Tadi of course confirm alkisahnya sapa akan sign on to KRU Musix Group, iaitu dari Maestro Talent & Management, Dafi, dan dari TV3, The Lima, Mendua, Pianka dan juga Flava.
Aku ran around like a headless chicken again, sibukkan diri ngan tugasan so little time to chat until the event was finally over. After which, I spent quite some time talking to Mendua. They really are the best lot of friends to have sebab open, talented, intelligent and just bubbling with their energetic personality.
Oh... Flava yang berangan pun walked up to me. Kali ni mintak nasihat. Well, at least, they now know how to tegur orang, bukan je media tapi juga artis lain dan orang yang takde kena mengena. It takes a little bit of common sense, and lots of heart... and hopefully this is what they will learn in time.
Malas nak amik pic sebab pening banyak kang nak upload. Janji ngan bebudak Mendua yang sekali ngan The Lima dan Pianka nak ke KLCC tuk jumpa sana. Sekaligus ngan Vern to meet up at Dome.
Sebelom bertolak ke KLCC, talked with Aznil yang juga sekali ngan Anita Sarawak, Ezlynn dan AC Mizal sign nak renew contract with KMG. Looks like the second dream is coming closer to reality...
Sampai KLCC, kat carpark, terserempak orang yang kurang merah lak... who joined me at Dome to wait for the rest. Baru Vern muncul, as usual on the phone, so did Syazwan dan Fendi (gatal lak nak link) Anyway it was Syazwan's birthday, so nyanyi lagu tuk dia.
Happy birthday to you...
Ko memang kertu!!!
Tak mungkin lagi jambu...
Happy birthday to you...Keji kan...ala ala tak ikhlas. Scoffed down my Choc a Block yang dibelanja oleh orang yang nak gemukkan aku lagi sebab dengki aku slim and trim (matilah berangan padahal pinggang naik agik seinci lately), before we headed up to Sundanese, where we were joined shortly by the trio of Mendua.
Kak Red tak dapat join sebab dia kena mummy duty...takpe nok. Aku curi pic ko ek letak of us three together!
Dapat ler brush up my Bahasa Indonesia yang memang karat da setelah lama tak diguna pakai (practise sebab kena pakai soon...oops!)
Sambil tunggu our meal arrive, we talked about everything under the sun about things in Malaysia as well as in Indonesia, comparing things with the Mendua kids, and sharing experiences.
All in all, I think it was eye opening for all of us in some way or another, and personally, I got to relive nostalgia in talking about all things related to Jakarta (rindu siot!!! da berapa tahun sejak last aku jejalan kat sana walaopon last year sempat singgah for a few days atas work).
Tukang belanja yang order makanan, yang termasuk ikan ago go (kalao korang baca posting sebelom ni paham la apa asal nama nih) atau lebih dikenali juga ngan nama timangan ikan sesumpah.
Everyone melantak, while I took only a handful of rice and some lauk sebab feeling nak keep to my diet dan jaga badan yang semakin membelon. Congratulated Mendua atas signing ke KRU (matilah aku kena carut!!!!!) and after the meal continued with more topics, some important and sme not quite.
We had so much fun tak perasan lak time just flew by, and before we knew it, da masa nak gerak. We actually wanted to stay on a bit longer, tapi bebudak Mendua kena balik sebab The Lima dan Pianka da tunggu meka kat bawah.
Alkisahnya meka kan naik transport khas yang provided so kena la. Aku offer to send them back as an altrnative memandangkan meka ni dok Shah Alam, which is so on the way, tapi sebab esoknya meka ada recording single meka, kena kansel jer la.
Still, the time it took for us to actually move out of the restaurant was another fifteen minutes, not adding about that same amount of time to go down, and another fifteen minutes or so of chatting ngan Farahdhiya and friend yang tegur aku masa turun escalator, and then yakking with the other Indonesian kids.
Alamak...sorry ek Fara cause bebetul tak perasan ko ler, sayang. Jangan kata aku sombong tau... da tua ni eyesight pun semakin pergi (merasalah nak upkan power contact lens la)
Oh my...
KLCC seems to be the hub of activity suddenly tetiba with everyone there in the middle of the week. Motif???
Oh, I nearly forgot about pics. Ada ler amik sikit sikit, sebab again malas terpikirkan nak upload beribu lemon punya pics. I really have to get over this lazy streak over the past couple of weeks when it comes to blogging lah.
Anyhoo... here are some pics...
Yummy! The dishes!
The birthday boy! Senyum cam kerang busuk (kerang busuk leh senyum ke???)
The birthday boy showing the ikan ago go also known as ikan sesumpah, both terms coined by us. Jangan lak gi Sundanese restaurant mintak tuh lak. Confirm takde kat menu.
Pics dicuri dari blog Vernon. Mendua dan tuan hakim Gang Starz dan juga birthday boy Syazwan and housemate Fendi.
Went for a nightcap kat Lotus with Vern nak borak some more before calling it a night.
I really have to stop hanging out so late..
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