Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 10)

This is the last part... the tenth and the final of my photo series of the end of the seventh season of Akademi Fantasia.

Memang sedih abih... and one of the reasons perhaps I dragged this out is so that I can relive the moments, if only in photographs.

Again, this has been of the best experiences, career wise, as I had a hand in helping out developing talents who, hopefully will one day take the music business by storm. Anything is possible, God willing.

These pics dari hari Ahad lepas. The day after the finals, where 19 of the 20 contestants (termasuk lima yang tak berjaya masuk tuh) paid a goodbye visit to the Akademi along with their families, and their loved ones.

Officially it was a handover of the kids back to their parents and families, but unofficially it was saying goodbye to ten weeks of drama, controversy, high points, laughs, tears, upsets, and various other moments. Which made for a very memorable ten weeks I might add.

One more thing that made it sadder than ever was that gudang yang diubahsuai menjadi Akademi nih dan digunakan sejak AF4, will apparently cease to be the home to Akademi Fantasia kalau ada musim kelapan, because set Akademi dengarnya akan dipecahkan selepas ini.

It will make way for a new set to belong to Anak Wayang, before Astro moves out of it.

So one chunk of four years of Akademi Fantasia history gone.

Kesedihan meyelubungi bebudak semua, despite the hot afternoon layan gila-gila pala memasing. Mana taknya, this is the last time all the kids will be staying together under one roof. After this nak jumpa with all of them together pon is a very highly improbably possiblity.

Aku sampai lambat sikit, but thank you to the guys who mentioned me for my contributions during the briefing of the tour for the family and friends.

You guys rock.

Thank you everyone, from Zainir, to Khairul, Sooraj, Jay, Irwan, Fazli, Ikha, Saha, Najib, Norbee, Ayong, Farid, Aniq, Linda, Liza, Askrul, Cyna, Puru, Melvin, Azzah, Jojie... aiyo... so many people to thank. You all know who you are... sorry kalao lupa nak sertakan nama.

Also to Sarimah for the laughs... and everyone else who either made my days there fun or simply unbearable (again you know who you are.. matilah!)

No one knows the hell gone through every day to get the show on from the production aspect of things.... and no one knows the real drama the cameras couldn't catch... apart from the tenaga pengajar in Tiara, Siti Hajar, Syafie, Aris, kak Fati, Ida... you guys know what really went on. If only these people knew the drama... heh.

But all in all... again... the memories are there for a very, very long time... and one I'll cherish. So with that.. I kick off the last batch of photos of the last moments you will ever see in this Akademi which has stood for four years.

Nana from AESB dan Yazid

Amboi... kalao Zul ada masa time Isma dalam Akademi mesti lebih semangat kan!

Rubisa making a last tour of the kitchen and dining area

Claudia nak snappy tapi ada orang enter frame... perasan sapa?

Sapa lagik kalao bukan Angelina. Qhaud pose pon ada cam tuh kat belakang

Adila dan Zizi pose for one for the album outside the dance floor (mana si Adila minggu pertama jalan tak perasan pintu kaca terhantuk kena muka.. kesian.... *gelak!*)

Akim pose depan Principal's office

Group photo! Heh... perasan tak Hafiz pegang Akim Punya sign tuh atas Aishah

Ida dan Yazid menggila pose sakan

Aishah takes one in the vocal room

Aril gets a family pic taken

Aril tayang trofi dia... aku nya lagik besar ok! Heh!

Hafiz thumbs up tempat meka melantak dulu

Family photo!

Motor Akim

This wall used to have all their pictures. Last I saw it kosong sebab everyone took their pics for kenangan

Where I had my first class with the kids.. time tuh panas gila sesi luahan perasan memasing pasal kengkawan dalam Akademi

Last class. I remember it was about body language and facial gestures during interviews

Akim touring the control room. Baru meka tau set up sampai camnih

Rini dan Nana lepak sambil layan ulangan final from malam sebelom. Eh ibu Akim pon ada

Akim seronok lak layan time meka tunjuk Menuju Puncak semua 14 orang keluar

Zul dan Isma di 'halau' balik cepat tuk laksanakan tugas rumahtangga. Heh!

Akim leaving the Akademi

Watching the boys pack up in the boys' hostel. Sidi, Qhaud dan Zizi gelak apa tuh

Yazid dan Aril having a last chat before the goodbyes

And a last dance... don't ask...

Alahai... pose romantic malu gituh. Entah Sidi ke Obri yang cakap.. RM10,000 tuh wang hantaran! Amik ko!

Dalam gelak sebelom tu... ada yang sedih... you can see Yazid has left much memories with Zizi... and his name

Takyah tengok phone agik. Da abih da AF

Burok nya perangai Obri... bajet cute la tuh (matilah aku!)

So goodbye Akademi...

Untuk senangkan korang track back the related entries, ni aku letak links to all ten (including this one) entries for all ten parts of my special Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia pictorial. This is so I can minimise loading time for you guys. Kalau tak jenuh korang tunggu everything load.

Please make sure you are viewing my blog using Mozilla Firefox, and that your line larat ok nak loading banyak pics. Kalao tak some may not show up.

Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 Special links
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 1) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 2) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 3) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 4) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 5) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 6) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 7) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 8) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 9) - CLICK HERE
Konsert Akhir Akademi Fantasia 7 (Part 10) - CLICK HERE


tq very much joe. feel very touching.

alangkah bestnya klau dpt tgk zizi kat akademi lama sket... dpt tgk dia ngan yazid...ishk2... zizi i miss u!!!

Joe, you buat I nangis... so much of drama, so much of love, so much of everything and that is AF.

Thank you so much Joe 4 sharing your love with the kids and to us too.

Best wishes from me.

thanks kk..
aduhhhh, bayangkan malam2 anda tanpa akademi fantasia! mmg boring dowh!
ps- motor tu mmg akim terus amik ke, or nanti ada separate ceremony from modenas..
thanks kk...
god bless...

I hate you. I hate for making me sad!! I am missing them. All the best to all of them.

Dear Joe, mana gambar Akim & Aril kat KLIA?

hope JOE terus wat entry pasal bntang af7 k..
terutama ARIL n AKIM..heh

Tq..Joe..for u'r effort.. so details of everything..

Joe.... hmm...dah mula terasa rindu dan asyik tercari-cari bahan bacaan tentang perkembangan aril ..... harap joe boleh memberi lapuran tentang aril dari masa kesemasa.

Kakjah ...harap dapat selalu berkongsi cerita aril ok.....

Tq joe

jiji ngn yazid ade ape2 ke? bkn jiji da ade BF?

hehe..sje je nk membawa :P

jiji ngn yazid ade ape2 ke? bkn jiji da ade BF?

hehe..sje je nk membawa :P

Your dedication and hard work much appreciated. Terima kasih.

tq...for the beautiful pictures...

Dear Joe, thank you for making my 10 weeks happening, electrifying with your feast of infos n pictures of course. It has been a roller coaster ride indeed. Thumbs up for your dedication. TIme to move on n c what's in store next....


jangan 10 weeks je guys. i am going to continue blogging about these kids... as my friends... as my baby brothers and sisters. so takyah rindu2. heh.. gigih masuk usha sendiri la ek...

pics ni semua memang menyedihkan aku gak... tapi nak wat camna. perpisahan pasti berlaku satu hari nanti walao keadaan apa pon.

just we learn to appreciate the good things...

more updates post AF series on the kids soon.

Joe ...nanti cerita sikit pasal drama musical yang disertai oleh aril dan akim ya....... seronok mendengar khabar mereka dipileh untuk join drama musical itu.

Joe...i terbaca coreta cik normah kat BH ...aril dan akim akan berada di indonesia selama 3 bulan.... so...actually seminggu atau 3 bulan? .....wah kalau betul mereka terlibat dalam filem musikal...... wah...sure hebat tu...ingatkan drama aje....

sob! sob! tq for all the updates, videos and precious photos.
tak tau le nape...tapi sebak tgk gambar2 ni. got tears in my eyes. huhuhuhu....dah lama tak rasa camni since af2. setelah sekian lama, finally this season melekat di hati.

suka hafiz...tapi makin hari, makin lama rindu and terkenang2 lak kat aril and akim. since diorang kat indon skrg ni, dunno y but every morning, day and nite teringat kat budak dorang tu. camne nih....??? joe tolong!!!! (meraung lagi sekali)


tersenyum lebar dgr update pasal musical film aril and akim. but then, i hope it will not turn out cam cite si adam...DIVA. kehkehkehkeh...tak sampai hati nak tgk :D


Morning Joe...hehehe..don't worry about that, am one of your loyal readers ya since berjaman2 dolu...probably u may not remember..kita jumpa first time (hi2 je la...)kat akma's birhtday bash in 2006...muahahahahhaha...

i'll definitely want to c more of them after this...