Thursday, September 30, 2010

Pokey poke!

Hari ni pas abih keja, rush gi amik benda. What else kalao da rush tu bukan beg atau kasut kalao bukan barang tuk iPad aku.

Actually not for me, sebab aku da beli da pon. Ni beli extra tuk kengkawan and extra for myself if I need one. Bukan senang nak cari dan bukan murah pon kat luar.

Presenting - the Pogo Sketch! For use with the iPad or the iPod Touch.

Sebut pasal iPad. Saja wat lawak bodoh. Korang nak tengok prototype of the iPad tak yang da keluar lebih kurang 30 tahun lalu?

Tuh dia! Nangis ko tengok kotak itam camtuh ngan tiga butang. Tapi dulu pon da konsep pakai stylus bagai. Merasalah prototype stylus pon tuh.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Alesis

Most of you may not know what this is.

But sapa yang tau, memang retro flashback. Gila sial aku jumpa kat kedai second hand rasa nak beli jek.

Alesis ni aku pakai masa zaman aku belajar dan wat practical dalam studio dulu. Retro gila. Almost 20 years old or so.

Takes me back and makes me wonder what I'm doing in writing. Music tetap my first love.

Hopefully, perancangan aku, tetap akan kembali ke 'landasan sebenar' and I get back into the process of making music.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

POCC yourself!

Are these ladies hot, or are they HOT? Presenting, the ambassadors of the Power Over Cervical Campaign.

These are the ladies (Serena C was missing) who are the faces of the campaign, termasuk myself as the digital ambassadors among a few more others.

And we are all sending out a message to women - get you plumbing checked! Or in more crude terms - service your cervix!

As long as you are a woman who has achieved puberty and are sexually active (tak kisah la ko maintain virgin in public, tapi as long as you have sex) please do go for a pap smear. Sad that so many ladies think skali seumur hidup da cukup. Ish... takleh gituh. Bukan susah, bukan sakit, dan bukan mahal pon., So pepandai la. Demi masa depan sendiri.

Ada penawarnya gituh - but check tuh penting. Click Power Over Cervical Campaign for more info. Pada kaum hawa, please lah sedar kepentingan detection and prevention. Equip yourself ngan pengetahuan.

Bahagian tu takde spare parts ok! Tambah agik, tu aset wanita ok!

Hah... aku tanak berleter. Pepandai korang. Kang aku kuarkan statistik ada yang horror.

Anyway... jap. Da pon kuar berita a few days ago Vanessa dah bertunang ngan Moots dari Popshuvit kan.

Here's the ring!!! Yeay!

They make a good couple and I wish them all the best.

Jap... ni kat venue event pelancaran and bloggers gathering tadik. Stylo ala KLPAC. Tapi apakah ini... art exhibit apakah?

Motif batang mop bersepah?

Anyway celah event Power Over Cervical Campaign aku sempat ke TV3 jap tuk open house Raya meka. Gegas sana lepak jap je. Sempat snappy pics ni je. Si Aizat menggila! Heh! Dlam celah kesibukan kami semua group one corner je.

Ni abang aku. Heh.. Datuk Seri Farid Ridzuan yang camera shy gituh! Nak amik gambar sorang dia mesti malu nak mampuih.

So kena ajak Rina pose ngan dia. Rina lak... mula mula tanak mai, sebab dia pakai ala sporty for the Power Over Cervical Campaign event. So in the event, wardrobe punya nasihat - ni how we cover up. Pic ngan DS.

Ni lak pic boss ku, COO, si Endie. Dia minat Datuk Siti Nurhaliza katanya. So aku pon adjust tuk boss ku snappy ngan Siti. Tima kasih Siti.

Yang pentingnya, pastu Endie tanya aku... sama tak gaya cam Datuk K. Matilah aku! Pengsan aku gelak. Siot je tau.

Aduh ok la.. ni ada sesi lepak dan gosip ngan kengkawan pas the hectic day.

Monday, September 27, 2010

New York

Usual Monday ari ni running about. Tapi memang tuk beberapa minggu ni banyak perancangan kerjaya aku nak execute. So will be extremely busy.

It's not like I don't want to blog or have gotten bored of doing so, cuma dalam nak set the wheels in motion for bigger things for 2011, the foundation kena set skang.

Biasala... especially bab soal-soal korporat ni, kena wat awal-awal. Nak tunggu menjadi berkurun kekadang. So months of planning, kena la start skang.

My aim is for 2011 to open with a bang. One of my perancangan includes a certain friend which some of you may find recognisable.

Heh... ni masa melantak ngan kak Mah tadik. Borak, catch up sebab dia sibuk slalu, so peluang camni memang nak catch up, very precious.

No teaser ke apa. Tunggu je perancangan yang di susun atur.

Sarimah is amazing, and I definitely want to work more with her, the last masa kita work together on AF7. Doa-doa kan je la menjadi semua. Aku the next couple of weeks memang meeting bersepah.

Ni nak launch into transition mode soon nak betol kan balik jadual keja dan sebagainya supaya tak tangguh ke delay ke rush ke. Biar everything ada it's own time and place gitu.

Arghh... nak tidur. Nite folks!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Time for change

Orang biasanya permulaan tahun memacam resolusi. But for me, every day is a new start.

So is tomorrow.

Banyak benda aku pikirkan demi masa depan. Seharian dok malaskan diri kat umah, wat scheduling bagai nak pastikan execution semua jalan lancar.

Aku banyak perancangan projek akan datang so memang takleh harap sesapa, tapi diri sendiri tuk nak settle everything. So getting plans in order.

If everything goes well, my plan for the next six months include a my own productions for music videos, TV show dan tuk teruskan my conceptual events for corporate bodies.

Seronok sebenarnya bila sebalik tabir, masih ramai tatau penglibatan aku dalam pelbagai aspek dunia hiburan ni - tapi aku dapat perah kreativiti.

Kelmarin kat umah Umie, tiba-tiba Datuk Yusof Haslam tanya aku, "where are now... keja mana sekarang nih?"

Aku pun kata masih paper dan explain memang sebelom ni berhenti setahun nak tumpu keja freelance, tapi skang da masuk balik sebab ada kebebasan tuk jalankan syarikat sendiri asalkan tanpa conflict of interest.

Pastu, Datuk lak tiba-tiba sound, "Aku nampak ko dalam telemovie arituh! Ko da berlakon ek!"

Alamak... cuak aku. Pastu Erma sound aku, "Owh... da pandai lakon da ek skang."

Matilah... aku bagitau dua kali je aku berlakon, tu pun nak belajar je what goes on behind the camera, supaya aku boleh lebih menghargai hasil kerja orang.

But, this basically opened my eyes. Orang da mula nampak aku ni wear many hats. Multitasking.

And it feels good.

Not from a vain or arrogant point of view.

Aku inginkan orang satu hari ingat aku sebagai anak seni gak demi cinta aku for various aspects of the arts. Biar orang tak kenal, tapi aku dapat ninggalkan legacy of my works.

So takyah berangan. Banyak agik aku kena wat skang. Muda tak muda, da 34, tapi banyak ground tuk cover.

The last one year has been fantastic, with me learning so many things.

The next one year from now? God willing it'll be even more fabulous.

Did my paperwork and scheduling. Do-able. I like. Minggu ni, hopefully all the meetings will b done with so I can have more concrete plans for the next six months nya projects.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


This entry is going to be a bore. Hari ni keja lepak ngan kengkawan je belah malam pas seharian download application baru tuk iPad aku.

Da lemas rasanya ngan apps iPad aku nih. Banyak sangat, banyak pon masih ta sentuh. Ni pon dari berpuluh game, dua tiga ke aku bebetol layan. Baru ilang geram kat Grand Theft Auto, skang layan Flight Control dan Baby Ninja. Heh...

Lazy weekends...

Friday, September 24, 2010


Umie wat open house tadi. Mati mati aku ingat kecil-kecilan. Sampai-sampai je ramai da berkumpul. Sofea Jane, Zahida Rafik, Melissa Saila dan ramai da ada.

Masa tu kat open air kat laman area. Suddenly, ujan lak. Aduh... gerak la kedalam segalanya.

Semakin ramai sampai. Korang layan je la pics. Ramai ku tak sempat snap. Fahrin, Ziela Jalil, Alia dan Zekri... mana taknya asik kena sakat ngan Umie, Erma akibat penganiyaan Azwan (matilah mengadu kat Ziela!). Heh... but memang fun gila. Ni masih lepak umah ni sambil blog.

Pas abih open house, ramai da balik, kami segerombolan gerak atas ke rumah Umie for coffee. Seperti sesi lepak biasa, kecoh la.

Apapon, tima kasih kak Erma bagi DVD Airmata Nur Salina yang aku terlepas tayangan kat TV3 arituh. Tak sabar layan.

Bila ramai-ramai kumpul camni kan, memang we all get closer and a bond of trust is there. Aku lebih relax bab event tak formal camni di mana benda-benda ni bukan nak promosi ke nak jual apa but memang just to borak-borak kosong.

It's chilling with friends which allow us to get close. Dah keja satu industri, takyah guna-menggunakan. Ikhlas. Memasing ada tugas dan misi dalam mencari rezeki. Yang penting ikhlas.

Bukan cam sparuh artis, ya ampon... kalao jumpa jilat sampai melecet. Tapi belakang? Hado! Mengata je keja. Takpe la... rezeki memasing kan?

Meroyan la aku. Dah... nak sambung anyam ketupat.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

iFucked 4

Had the worst night of my life! Not exaggerating. Went for the Maxis launch of the iPhone 4. Horrific, disastrous event.

Korang nak tau tak, apa beza pasar malam VIP dan pasar malam orang biasa?

Hah... tengok bawah.

Ni pasar malam VIP.

That was the supposed VIP party yang tahap takleh gerak. Erm... pasar malam orang biasa? Ni dia ratusan orang yang sanggup beratur dari petang sampai ke tengah malam sebelom meka leh beli phone tuh.

Kelam kabut organization. I won't recall the damned event as aku carot sakit hati sepanjang malam kat Twitter dah la. Ni sales counters meka bukak.

At the end of the day. The iPhone 4 is a waste of money. Hype lebih, tapi fungsi hado. Google if you don't believe me. The iPhone 4 drops more calls than the iPhone 3GS.

Maksudnya, panggilan lebih terganggu sebab kedudukan antenna tepi. Tertutup je, hado panggilan terputus. Sapa penah pakai iPhone tau la this exists. Well, the iPhone 4 is worse. Pastu the phone lebih brittle than before. Jatuh skali dua tengok...

Read the countless reviews. Undoubtedly, it is flashy. But unless you want to spend duit sebanyak tu for a flashy object, I still say the iPad is what you need. And if it's a phone you're looking for, trust me, it's not the iPhone 4.

Kalao nak sangat beli pon, takyah la nak beli kat sini. Maxis and DiGi memasing ngan contract not worth it.

Besides, the hype and all - cam la phone ni baru available. It's been out over two months da. Low Yat pon ada. Singapore leh dapat agik murah tanpa kontrak pon.

Tapi sapa nekad nak gak, takpe. Modify korang nya iPhone camni ek tuk reception.

Kalao tak, ko beli la iPhone accessory ni yang paling meletop. Sticker END CALL katanya. Ko tertutup je tengok la terus drop call.

Very the kebenaran betul. Anyway, if you haven't bought the hype of the iPhone 4, try looking into the iPad. Kang nanti launch kat Malaysia, nak lak... heh. Orang Malaysia suka nak ikut gempak je baru beli gadget.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The perfect birthday present

What is the perfect present? That's the dilemma we usually go through takot kalao beli someone something, they throw it aside cause they won't use it, or worse, throw it away dalam diam.

What we like, may not be what someone else likes.

Semalam gi umah member blogger tuk birthday dia for a small gathering of blogger bukan Melayu. Aku pecah pala pikir apa nak belikan dia.

And then I got it! The perfect present.

Short of Rabun, this is the complete collection of Yasmin Ahmad's works. I know Mikey jenis senang nak open his mind to works of art, and that is undoubtedly the apt description for the late kak Min's works. Mikey, hope you like the present big bro.

Ni Mikey ngan anak anak dia. Comel kan. Single parent yang berjaya ok dia ni.

Bila tengok member-member ngan anak nih.. erm... bila la giliran aku. Doakan la ek rezeki aku la korang ek. Aku rasa cam da masa da.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Went for the gala premiere of Magika tadik. Dah dua kali ku tonton, dari preview sebelom ni berbulan lalu.

Again, kalao nak mintak aku review, tak larat lor. Bukan aku entertainment website. I'm just a blog - a personal blog, which is just my personal opinion of things. Things that I choose to talk about.

But kalao nak mintak opinion aku, depending on what you're looking for. It's a good family popcorn movie. Nak kata rugi, takkan la kalao beli tiket. Would I buy a ticket to watch? Yes.

But maybe simply because aku memang suka tengok lakonan Ning sebagai Puteri Gunung Ledang, Ziana sebagai Nenek Kebaya, Nani dan Leya sebagai Bawang Putih dan Bawang Merah, Pak Nil sebagai Pak Pandir. Kira amusing la to have our own version of Alice In Wonderland with all our favourite artistes.

Star power memang kaw kaw. Ada Mawi, Diana Danielle, Maya Karin, M Nasir... aduh. Ramai la. Dah.. malas nak taip panjang. Baik korang layan pics at the premiere.

Kalao korang perasan aku perangai kemalasan menulis. Tapi ni sebab kesibukan aku so paham la ek. Pe pon, aku kejar rezek ni, blog peribadi ku menjadi tanggungjawab semakin berat nak maintain. Especially since aku lebih meriah ber-micro blogging via Twitter. So add aku sana lagik up to date.

But I am not getting rid of my blog, and I won't stop. But just that kekadang malas tulis panjang ke, ataupon lambat update, mintak paham-paham la ek. Heh...

Goodnight all... time for some shut eye now.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Happy anniversary Vee and Shidi!

Ni bukak kek harijadi ek. No one's celebrating their kids' tenth birthday. Ni sebenarnya 'kek' ulangtahun Vanidah Imran dan Rashidi Ishak.

Tadi ada majlis sambutan their tenth wedding anniversary. Aku serious suka sangat couple ni. If you've read my previous posts, tau la camna aku adore si Vee ni. Dia ni memang besh, rilek dan sempoi, sesuai la ngan si Shidi.

Sedar tak sedar da 10 tahun meka bertahan. Praying that both of them will be together till their end of their days sebab they are indeed a beautiful couple. Bosan cita artis cerai pas berhari jek, ni sepuluh tahun pon going strong and kedua meka ni romantic as ever.

Tengok je their pics.

So sweet kan meka berdua ni. Cam newlyweds lak aku tengok.

Since they were the focus of the night, tak dapek layan Vee dan Shidi sangat. So borak ngan someone yang da lama ku tak jumpa.

Tuh dia. Si Nani. Lama tak jumpa sangat. Sempat la borak panjang catch up, skali diselit ngan Leya. Heh. By the way, sapa fan Nani, dia da skang bergelar tuan director da tau. Her short film da complete. Tak sabar ku nak tengok.

Monday blues, so forgive me if aku malas nak update sangat.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

iPad fashion

Ok.. before the next week starts, ni entry bagi leleh air liur. For those yang either ada iPad, atau memang fashionista je la... sebab pas iPad ni kuar je, almost all the major designers have come out with iPad covers.

Prices in US dollars. Since conversion is about three times korang pepandai la kira berapa harga ek.

Paling aku berkenan, is of course my fave label, Gucci! Between USD$230 to USD$290. I like! Mintak-mintak ada yang akan dapatkan tuk aku. Da kirim pon.

Next up are the Oscar de la Renta ones, which retail I think for about USD$290. Simple and nice but so not my thing.

For USD$390 are... the Louis Vuitton cases....
And the Oscar de la Renta python selections. Nice!!!
For USD$395, you can get a Salvotore Ferragamo in canvas.
For USD$475 (about the same price as an iPad itself) is the Burberry in striking yellow!
At USD$490 are the selections from Tods. Too old for me and somehow, just doesn't ring my bell.

The Dior Homme iPad case comes in black, and silver - for USD$700. Ouch. But I like the design. Go online and look for more pics. Nice on the inside too.

The YSL at USD$795 is nice too. Classic!
But the most expensive iPad case? At a whopping USD$1555, costing three times an iPad itself, it the quilted Chanel case. Gorgeous! But definitely only for fashionistas with money to burn.
So far if you think all of these are ridiculous - away from iPad cases itself, how about a Swarovski encrusted iPad for USD$2250 for about 6000 Swarovski crystals adorning your iPad. Nice - but ouch! A little too bling, so flashy and over the top.

The price apparently is for a 32gb model.

So hoping I'll get my Gucci one. Can't wait. I PROMISE it'll be the last thing I buy (I think I sumpah too many times da tak laku da_

Ok... time to sleep. Lots of work tomorrow.