Suka tak baju yang Nani pakai? Actress ok...leh? Make no mistakes gituh who she is in this film.
Apapon, of course, today is the day yang ramai tunggu tunggu. Iaitu Sharifah Amani Syed Zainal Rashid akan botakkan kepala untuk wataknya dalam filem Muallaf arahan.
Started the morning early. Merasalah kul 6.15 pagi da gerak, but Federal Highway jam gila and one and a half hours later, aku still stuck in traffic. Keji kan? Bayar tol cam tuk bazirkan duit je. Anyway, after some unnecessary drama, set out to Ipoh on my own. Thank goodness for long distance drives.
Dalam stress ke apa, hitting the highway is so relaxing. Just two hours after I set out (including setengah jam singgah kat hentian Tapah tuk breakfast) aku sampai kat Ipoh dengan selamat.
Buzzed kak Mina few times tapi dia tak angkat, so didn't really know where to go.
Finally SMSed her sebab biasalah orang sibuk takut tak terlayan, and she shortly SMSed me back asking me to join the crew kat Majestic Hotel, kat railway Ipoh. Memandangkan aku da lama tak ke Ipoh, blur sikit ler pasal which way to head. So main gamble je ler whatever I recall nak carik lokasi krew Muallaf set up camp. Found it within minutes, tak susah pun.
Called and found out meka semua tengah sibuk brunch, akibat memasing tak larat sebab shoot malam sebelom lanjut sasmpai 6.30 pagi!!!
Damn! And I thought aku sorang je akan zombie sebab tak cukup tidur.
Had a nice time chatting with the gang, before we headed back to the hotel. Mmm... last time aku mai sini, bertahun dahulu, the padang in front hotel tuh masih ada those hedges yang dipotong ala maze, dan masih ada gerai gerai yang niaga tepi jalan beside it.
Skang the whole area da cleared da. The whole crew wss having their makan, so lepak je ngan meka kat medan selera yang belakang masjid, terletak across the road from the hotel.
After about almost an hour or so, we traipsed back to the hotel. And that's where I saw Nani, all psyched up for the day that she was about to lose her hair.
Merasalah bouncy je dia semacam. Adik dia si Aleysha moody sikit, cause like me, she's not really a morning person (except in my case, I've learned to fake it like I am).
Sebenarnya, sebelom Nani botak, masa sebelom bermula shooting, dia da pon get rid of rambut panjang dia yang sampai paras pinggang tuh. She now sports a clse crop ala Mia Farrow yang tomboyish sikit.
For some reason it reminds me of Sofea Jane dalam filem Cinta Kita or something like that a long time ago where she had to act as a tomboy.
Still, Nani looked extremely cute in her new hairdo. Ni mesti kalao botak cantik, vogue abih nih.
She was calm and could joke with us and all, so it was nice to see dia tak stress langsung pasal the big event today.
After the crew got everything together, kami pun convoy ler ke lokasi tuk shooting babak babak terakhir for the film. Since tak familiar ngan Ipoh sangat dan takut sesat, ikut crew vehicles semua pasang hazard light jalan together.
Despite my fears of getting lost, kita jalan pun not even five minutes driving distance from the actual location je.
The location? Rumah TNB yang dekat je ngan area Istana Kinta. Rumah tuh ala banglo yang jadik quarters tuk pegawai TNB, tapi da dua tahun kosong da.
Beaufitul place, with the colonial architechture semi intact. Cuma sana sini renovation mengazabkan rumah tuh. But bahagian dalam, for most parts tetap maintain the original feel of the house, which was just plain creepy. Not really la... it was ok, except for the bathroom upstairs.
Basalah kalao rumah lama ni.
Memang kagum lihat their attention to detail for the shoot. Very professional lot.
Aku penah ke set penggambaran filem berapa kali da, but there was something different about this one. Everyone had a part in it, and everyone else helped someone else, bukan main lepas tangan je.
Nani and Leysha joined us, as did Brian yang jugak co-star for the movie, as well as Yasmin herself.
Patutnya Nani dibotakkan tengahari, but because of a delay and they needed to shoot some other scenes, lambat ler sikit.
And this is where the scene yang Nani nampakkan dia botak. Aku tanak give away anything, but adengan ni, dia pas semayang ngan Leysha, and dia remove telekung and Leysha pull away the covering to reveal Nani botak.
Amik ko
Their acting was awesome, and I think part of that was because it all came from the heart. As kak Yasmin says, it's so pure, the whole scene.
Apapon, 'gimik' Nani botak ni is not the main feature (I don't know if it's actually even considered on) tapi pas full explanation jalan cita dia, aku terdiam gak.
I think this is indeed going to be Yasmin's biggest movie to date... we'll have to wait and see la.
Contrary to popular belief, tiada adengan Nani dalam proses botakkan pala.
The scene just shows her already bald. Why?
That you have to wait until the movie comes out sebab takkan aku nak cita pepandai lak.
I love this picture for some reason.
Nani dipeluk Leysha while posing with Yasmin outside the house where the last scenes were shot earlier today.
Nani's bald head was pretty much the focus of everyone and every single camera was just clicking away.
Thanks Nani for your patience (and your fantastic poses!)
You rock gurl! And I think you're all the more beautiful with the new look. Kalao pompuan lain terpaksa harapkan rambut tuk cantikkan meka, even without your crowning glory, you still look gorgeous as ever!
There are a few more pictures below, so don't bitch about why gambar ni kecik dan tak nampak apa apa ok. Sabar sikit dan scroll ke bawah lagik sambil baca.
Oh by the way, as usual, kalao nak amik any of these pics and paste them anywhere, feel free to do so ON CONDITION, you credit my blog and also provide a link here.
Oh jap...lupa nak wish good luck pada kawan, si Shazwan (leh tak link kan blog - matilah aku kena carut!!!) dari Kosmo! yang last day ari ni.
Pas ari ni banyak la korang nampak dia kalao korang pasang Astro Awani. Merasalah feeling star in frnt of camera lak pulark pasni.
Hah...tengok tuh, Syazwan pun one of the many yang amik pics sana sini (private collection ke for blog?)
Memang kelam kabut dan kecoh sikit cause everyone was celebrating for the end of the shoot, and you could feel the joy of their hard work reaching the stage of completion (for now...lom agik editing and post production pelbagai kan)
Speaking of celebration, since hanya wish kat phone, dan tak kat sini, a happy belated to Nani yang celebrate her 21st birthday last Sunday kat set ketika penggambaran Muallaf!!!
Cam tak caya dia umo baru 21 kalao sembang ngan dia, walaupon kicik je orangnya cam dak 12 tahun lak.
Apapon, thanks to everyone at MHz Films yang make us feel so at home, welcoming us on the set and all, walaupon meka kelam kabut everyone was such a joy to be with.
Thanks again Yasmin to you and your lovely family for the hospitality extended to us throughout the whole day. It was indeed a learning experience for me.
Ok...enough of that.
I know everyone just wants to see pics and not read anything as it'll be rambling until I actually get to it.
Again, please not that if you want to use these pics elsewhere silakan je. JANJI korang kreditkan aku and provide a link to my blog. Keji kalao tak sebab aku susah susah amik pic, upload pelbagai, at least kredit ek kalao nak amik (kena cakap berulang kali sebab ada yang tak paham bahasa) On with the pics..
The lovely people behind Muallaf.
Sisterly love! Nani and Aleysha.
GI Jane?
I hope Nani will keep the look for a while walaopon ada yang nak dia pakai cap la...bandanna la ke haper sebab I think not many women look this good kalao botak.
She has excellent features which totally stand out more now that she's done away with her hair.
Plus, she's got this long neck, which (walaopon pendek la) cam model lak aku tengok dia.
Enjoy this moment while you can Nani, sebab ko bukan akan repeat this look sangat after this (if at all).Apapon... I think you look beautiful and I can't wait to see Muallaf.
To kak Min, jangan lupa ok for the offline screening. Tak sabar aku nak tengok hasilnya.
Aduh...letih...ngantuk abih sebab sempat curi tidur sana sini je after the whole day there mandi panas, mandi peluh..kena gigit nyamuk dan sebagainya. Nak call it a day... tapi seb baik esok takyah masuk office. Still.. rasa nak rajinkan diri and masuk send more stuff before I take time off.
Feel like taking in a movie.
So anyways...hope you guys liked the pics, dan jangan lupa pasni kang kuar panggung (kalao takde la pihak nak bising sensitif tuh ni sebelom nonton cam kes Gubra dulu ads bangang mana kata promote underage sex - keji!) korang gi nonton ek.
Keep supporting REAL films of REAL quality. And be a believer that orang Malaysia pon mampu create this hasil seni yang memang leh dibanggakan. And not just by outsiders, but by our own for the celebration of our own culture.
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