitality. Road trip ler alamatnya.
Had fun, but it was a little painful to encounter stupid people on the way, like that girl kat KFC punya drive in kat highway Seremban tuh.
Oh well... no wonder some people end up how they do.
Harus ler sumpah seranah sebab nak amik order pun berapa lama (akibat degil tamau amik order direct, nak ask everyone and then da bagitau, tetona mintak ilang sebab dia nak key in)
So the first time syok sendiri ke apa?
Sampai sampai jer serempak ngan sorang muka evil yang dok jeling kat aku. Mak aih... takut ok...rasa cam leh cair kena jeling maut camtuh... sapa lagik kalao bukan (cue suspenseful music) Ramli MS! Merasalah ketua hakim. He was with the others tapi seronok lak sampai sampai je jumpa abang Ramli.
Sempat ler sembang ngan dia. These are the only times we get to meet.
Met many more other people, dan kena naya ngan Dollah Cantik yang merupakan stage manager for the event.
Siot jer ko Dollah.... korang tau tak kalao ada kat venue tau la... si Dollah nih leh mintak orang applaud sambil announce nama.
Kalao gi atas dasar lain sebab ada kena mengena ngan program takper la.
Ni gi nak tugas, wat malu jer dia paksa orang dalam venue applaud lak. Keji ko Dollah! Tunggu aku balas dendam (seb baik ko baik ngan aku kan.... heh!)
Found it difficult to get seats because we arrived something like 20 minutes before the show, so feeling feeling seat elok semua da kena snapped up, walaupon reserved (merasalah some people don't know how to read - ala ala benda tempek kat kerusi tulis ia dikhaskan untuk siapa semua, ala ala hiasan yang tak dipedulikan jer). Keji kan...
Found a decent aisle seat in the end, tapi da risau sebab da nampak ada kamera dekat tuh... nak wat camna dok je la and keep my head down and hope for the best.
On laptop, found there there was wireless service. Oh joy!!!
Which means aku leh online dari sana.
Suka suka suka!!! So rajinkan diri update blog ler alang alang today punya entry lom kan. Pics amik, diuploadkan kemudian.
Anyway, the show itself was impressive dari masuk je dewan. Sebab the crowd was intense,
Ramai peminat dari FC artis yang terlibat muncul, so it is kind of fun to feel the energy of everyone.
Ok...nak feeling review the show as it progresses la... ala live gituh kan. Dah lama tak update camni. Merasalah balas dendam berapa ari backdated je keja dan malas update kan... tapi skang nak lebih lebih lak kan.
Permulaan a little confusing sebab ala ala feeling nak promosi Visit Malaysia Year 2007 gituh but they were wearing this confusing mix and match ensemble of purple and white. Erm... I have no idea why. Horrendous... tapi I suppose Astro wardrobe so nak wat camna kan.
Do we really expect anything more? Sarimah was quite fun and bubbly, though at times I found her screaming annoying sebab sora dia dah ler sharp gituh. At times it was almost banshee like.
But still... she handled the show well and should be commended for her efforts of making the show a nice little effort. That coupled with the slick production (but not the sound quality), it was quite pleasing actually and not as horrible as I had anticipated.
Now on with the show...
Adam - Hi...Adam kicked off the show. Suara dia honestly biasa jer. Quite moderate and nothing great even though banyak ler improvement through the years.
But one thing yang stand out pasal show dia is the choreography which I found quite excellent, and rather tight. The steps were impressive and obviously these kids have been watching pirated DVDs of Stomping The Yard, You Got Served and Honey for some references to the funkier moves often missing from our local choreographers' routine.
All in all, memang menarik lah.
Impressive. A lot of style, though the show was forgettable in terms of the actual song and Adam's singing.
Not too bad. Aku enjoyed the show because of the presentation je. Terpaksa ignore the song and the singing tapi still, by the end of the night, I found it one of the better shows simply for it's entertaining factor.
This is ne instance where lack of vocal quality does NOT hamper a show.
Definitely worth a watch in the semifinals.
Dayang Nurfaizah - HilangShe killed it midway, but the start and the end were kind of limp. I don't know what happened.
Lemau light light, though Dayang was all soul for tonight. Suka sebenarnya!!!
Cuma I think she got a little carried away and I think somewhere along the way, she lost the plot when she tried to goreng lebih lebih sampai hangus.
Bolehlah, but even though Adam was more visual, it outshadowed Dayang in terms of showmanship overall sebab it at times sounded boring and draggy.
I think Dayang chose the wrong song. Sayang, but despite a lot of them being experienced performers, they still have a problem choosing the right song for a competition.
The song kena lah showcase something yang extraordinary sebab da nama pun pertandingan kan... bukan konsert amal apa yang korang perform ni.
Shame cause I think Dayang could have killed it for the night, with Jac as her onlymain competition, but she didn't do her best, perhaps not through her own fault melalui vocals, but because of this pent up energy yang she just unleashed without thinking twice about control.
Wayward power outburst gituh.
Still, loved her make up and hair though her outfit was a ball of confusion because while it was quite nice, it looked a tad drabby onstage, most probably because of the stage setting that would have worked better with loud colours of outfits worn on stage.
Hope Dayang gets through though sebab I really want to see her in. Iconic? Perhaps after what she has been through, in a way, Dayang is quite iconic because she has persevered through a lot and made a comeback of sorts which is quite an example not just for kids out there not to be quitters, but also new artistes who face a million and one challenges in trying to make it in the industry.
Apart from Dayang, Ning is the only other artiste yang aku tau has been through this whole load of s**t (Ning more lah...)and still come out smelling like roses.
Shanon Shah - Masih Aku TerasaI kind of pity him sebab orang cam tak hargai sangat sebab lagu lagu dia bukan mainstream hit compared to the others, and because of that dia kurang dapat sokongan walaopon bakat dia memang besar..
I don't know why he sounded shaky throughout the song, which was irritating for me.
Even the piano accompaniment was beautiful and made the song just awesome (in terms of potential), but hi little vibrato thingamjic tuh menampakkan nervousness dia sangat. Perhaps it was the whole competition yang dia kurang biasa kot senario camni, because he definitely had the jitters and underperformed.
I think he blew his one chance for mainstream recognition.Definitely not an icon.
Good choice of song, would have given him a thumbs up for that, but actual execution was just totally busuk!!!
While I was actually rooting for him, I know this is such a wrong competition for hin to be in and honestly, I think...or more accurately I hope he doesn't get thrugh after that scary display of nerves.
Ezlynn - Jikalau Aku & SelagiOk...I've never looked at her as a real singer. Walaupon bakat dia terserlah bab lain, bab nyanyi aku takleh tima. I mean honestly... icon? Ezlynn can act or host, nut walaopon she started as a lunge act... she just can't sing to save her life.
Aku predicted she would do horribly from the start. And I was so wrong.
She didn't!
It was horrendous!!!!
It was also amateurish because the number of times she crashed on not just low but also high notes,
She should have stuck to the safer songs and enhanced on showmanship like Adam kala da sedar yang vocal dia mungkin tak dapat lawan some of the more powerful voice for the night.
Nice styling tapi sayang pakai dancers disediakan because apparently, the whole look didn't gel with hers and made it look totally rojak.
Gawd...not an icon... no way. Sora katun ler kekadang...aduh...
Erm... kalao ikut make up dan styling (moka and rambut ek), baik icon, Ziana Zain terus sebab aku rasa cam pakai template Ziana) walaupon dia kata ikut Gwen Stefani,
Merasalah budak kena interview Sarimah kata Ezlyn layak sebab ada pakej.
Pakej apa? Pakej percutian tiga hari dua malam? Sora takde camna dik...not an icon.
Reshmonu - It's You That MattersOops. Did he slip at the start? Merasalah dia ngan konsep Boney M berterusan dedah dada katanya. Merasalah.
It was a nice jazzy touch to the song, tapi aku pelik satu benda. Camna la nak judge camna nak determine seorang icon.
I mean someone like Resh is quite admitedly good, but an icon for our kids, he's not. No matter how much you try, you can't fathom our masses taking it on.
Nice show...but at least in the venue, I think a lot of people didn't get it. his energy, but since he spent so much effort bouncing about, sora dia jadik keji lak ala ala mengah. I think he reworked the song overdose lak feeling remix tak jadik sebab lagu ni sebenarnya banyak kali da dengar dia nyanyi straightforward sedap...tapi kali ni dia feeling konsert perdana sangat kot, terus goreng sampai hangus cam Dayang.
Same problem faced.
Does he deserve to be in? I love his performances, but no...
Farah - Kau Yang Bernama CintaOh my God!!! Apa da jadi ngan Farah. Kenapa la dia dianiaya seperti ni????!!!
Dari make up sampai ke accessories, ke baju. ke vibrato dia...semua overdose!
It wasn't all that bad, but it was seriously just plain boring, and sorry sapa minat Farah, tapi aku rasa performance dia yang paling bosan, and simply constipated gituh, coming across too contrived because she simply tried too hard from every aspect.
Merasalah mesti kena marah ngan Ramli MS pas abih nih...
Peminat patut cari sapa yang buat imej dia cam mak datin menopause je rupa, dan gantung make up artist dia, stylist dia dan sesapa yang sponsor baju ala ala kain baju mandi hugging abih tuh.
Aduh.... apa punya imej. Why are they making her into a jaded tart. We want the old lovable Farah, not this badly dolled up version yang forced to become a veteran diva gituh.
This is one aspect of an artistes' presentation many often forget to take into account, and harapnya Farah will get what she deserves which the young woman she is. Tengok pic pon, cam moka Sharifah Zarina dah.
Sorry ek Farah, carut... tapi tak sanggup tengok ko end up like this.
I think overall, Farah is not ready for any sort of title yang refer pada dia sebagai icon, sebab dia masih jauh perjalanan seninya.
She stands a chance of being there one day... but it's not her time yet, and mintak mintak dia takkan discouraged cause aku rasa dia tak deserve masuk semifinal sebenarnya.
Kalao dia masuk pun, I don't think she'll stand out.
Berikan dia masa tuk polish up (and find a better person to handle dressing her and dolling her up) and maybe soon dia akan bersedia jadik ikon.
Jaclyn Victor - Cinta Tiada AkhirnyaPerlu ke aku nak cakap how her show was like.
I know the dress was a little orange (takpe la - tribute kat blog aku gitu) tapi from every aspect,
Influence Dreamgirls kot.
Jac was simply, utterly and totally amazing without a doubt..
As usual. The thing is, she is so steeped in her ability to control her vocals, honestly everyone looked like an amateur in comparison.
Matilah Farihad akan kata pukul habis!!!!
But it was THAT kind of a performance sebab kalau ikutkan, she practically blew everyone off the stage with her voice.
And fantastic song to showcase her abilities. This is one example where everything just falls in to place and just works no matter what.
The only idol yang leh pakai. And by that, I mean in THIS competition against the likes of Daniel and Dina and all... sebab she's way above everyone, so far ahead, it's not even funny.
I just hope Jac also displays her versatility in more upbeat numbers sebab tanak la dia kena cap tarik sora, goreng sana sini jer.
I know she's got the groove and I want to see more of her mojo onstage ngan lagu lagu yang lebih rancak dan leh joget lambak light light.
And THEN show 'em how it's done by pulling those notes and blowing everyone apart.
Honestly, against the Indonesians and Filipinos, I see Jac as the only worthy representative kalao nak Malaysia menang because walaupon ada yang nak sokong yang lain ke apa, we all know she is at that level where she is up to it.
After all, it's not about popularity ke lagu sedap ke...
Untimately, first of all, it's the search for an icon. But of course that's just programming bull to give it a different approach.
We know at the end of the day, each country punya icon lain requirements nya, so it's going to bil down to vocals to serve as proof of how good the said artiste is.
And Jac?
She is so there already...
Daniel - MimpiDari start aku da nak gelak. My God!!!!!!!! Horror tul mamat nih.
I mean kalao everyone pilih salah lagu, he had a killer bouncy tune to enjoy to. Sayangnya dia kena bukak mulot dia and spoil it all for all of us.
Ni Ikon Taiwan ke? Merasalah Rina akan ketuk pala aku pas ni sebab carut artis dia.
From the intro yang overhyped with the sound effects yang knew where it was going to go.
The supposed king of falsetto (title dia penah berangan dapat masa kat kolej) langsung takde control over his voice and it was like a little girl warbling away badly.
It sucked... big time!
And erm... sumbang sana sini.. dia nak ikon tuk pasaran apa pun aku tatau.
Why doesn't it surprise me pink is is favourite colour.
Nota kaki - Daniel dan Juan Danza berkongsi favourite colour.
Ikon ke? Erm... I'll pass.
Dina - Setia Cintaku & Cinta Datang LagiThank God she wasn't singing Cinta Datang Lagi again... the only thing you hear apart from Blu Cantrell's Hit 'Em Up Style yang menjadi lagu lagu cari makan dia.
After all, I'm sure her ability spans beyond that.
Erm..first thing kena tegur mata patchy tuh kenapa. Make up konsep kena tumbuk satu hal.
And baju yang nampak spare tyre tidak perlu ok. I mean, there are a lot of acts out there now yang berbadan sihat, tapi pandai cover, girl!
My God. They're artistes, someone get them a consultant.
Oh no... I was wrong.. she is performing Cinta Datang Lagi. Again... I think term ikon tu patutnya pada awal meka kena stress sorang ikon tuh bukan je satu dua lagu je ang mampu nak perform ok.
And screaming is not singing. Oh well...
Good effort really... but I really want to recommend her a consultant.
And I hope she realises her image has to grow from time to time so that it shows a sense of maturity in the end.
Sebab kalao da nyanyi dua tiga tahun tapi tetap sama cam time ko start, then you're just stagnant, and that's not good.
Icon? No thank you.
Mawi - Angan Dan SedarAku da banyak kali gak dengar dak botak ni nyanyi lagu ni and it's ALWAYS a powerful delivery. Kesian lak tengok dalam first verse je sora dia tak kuar kuar.
Memang dia tak sihat and he sounded really tired. And walaopon ramai akan anggap alasan (and I'm not even defending him) it was obvious he was not healthy enough to go on.
Sampai kena jab pelbagai kat klinik kat Bangi... erm... at least he deserves applause for going on and doing his best.
But lantak la orang kata aku sokong dia ke haper, even by the name of icon he already deserves da. The only outstanding possible candidate selain dari Jac.
And it was quite good gak, walaopon banyak cacat, but hey... any singer who can keep on going despite the situation harus kena puji.At least he went up onstage and brought it on.
Me likey!
That's commitment for you. Icon...?
Please!!!! Yes!!!
Nak ciao dulu. Sebelum tu nak puji mama Julie Sudiro for her beautiful voice yang soothing and yet poweful at the same time.
Tapi yang aku geram, ada binatang yang cam p*****k yang cam haram jerit gelak gelak cam haram. Dah sah anak bangsat mana lak yang dok sini takde keja takde duit minyak kot nak merempit nak mai masuk PICC free kecoh dengan harapan some attention can validate their f*****g pathetic existence..
Cam haram... that's why events like this patut keep out the riff raff. Mintak mintak Astro impose rempit busuk bangsat takleh masuk kalao tak reti nak hormat a performance daripada seorang artis veteran yang begitu membanggakan, walaupon da in her golden years.
Love you mama Julie... you are simply amazing! Wish the newer generation could learn a thing or two from you.
Dalam geram... mampu aku tersenyum, sebab ada audience yang gila leh 'tara kucha, tara kucha cha cha...' menyampuk.
Aduh...ok be posting again soon.
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