Friday, July 02, 2010


Do you have a Blackberry? Do you use Blackberry Messenger? More than your normal SMS?

I do... and so do a lot of my friends who choose it as the fastest way to keep in touch.

Yang bestnya pasal BBM ni, kalao orang tu da baca pemalas da reply, ko leh tau. Icon abjab atas setiap mesej ada D for delivered pas hantar, and R for read pas dibaca. I like! Tau la kawan-kawan yang da baca mesej tapi bagi alasan tak sempat balas bagai sebenarnya propahan.

But the best thing is kadang-kadang, on my Blackberry - is nak layan status update kawan-kawan.

Now, if you use a Blackberry, you'll notice there is a box that you can check at your profile status which basically is to display 'Show What I'm Listening To'.

So when you play a song over your Blackberry, orang lain nampak la status ko update layan lagu tuh. This also applies to when you're watching a video.

The danger of this is - like what happened to a friend of mine. Tergelak aku baca status dia. Aku censored nama dia demi nak jaga maruah dia ek. Sebab pic dia tak nampak orang aku tak censored bab tuh.

Tuh dia!!!! Is listening to Ariel VS Luna Maya. Ada lagu kah remix special? Heh! Ish ish ish.. tak elok simpan bebenda ni kat handphone tau. Heh... lagik tak elok tau bagi kawan-kawan tergelak nak tersembut kopi o ais dari idong akibat terbaca update ko.

Yes... it's a lazy day. Update entah haper camni. Heh... suka ati aku la.

After a new haircut, aku spring cleaning my room. This weekend is about working my ass off so I need semangat baru nak push ahead. Lots of work, for the paper and for own company yang kena wat. Going to be real busy soon - so kena elak penyakit malas ni.

But best news - going to Bangkok in just over a week! Tak sabar!!! It's been some time since I was last in Bangkok (I think last year). Rindu gila nak ke sana (shopping ok, bukan go-go bar ke haper.. tak reti aku... aku memang ke mana pon shopping melampau jek). On top of that SUPPOSEDLY my client is paying up next week. So ada duit nak shopping. Yeay!

I'l be back just a couple of days before my birthday, so I get to pamper myself there tuh yang best. It's going to be a good birthday this year. Yeay!