Sunday, December 01, 2013

Return to Bali

It's been SO long since I've been to Bali. Sampai airport pun dah renovate tak cam.

After last night's Anugerah Skrin, this morning (way too early) caught the flight to Bali for my twin's (he's my best friend) sister's wedding.  Supposed to have been there earlier tapi sebab Anugerah Skrin gi lambat...for the reception saja.

A beautiful day...

Made to look like armageddon with really over the top effects akibat bosan naik teksi, macet...

You know what I love about Indonesian weddings. Look at this. Their invite is SO respectful and yet still quite sharp in cautioning guests. Here's a marker that came with the card - that stresses it's a one invite one guest policy.

And the language used is so formal and polite. And they even apologise if they get your name wrong (which they don't but they do apologise in case). Note reminders on being punctual as well.

I love weddings done well. And it was a great one.

Thanks Leo!