Does this offend you? Is it against religion for women to be bald?
Some people would say what do I know about religion... and they're right. Siapalah aku ni...
This in an age where women are chastised for their dressing, dimana pemakaian seorang wanita can 'invite' a man to rape her... parliamentary members can make sexist jokes about a women leaking, idiots saying men should marry more to offset the high ratio of women against men, and men running around making women pregnant and not claiming responsibility and get away with it.
Aku malas tol nak komen apa lagik.
To Yasmin, Malaysia's best storyteller, to kak Fati and husband for raising four beautiful talented, intelligent and responsible girls in Aleya, Amani, Aleysha and Aryanna, and to Nanti herself... be strong in the face of criticism.
I believe this movie will teach people more about the compassionate and loving nature of Islam and not like the pengutuks claim.
"Judge not lest ye be judged!"
Aku panas tol ari ni bila baca this article today in the New Straits Times.
Wonder what post chemotheraphy patients are going to do now with hair loss imminent. But according to some learned people yang kutuk pendapat aku... that's ok sebab takdir.
Sharifah Amani under fire for going bald
PUTRAJAYA: Award-winning actress Sharifah Amani Syed Zainal Rashid has come under fire for her "daring act" in shaving her head for her latest role in Yasmin Ahmad's Muallaf. Two mufti felt the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) and the Information Ministry should come up with guidelines on the dos and don'ts so that artistes, particularly female Muslims, did not go overboard in their dressing or actions.
Selangor Mufti Datuk Mohd Tamyis Abdul Majid said Jakim should have come up with guidelines a long time ago for the artistes.
"Unlike Muslim men, going bald for (Muslim) women is forbidden in Islam. It is also sinful for men to act or behave like a woman and vice-versa," he said yesterday.
Tamyis added that Muslim artistes should not degrade themselves and the religion for the sake of getting popular.
In the movie, Amani plays runaway youngster Rohani who is befriended by a schoolteacher named Brian (played by newcomer Brian Yap).
Amani has said she has no regrets and that her hair would grow back.
Perak Mufti Datuk Seri Harussani Idris cautioned Muslim artistes not to be influenced by their foreign counterparts.
"As Muslims, we should not sacrifice our religion for the sake of wanting to be popular.
"I have been observing that nowadays, our artistes are becoming too open and daring, either in their actions or attire.
"So, it is only appropriate for the relevant authorities such as the Information Ministry to introduce regulations to make them toe the line."
Jakim director-general Datuk Mustapa Abdul Rahman said it already had guidelines in place for Muslim artistes.
"They (the guidelines) are like the law. There are people who break the law and there are those who are law-abiding.
"How are we going to compel them (to follow the guidelines)? We cannot force the artistes."
Among others, he said, the guidelines banned Muslim artistes from playing the role of non-Muslims in movies.
Small issue but big talk.Oh well... everyone's entitled to an opinion. Just my heart goes out to Nani who is really disturbed by these developments.And in other news while ada pihak yang kecoh sana sini pasal tuh nih just as Nani's head botak nih, this bit in Berita Harian lak also made the news.
Gaya rambut ala-Johor diperkenal
Kempen diperhebat awal Jun galakkan pelajar pilih imej lebih kemas, bersih
MUAR: Jabatan Pelajaran Johor memperkenalkan gaya rambut hampir sama dengan penyanyi, Mawi, untuk semua pelajar lelaki bagi mendisiplin mereka selain menjimatkan kos menggunting yang ditanggung ibu bapa. Pengarahnya, Mokhy Saidon, berkata, walaupun gaya rambut itu tidak diwajibkan, semua pelajar di seluruh Johor digalakkan sukarela menggunting rambut seperti ditetapkan.
Katanya, kempen stail rambut ala-Johor itu sudah dimulakan awal bulan ini dan akan diperhebatkan bagi membolehkan lebih ramai pelajar memilih gaya rambut berkenaan.
"Kita hanya menggalakkan dan bukan memaksa pelajar. Mereka masih boleh menggunting rambut potongan biasa yang tidak menyalahi peraturan sekolah.
"Kalau nak cakap guntingan rambut ala Johor ini sama dengan ala rambut Mawi bolehlah juga, tetapi ia tidaklah senipis rambut Mawi dan kita bukan meniru. Kita mendapati rambut pendek ini lebih sesuai untuk pelajar," katanya pada penutup Karnival Kesenian dan Kebudayaan Sekolah-Sekolah Johor 2007, di Dewan Sekolah Tinggi Muar, di sini, semalam.
Mokhy berkata, kajian mendapati guntingan rambut ala Johor lebih sesuai kerana pelajar akan kelihatan lebih kemas dan berdisiplin bersesuaian imej mereka sebagai pelajar.
"Jika pelajar sekolah menggunting rambut pendek ala-Johor, kita dapat mengatasi masalah disiplin kerana kita dapati ada pelajar menyorokkan rokok dalam rambut yang agak tebal dan panjang," katanya sambil menambah, stail rambut pendek ala-Johor itu akan memudahkan pihak sekolah memantau dan mengenal pasti pelajar ketika di luar sekolah.
Beliau berkata, gaya rambut ala- Johor yang nipis dan pendek juga dapat menjimatkan kos kerana pelajar tidak perlu terlalu kerap menggunting rambut dan mencukupi dilakukan sebulan sekali.
"Rambut pelajar biasanya panjang dalam dua minggu saja... bayangkan setiap kali menggunting rambut, mereka perlu membayar RM5. Jika menggunting rambut ala-Johor, pelajar dapat menjimatkan kos berkali ganda," katanya.
What do you say about all this ...apart from...only in Malaysia. Memang Malaysia boleh lah!!! In view of this kind of incidents, boleh apa, is off limits to mention in public.Aku cakap kesian Nani pun, ada la sorang dua bantai aku.
Honestly, why are there so many self-righteous people about running loose?
Don't we have more social problems to address. Ke nak tunggu ada benda front page baru nak kecoh?
Dah berbulan... sejak awal tahun kisah Nani nak botakkan pala tuk Muallaf ni. Did anyone say anything about it?
And now?
Sheesh... sapa gila glamer dan nak publisiti murahan skang? Now think about THAT!
Women are not second class citizens deprived of their rights you know... or did you just thaw out from the Ice Age? Or just some cryogenically frozen test tbe samples which were unleashed?
Anyways...; moving on, I know I promised a review of Fantastic Four - Rise OF The Silver Surfer, but no mood la with all this.
Dah memang panggung tuh kosong masa kami masuk. Patut start midnight, tapi dalam five minutes past midnight baru ada orang masuk. Tu pun tak sampai tiga puluh orang dalam panggung. Since we were the first tuh yang set-up nak wat cam we had the cinema hall all to ourselves.
Merasalah sempat posing duduk ngan kaki atas seat depan tayang Crocs (bila la nak beli second and third pairs ni... nak simpan duit lebih sikit ke Singapore again end of this month).
The movie? It wasn't that good.
If you like an overbudgeted, live-action version of a Saturday morning cartoon in every sense, with lots of effects thrown in, then go watch it.
I thought it sucked big time, and was such a waste of RM12 to watch it.
I suppose however if you want to watch a porn-star looking cast running about in leotard looking wet suits, with several effects off Star Wars and Twister and Independence Day thrown into what appears almost a made for TV movie, then it's for you lah.
The only thing I like from the movie was the SIlver Surfer patung yang meka dok pamer atas entrance masuk Gold Class kat luar GSC kat MidValley tuh.
Nothing significant to mention. Weak plot, average CGI, crap acting.
Even script dia nak lawak pon tak jadik, just a couple of jokes thrown in badly here and there to give some semblance of humour.
It was so bad (for me) that I think I'd actually recommend buying the pirated VCD or DVD of it, so you guys waste less money checking it out. At least in the comfort of your own home, ko leh switch it off antime and curse loudly at the movie (unless you have thin walls and your neighbours nak bising about the ruckus)
Fantastic Four? More like the CRAP-tastic BORE!
But they could have used less CGI or at least spent a little more on making the Silver Surfer better, as well as added a touch of character development to him as it's obvious meka akan ada spin off movie for the SIlver Surfer (tengok ending paham la kenapa aku cakap camtuh).
The rest were just lame!
It's so preposterous nak caya yang these four lame heroes could actually be revered so.
Definitely one of Stan Lee's weakest creations.
Speaking of which, Stan 'The Man' Lee ada cameo siot dalam movie ni, where he acts as himself dan tak dapat masuk the wedding between Mr Fantastic and the Invisible Woman. Thought that was a cute touch.
Looks like Stan banyak skang muncul on screen, after the last cameo in Heroes (aku rasa episode 17 - Company Man kot).
So this is the promo poster they should have come up with. Yes, it's the Crap-tastic Bore! Saving the world by boring villains to death!
Could have saved it up and watched another extra time of Muallaf when the movie comes out - if some people don't deem it as unsuitable for the very moral fibre of our being.
Now... prepare for the self righteous ignorant folks with an opinion and Internet access to raise hell about this.
PS. Share your opinions in the Comments area. Love to hear what you guys think. Please AVOID from touching on religious aspects and respect everyone. Love all, respect all - cam slogan Hard Rock Cafe lak (Love All Serve All).No one is superior to the next. Only God can judge.
Thank you.
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