Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Breathe again

Before the craziness of Adam Lambert being in town tomorrow, hari ni adalah hari siapkan keja apa yang patut and sambung paperwork and proposals bagai tuk company.

Very inspired for now. Aku harap idea-idea yang selama ni mampu dijual dan diterima client-client aku terus diterima and tak putus-putus. Anugerah dari Tuhan yang bukan semua mampu and I am grateful for this gift.

So no long entries today (cam la aku slalu long entry kebelakangan ni kan).

But trust me guys, things will be back to meroyan mode tulis pepanjang by next week or so sebab masa tu banyak benda aku da settle da.

Minggu lepas da abih transition week, this week is settling in week. So next week, it's my getting things in order week before hopefully by November and all, routine aku akan lebih tersusun and blogging pon akan kembali normal.

Setakat ni I will blog each day - cuma mungkin ada yang akan backdate so maapkan je la. Tertekan masa gituh.

But like I have said a million times, follow me on Twitter kalao korang nak see what I'm up to cause I am a Twitter whore and slalu update sana. More kerap at least. See the little birdie at the top of my blog? Just click it and you'll figure out the rest. Kalao tak, my nickname on Twitter is klubbkiddkl.

Esok, Adam Lambert sampai on MH 73 at 6.25pm from Hong Kong. Sapa nak gi jemput, silakan!