Didn't have the strength nak posting semalam. Had a good meeting though. Got some first hand info from the organisers and sponsors of an upcoming ketika meeting kat Menara TM yang jam tak hengat.
Terkejut sebab dari TM ada member yang aku kenal, dak agency pun dak college aku dulu, and then organisers lak from Fat Boy, si Zahid dan Hamka (the two founding members of Disagree) Rasa nak snap pic sebab cam reunion of sorts lak. But yerla.. ada yang carut camera aku kan? (sapa yang sponsor Canon DSLR aku satu, contact aku ek - matilah)Anyway, on the event, some of you may have heard about it dah, but here's what it's going to be.
Pesta Malam Indonesia 3 is coming!!!
Walaupun aku sedih sebab Samsons takde dalam line-up, tapi yang pasti aku happy gila sebab Sheila On 7 ada! Also Padi pun aku tak sabar nak tengok.
Other bands like Dewa and Gigi ok pon, tapi aku nak sangat tengok Andra & The Backbone in a full performance.
Yang aku tau setakat ni, they will all perform an hour plus each, while local bands like Aku dan Jinbara akan perform 20 minit ke setengah jam.
And this time it's going to be at the Stadium Bukit Jalil area instead of last year's Bukit Kiara, so better location.
Can't say what the meeting was about, but yang best nya tahun ni, again, like last year, kalao korang minat the bands that are playing, tunggu je la for up to date and very exclusive info and pics and videos kalao sempat from the event. But it's going to be rockin'!!!!
Lari topik, sempat gelakkan Zahid sebab dia ngan Hamka da trade in their guitars for suits da (kira sebab da jadik businessmen la) dedua naik agik badan. Heh!
Aku skang sibuk sikit dua tiga hari nih, and hopefully things will settle down by next week, but I doubt sebab da nak pindah masuk office baru nih (walaopon home office). So got lots of things to sort out. Ni nak beli furniture yang perlu pon lom settle lagik walaopon sempat usha sana sini tuk apa yang perlu (usha je lom beli)
Full day last couple of days and esok pon no different.
Esok siang ada urusan sikit (nih aku posting entry nanti pasal apa), and then meeting kol 3 ada benda yang memang penting (teruja aku bab nih tapi takleh posting about it at all). Kalao sempat, petang bajet nak gi Shah Alam for Jelajah 11 Era, but again not sure. Depending on what time I finish my other programmes.
For now, nak tido dulu.
And guys, on whatever negativity, takyah la tanya aku. Aku gelak je. It's a democracy. Right or wrong, those who can see things for what it is will. And those who don't won't. Aku da blog masuk lima tahun nih, tak heran da. Small things don't get me down.
Though I may have to plant an evil eye here permanently to ward off evil. Heh!
Apapon I'm feeling psyched cause so many things are going to happen soon and finally all my plans, God willing will take off. Doakan rezeki aku ek.
And sapa nak sponsor camera tuh - the 'offer' is still open. Heh! Also accepted is whatever offers for bebarang tuk office aku. Ok gak...
Ok la guys. Be posting tomorrow. Ciao.
PS - Yer.. wat kali ke 6,732,213 kali, Akim dan Aril akan balik esok, then gegas ke wedding Adlin tuk perform. So takyah ke KLIA tunggu, kang tak layan sebab nak rushing kang.
Other kids have shows everywhere else, so sibuk ngan keja memasing as well. Some of them will be at Gempak Desa, while Hafiz, Isma dan Yazid is supposed to be at Jelajah 11 Era esok.
thanks for the update joe!
tak sabar nak tau amende laa berita penting yg ko teruja sgt nak bgtau tu.
and yea...kpd sesape yg lalu, singgah, dijemput ke kenduri adlin tu, jgn lupa record aril and akim nyanyi. takpe, kat kenduri kawin adlin...hanfon camera, videocam digicam, slr, sume dibenarkan. so, silakanlah merekod ape2 yg patut ek!
joe lagu ni utk ko...
zee avi :D
chup... aril n akim nnti nyanyi mlm ke siang kt wedding adlin nnti..
kalo xsalah resepsi malam ni kat dewan banquet bangunan perak tuh...tmpat panas org2 politik hahahahaa.....-deina-
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