Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Besties day out

My schedule these days is actually worse than before when I was working full time.

Now, in between running my own projects for my company, as well as taking care of Amir's career which is picking up momentum... and some other side projects, I rarely have time to chill. 

Yesterday finally had time to catch up with my best friend, and little sister - Faz. Mulalah dengan sesi makan... accompanied by a friend of ours. Gitu!

Pas abih melantak and sesi borak, it was just the two of us jalan-jalan. Miss Thang who has been busy herself lately, decided to take in some shopping, so aku jadilah peneman yang setia as always.

And of course, knowing her... tempt wajib - Chanel.

Now, I'm one of those who can appreciate (though not necessarily afford) the finer things in life. And Chanel undoubtedly is one of my loved labels... but the prices... oh my.

This was one jacket I grabbed off the discount rack in the VIP room. Softest leather you can get... back-baring short length jacket. Gorgeous. Faz had to put it on for me of course, since obviously it was a ladies' jacket and all (plus I don't think they have it anywhere near my size).

Tengok harga rasa nak pitam... lepas diskaun berapa puluh peratus pun, cukup nak bayar separuh kereta. Matilah ko!

And that's why they call it window shopping. Because I'll only be looking from outside of one in stores like these. 

After lepak session followed baby sis to the car temankan. Damn... someone left flowers - and a card. So romantic!!!