Friday, November 29, 2013

Anugerah Skrin

I sort of liked the stage for Anugerah Skrin tadi. What do you guys think?

Anyway, it's fun to be at awards shows duduk belakang because you get to see the real action and know the real stories behind the show.

Kekadang jadi audience ni bosan gak.. sebab tak leh berganjak kalao ada part bosan tu. Matilah... heh!

Cuma ye lah... kita dok belakang tak focus show atas pentas sebab sibuk sesi borak (aka gosip) kat belakang.

Congratulations to those people behind the scenes who make the show what it is!  Atas crew TV3 led by Ayong... and bawah music director extraordinaire for the night, Lok U.

Sebab tak fokus majlis, tak sempat snap banyak pics. Sempat tuk seorang kawan yang lama sangat tak nampak. Smart rupa dia malam tadi! Hi Remy!