Sunday, July 08, 2012

School of horror

Selepas berhenti reheat minum setelah selesai ekspedisi ke Mimaland, kami di bawa orang kampung ke satu lagi lokasi meka recommend. Sebuah 'institusi pengajian' yang telah di abaikan.

Institusi itu telah pun di pindahkan ke sebuah lokasi berdekatan, tapi bangunan besar lama itu masih nampak baru. Mengikut check kat Internet, tempat tu buka sekitar lewat 90an dan berpindah pertengahan 2000an.

Sampai sahaja, bulu roma aku da naik semua. Seb baik cukur... kalau tak entah bulu apa lagi naik. Matilah ko sempat lawak hambar.

Kami pun mendaki jalan yang curam naik bukit di mana bangunan tu berada. Sampai saja, kami nampak tempat tu bahaya dengan kaca pecah dan memacam lagi benda bersepah. Ni keja budak mana ke druggie entah yang strip metal and wiring from the structure lah ni.

We walked through this place, and sumpah, I kept hearing... sounds. Bunyi jenis apa? Well ketika lulu kelas dan asrama... setiap bilik, dengar saja bunyi benda tersepak... pergerakan... macam ada saga yang mengintai kami lulu setiap bilik.

There were several floors to explore and memang since this area is off limits dan tak penah di jelajahi, walaupun oleh kumpulan paranormal lain (orang kampung kata meka mintak izin tak dapek), I won't name the place. But fuck... memang keras gila tempat ni.

Orang kata Mimaland tu ni... aku gi tak rasa pe pun. Lom masuk sini da menggila aku... aku sumpah nervous dan berusaha tidak terpisah dengan kumpulan sebab seram sejuk semacam. Broke out in cold sweat... and kept hearing movements... noises and my senses picked up we were being 'followed' and 'watched'.

Apart from debris and broken glass, there was faces everywhere. Taik kelawar ke apa...

"Jin suka lah tempat macam ni... kotor" Alamak.. siapa wat statement tu... dang!

The first real place I freaked out at was this spot.

Kami tengah lalu corridor bila perasan a part of the suspended ceiling dah gave way, revealing a hall/room/corridor on top. Tapi takde jalan naik. Ketika kami nak balk tu salah naik tangga, we came across a stairway yang was boarded up tak bagi kita access the top floor.

I was sitting resting a bit away from the corridor, facing the spot, looking up that corridor. Mazidul bersama beberapa orang slightly further off, exploring some rooms at the end. Adam dan beberapa orang turun tangga ke bawah.

For some reason aku rasa something there... suddenly ada bunyi benda 'jatuh'. Ke dicampak... dari atas.

Terkejut gak aku.. tapi aku diam. Sebab sebelum ni banyak benda aku dengar cam takde sapa tegur.

"Apa bunyi tu? Joe... ko sepak benda ke?"

Rupanya Mazidul dan beberapa orang tu pun dengar that sound. No explanation... we kept exploring.

The place was like a maze! Gila siot.. camna students cari japan meka. Psycho abih tempt ni memang leh wat rumah hantu ke set filem seram.

Salah seorang guide kami, dan Adam and I turun sini.

Aku jadi serabut. Serious cam tak tentu arah. Sebab aku paling belakang, dan torchlight aku dah hado... aku panggil Adam jangan jalan laju sangat. Lantai basah... bocor ke sebab hujan ntah. Dark Water sangat. I felt something behind me... 

When we got to the end of the corridor and we met the team again, they decided to come and join us in the area. Apparently they thought it was a good location to set up for the 'test'.

Again they had a 'communication' session. Memang betul... tempt tu keras. Benda yang cakap tu memang marah... jahat... dan seperti di sangka, dia bukan sorang. Dang!

Dia refuse nak cakap apa selain mengiyakan, menidakkan pertanyaan Adam... serta meludah dan menghalau kami.

The team carried out temperature readings, and I saw the meters myself how drastically the temperature went up. Gila...

This, and that Adam saw someone cross a corridor, entering a 'doorway' which was really a stone wall.. was not the most pleasant of experiences.

Entah apa visual dan rakaman yang team Entiti 666 dapat, but tak sabar tengok. It's going to be interesting if they managed to catch anything. This place is a mindfuck, and it kind of reveals why they just abandoned the whole building and locked it up.

Oh by the way.. ni masa balik aku snap.

Entah siapa punya pacat tertinggal. Aku nya kot.. tapi masa aku check pas kat kedai minum tu takde... so tatau aa siapa lagi kena. Kenyang gila rupanya...

So we left the place after a few hours. My senses drained me working overtime. I hate that place. It's an evil feeling that came with it... 

Again kalau korang nak tau lebih, check out nanti update dari Mazidul atau Entiti 666. Join us for the next trip - seriously... pictures and words.. don't summarize the feelings you get on these paranormal expeditions. Kalau nak tau lebih, tanya aku hat Comments, or tweet me at @klubbkiddkl atau let tanya gak kat @Adamvai