Sunday, October 31, 2010

Chill out

Reluctant to go anywhere hari ni. Badan berat sangat kekurangan tidur beberapa hari ni.

But sebab da janji, made my way to Hard Rock Cafe Kuala Lumpur for Jac's charity showcase in aid of the Breast Cancer Welfare Association. Partly pun due to the fact I knew she wanted a show more of a throwback to her club circuit days.

Jac - in all he rockin' glory.

And true enough... she pulled it off great. Memang selection lagu meletup and headbanging. It wasn't too packed - sad. Mungkin sebab on Sunday night, and partly because kalao ada nak kuar pon da kuar for Halloween semalam keletihan.

Still, kudos to Jac and congrats on such a great show. Si Black pon ada.. abang Awie pon ada skali lepak.

Sorry this is going to be such a short entry. Serious nak tidur nih... balik umah je nak hibernasi...