Monday, October 31, 2005

Congratulations Yasmin & Co.!!!

Aku nak break my 'silence' over the past week with no new entries in my blog with this well deserved congratulatory message!

Baru dapat mesej jer...terus call Yasmin Ahmad nak interview (sorry kacau ek your holiday in Bali, Yasmin).

Untuk mereka yang unaware, Sepet, the interracial love themed movie directed by Yasmin (you'd really have to be living under a rock to not know kan what Sepet is) won Best Asian Film at the 18th Tokyo International Film Festival last night!!!

Sapa bilang filem Melayu tak menawan?!!!

Bukan je stok cam Gol dan Gincu kalah tau (burok siot translated title dia - Goalposts & Lipsticks), tapi Sepet (not as burok literal English translation of Slit Eyes) kalahkan many other regionally produced movies termasuk Janji Joni dan Chandramukhi.

Apapun, this short posting is my tribute to Malaysians who bring our nation's name to another level without having to brag their rears off and yet produce results despite the odds.

You go Yasmin!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Walaupun saya memang tidak ada mood nak posting, tapi isu Mawi dan disko beberapa hari ini begitu mempunyai kesan terhadap diri saya.

Personally, the matter has been so discussed, that I am sick and tired of it.

You know what...
I couldn't care less...Mawi nak buat apa, dia dah besar panjang...takyah orang nak susah-susah amik tau hidup dia.

So often, stars from reality television talent search programmes are subject to fans that act like they own them. Yes, I'd like to think of myself as a friend to Mawi, sebab percaya pada kebolehan dia dari sebelum Konsert Prelude kali pertama melihat dia membuat persembahan untuk media pra-Prelude.

Tegur? Memang setakat mana boleh, sudahpun. Anything's up to Mawi isn't it. Isn't there an old saying that rattles off like, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink."

So whatever happens to Mawi, affects him, good or bad. NOT ME!

Untung pun dia untung...rugi pun dia rugi. Tak perlu aku nak susahkan diri aku fikirkan masaalah orang lain kalau it doesn't concern me anymore than it should.

Bottomline is, at the end of the day - Mawi is not that important to me...just like for a lot of people.

Buat apa aku nak kehilangan kawan ke...nak buat musuh ke...nak sakit hati ke...hanya kerana Mawi?

There are a lot of issues that people want to know about Mawi, that I am in the know...but I choose to remain quiet about.

A lot of things piss me off...but I try to remain detached from things that don't figure in my life or shouldn't at any rate.

If I am rambling...then I am doing so sebab marah...marah kat semua orang kerana terperangkap in this whole obsession with Mawi. I mean, minat is fine...tapi obsesi is ridiculous!

And the whole mania, while it has gained me the same time...with the height of this issue...I have begun to lose friends who war about different opinions regarding the matter.

So as I endlessly moisturize myself with my burden of personal trauma, aku nak umumkan aku tarik diri from the Malaysian Topblogs - and all those stupid directories where I'm listed or whatever as takde aku nak sentap ke berlumba ke apa...tak payah vote for my blog anymore..

Maybe I can have fun with my blog I used to. And sesapa nak baca..silakan...youa re more than welcome. Dan pada sesiapa tak ingin...tak payah. At the end of the day, this is my own selfish world...and I'm just playing along with the rules that everyone dictates to me!
Now I owe no one anything at all!

I just wish my friends in blog would stay together and be united in their difference of opinions.
Thank you to the United Bloggers - Sultan Muzaffar, Juan Danza, elkapitan and Badrul - for all our differences, we held together for being steadfast in our beliefs!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Tak paham...

Aku tak paham tul. Bingung aku seharian...

Ada je...

First of all...ada member contact aku pasal gathering Marsha punya event malam semalam.
It's really strange sebab ada lah seorang bloggers ni yang memang aku da lama brand as bloggers terlampau, pepandai ngaku seolah dia yang organise event.

Bagai nak rak... cam dia lah yang susah payah nak wat segalanya.

All I can say is...pala b**o ko! (Sorry pada yang posa...- aku pon batal terus ari ni lepas dapat call tension sakit ati isap rokok)

Untuk pengetahuan semua ye...the event semalam, get together berbuka puasa Marsha semalam was organised by Shawn, abang ipar Marsha dan kakak Marsha sendiri, Michele.

Ada ler ramai yang membantu. Aku sendiri pun dapat invitation as press dari Ann.

Yang kelakarnya, seseorang tu punya laa perasan rasa cam dia pengerusi majlis...poyo la lu!

I think it's really sad that you take other people's credit for the work they put in. Tak malu ke?
Dah banyak buat hal...orang diam malas nak layan kerenah ko...ko tetap nak the limelight ke?

Bloggers yang hadir cam aku, elkapitan, Sultan Muzaffar dan Badrul gi event camni...entahlah...mungkin ada yang sangka gila glamer kot. Tapi let's get things straight. We go to these events sebab kami dijemput in the capacity of friend/blogger/media.

So if people happen to read our blog - and recognise who we are...jangan ler dengki lak. Dok sibuk nak emulate orang lain kenapa?

Orang bertahun blog...ko lak ingat nak melonjat naik overnight?

Orang dikenali...ko pon nak tompang?

Orang masuk tuk Imbasan as jemputan, ko pun nak gak?

Perasan tak abih je...

Aku kesian keluarga Marsha sebab tersepit ngan tindakan peminat fanatik gila glamer! Memang kes camni berlambak ler sejak Akademi Fantasia musim pertama itself. But this particular blogger ni...memang test everyone's patience!

Orang sayangkan peminat...nak layan baik...tapi jumpa stok camni...terperangkap!

Layan naik tocang lak! Tak layan kang burokkan lak...


Aku da penah identify blogger ni with hints...but the time may come soon for me nak tulis nama dia supaya orang yang takde kena mengena tak tertipu ngan cara dia.

Aku leh agik kesian stakat ni (it's be kind to dumb animals week!) tapi don't push the limit!
Moving on...aku ari ni sebenarnya takde niat nak blogging sebab ada masaalah peribadi.

Memang da lama tak otak freeze like this.

Kenapa lah sebab kenal orang bermacam jenis tanpa prejudice...aku lak kena camni...aduh...
Lain kali pasni...aku rasa orang cam blogger terlampau nak sangat orang kenal dia can take my spot.

Malas aku bila ramai kenal mengundang memacam masaalah...aku mungkin rehat blogging tuk minggu ni...because frankly...I feel like stopping with sharing my life.

I need time on my own to clear out my thoughts...


First time this puasa month to actually break fast with a cigarette...and not out of choice I might add!

Bukan apa...dah lama tak gi Subang Jaya punya area (the land of many bugs - whcih explains why elkapitan dok sana), ingat-ingat lupa lak where's everything.

Destination : Chatters Cafe & Restaurant. Event : Berbuka with Marsha & family and friends.
Problem : Trying to remember if USJ 11/3 means it's in USJ 3 or USJ 11. Lembab posa kot...
Apapun...after I picked up my best friend, Ted (dahler lambat sampai) we spent about an hour pusing-pusing tak menentu.

Dari USJ 3 sampai 10, main redah je. Entah kenapa bila finally aku nak carik USJ 11 - leh lupa lak...padahal I used to have a friend who used to stay there.

Finally found it after some directions from Ann who was wondering why in blazes aku lum sampai.

It was a simple affair, but I would dare say one of the most intimate gatherings I've ever been to...

Takde lah peminat jenis out of control yang rasa meka ni terpaksa nak berkasar nak amik gambar ke autograph...takde yang know what I mean from my incessant complaints about previous gatherings.

This was so much fun because it was a REAL friends (memang takde laa nak buat cam peminat - memang cam kawan semua dapat bermesra) and family (cause her sister Michele and her brother Shawn were there as well - nice to finally meet you guys!)

And not even kehadiran seorang bloggers terlampau yang aku tak kuasa tuh pun could spoil my mood.

As event berbuka @15, aku wat grand entrance Sultan Muzaffar dan Badrul dok posing mengadap pintu masuk jeling kat aku sebab sampai 'awal' sangat. was Badrul and elkapitan (correction sikit) sebab Sultan Muzaffar promosi blog dalam tour 'Maintain aku di No.1 Hotlink-Down with Lim Kit Siang'.

Si Juan Danza ilang seperti biasa..dimana dia jarang muncul memana yang tak ada Mawi.
Spotted Kefli...rupanya dia pun baru nak it wasn't that bad. Takde lah Ted and I jer yang sibuk dok sumbat muka je.

Sayang je si Felix, Yazer and the rest yang di jemput tak mai. Whatever the reason (sebab Kefli kata si Felix bagitau ada hal last minute)...hope they show up more at events like this yang lebih relax.

Lepas makan and all, apa lagi...sesi menggila bloggers (Ted the exclusion ler sebab tak blog) ngan Marsha dan Kefli.

For those yang tak kenal...mai aku introduce semua...tengok pic yang ada Marsha tu.

First we have Miss Marsha Londoh, then elkapitan, then aku...followed by Sultan Muzaffar, member baik aku si Ted dan Badrul. And of course...yang dok nonggeng panjang masa posing ala majalah yang slalu pampangkan pics kat swimming pool tu...Kefli.

Second picture je ada meka berdua with all of us, sebab first pic tu Marsha tengah away sat.
Kalau kali pertama ler Sultan Muzaffar sengih cam kerang busuk dalam apa pun gambar kami pernah amik bersama. Kalau nak tau kenapa...sebab dia memang peminat Kefli (selain Elliza - seperti yang di sedia maklum dalam interview bersama bloggers not too long ago)

Ni kira pose-pose yang erm...sopan sikit ler. Ada lagik pics lain yang dok angkat Kefli dan sebagainya...but aku tengah target my blog for rating U (iaitu sesuai untuk tayangan umum) so takleh ler letak.Yang aku tak paham...

Tapi aku rasa aku nak sambung komen elkapitan tu...hish....kenapa dalam second pic terlebih mesra lak ngan Marsha. Kalao di potong kan pic tu...bahagian meka berdua...leh lak berangan ehem...(angau ler lagi peminat fanatik No. 1 Marsha ni)

I kinda like Chatters cafe ni...walaupun sesat kat celah kawasan perumahan...tapi tempat ni quite unique. Senyap je tempat tu...away from the hustle and bustle of the usual Subang scene (but still with the damn insect infestation!)

Kalau tengok background tu...tu rak majalah yang offer magazines on sale. One whole wall covered with magazines! Jadik cam part of the decor lak...

Moving on...felt ler nak amik pics ngan two of them...pose ler sakan...suka ati ler syok family mah! Syok sendiri skali skala nak amik gambar kenangan...cuma tak paham...mentang-mentang ler nak mood santai pakai t-shirt je...bebudak ni nampak pic Winnie The Pooh je...samakan aku (mana leh sih!). Dedua asik tepuk-tepuk perut aku (posa pun tak turun-turun...camna?)

Of course....takleh gak lupa our hosts...

Kalau nak tau...yang pakai baju ijo tu, that's Michele Londoh, Marsha's sister. Camna lak si Kefli leh sesat dalam family photo ni!

Takpe...of course we have Marsha, then we have Shawn, Michele's husband and Marsha's brother-in-law (penah nampak meka berdua sebelum ni kat konsert mingguan Akademi Fantasia tapi segan tegur)

Pada sesiapa yang lum tahu...Marsha has her own website...which is handle by Syad as well as Shawn and Michele themselves.

So memang...bukan orang lain yang buat yang takde kena mengena with the artist themself...Marsha memang ada access to the site and in fact...everything that is there IS the official source for everything Marsha. Congratulations to Marsha Londoh - the official site!

Memang cantik, simple layout but very effective and user friendly. For those yang lum surf into it...apa agik...masuk ler cepat!

Back to the event at hand...after everyone left..and we all unanimously we have a great time...kami decided nak stay on for a drink. Mula-mula ingat nak ke mana-mana nak minum, tapi sebab orang tua dua orang ni (hint : Sultan Muzaffar dan Badrul) malas gerak, kami stay at

Chatters tuk sesi ngumpat dan mengtata untuk abihkan top up kredit pahala posa.
Taklah stay lama sangat...for maybe a couple of hours je sebenarnya...tapi erm...content of 'discussion' takleh lah dikongsi.

It's so great to have finished all my work from last week...rasa lega je pala nak kerja esok tanpa beban deadline pressuring me. Tapi still...want to get enough rest so nak tidur sat...lain lah bloggers lain tu yang dok hempas pulas updatekan blog tuk traffic volume pelawat blog hari Isnin (gelak sambil golek terbalik!)

Apapun - love all of you're all the best friends anyone could ask for! (especially Badrul sebab ada bagik aku 'adiah' dia janji)

By the way ah..nak cakap...lawat-lawat ler blog Badrul. It's worth a read, so that's aku nak recommend (lagikpun dia kata kalau dia tak naik-naik ranking Malaysia Topblogs join kami dia nak withdraw tak lama ler si elkapitan tu punya blog laku sangat!)

Pada kengkawan tu - jangan feeling sentap statement ko takkan naik sebab tu! (cayang korang!!!)

A tribute to my friends! You guys rock!

By the way... just a little footnote...I have a new motto in principle for the moment!

"When the going gets tough...MOISTURIZE!"

Why did I adopt this new tagline for myself? Apart from harsh skin conditions? I find massaging yourself not only allows you some semblance of youth...tapi kurang sikit stress....therapeutic ler kiranya. You have to try it to believe it. So simple and yet so effective.

Tengah dok sembang ngan kengkawan masa lepas buka posa event tu, I whipped out a bottle of my Johnsons & Johnsons baby lotion...and started moisturizing...Badrul pun join in. Cool!!!
If you think that's just plain weird...all I have to say to you is first of all..hello? It is me...I am weird...and thrive on being so!

And more importantly...and remember this quote till your dying day!...never underestimate the value of soft, supple, silky smooth skin!!!

So what are you waiting for?

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Did you know...

Ok...aku janji ada benda surprise aku nak bagitau kan...well...this is it!

Some of you have already gotten the hint. Cita ari ni...pasai Nikki. Nikki tahun lepas penah masuk Malaysian Idol, dapat top six jer sebab undian SMS tak membenarkannya lebih jauh. Da rezeki ler katakan. Anyway - dia kini bawah pengurusan United Artists, which is run also by Ning & Associates. Kalau nak details lebih, baca Harian Metro cover story hiburan semalam pasal dia dan Ning.

Kalau pada mereka yang da baca...then I'm sure you would know by now that on Caraku, one of the songs, ada featuring Zahid!

Beshnya! Memang dari dulu da berhajat nak gandingkan my baby sister ngan my baby bro!
And on Friday night - we had the studio session for just that! Nikki had already done her vocals. Tunggu dalam just before 11pm, Zahid muncul ngan Nissan baru dia (makan ati!) with Epul.

So they then started work in the studio with Nikki and the song's producer Audi Mok (yang wat Zahid punya Wo! gak). Tanak ler bagitau lebih details pasal tu, but seriously...aku da dengar...pergh! All I can say is, you really have to take a listen...

Ni ada beberapa pics exclusively for Nikki as well as Zahid fans time meka in the studio ngan Audi Mok.

More details on Nikki's upcoming release when I can tell you guys ok!

Anyway, masa tu ngan Vernon...then Ning dropped by. Then pastu si Juan Danza dan Iqram sama ngan editor meka sampai. Rupanya, meka baru lepas lepak kat Sri Hartamas dengan Marsha selepas habis photoshoot for their next feature for URS.

It was nice to see Marsha, and especially nice dia dapat lepak sekali tuk recording process album Nikki because memang meka punya family pun memang rapat. Sabah is apparently a smaller place than we would think! sesapa pas ni nak doubt, these two are my baby sisters...lantak ler ko! Tanya meka sendiri!

Masa meka sampai tu, meka reach in tiga bijik keta...ala ala convoy! I was surprised...tapi Sultan Muzaffar dan elkapitan pun rupanya ada sebab lepak skali ngan mereka makan tadik.

Puas rasanya si elkapitan dapat abihkan time ngan Marsha ada! (konperm, tak tidur malam tu!!!) Lepak punya lepak until it was quite late...meka pun gerak. Puas gak ler sebab recording sempat dihabiskan malam tu gak bagi part Zahid. Kalau nak tau camna lagu...hah! Tunggu!!!

Ni baru tergerak nak update sebab nak clear stock posting nak elak skali letak, panjang lebar!!!
Tadi earlier ada buka puasa Chatterz Club @15 yang diadakan at Saloma Bistro. Memang planning nak gi dah awal-awal. Picked up Ted and we headed ke Saloma. Sampai je tengok dah penuh. Si Juan lak call kata lewat sikit sampai.

Masuk je nampak ler muka Sultan Muzaffar dan Badrul senyum cam kerang busuk! Ceh! Mentang-mentang ler sampai awal! Dahler dua-dua pakai baju melayu nampak ala ala grand gitu!

Went pass their table dok satu agik mana ada beberapa kawan press dok sebab tengok skali Marsha pun dok sana. So sat next to her sebab Marsha tarik seat sebelah dia for me.

Tengok-tengok si Amylea dan Kefli pun ada semeja! Later masa Juan sampai, dia dok sekali ngan aku dan Ted. Takde maknanya Sultan Muzaffar dan Badrul sentap dengan aku nak naikkan blog mereka sebab aku tak dok sekali! After all Badrul sibuk kat sana nak keep an eagle eye on anak buah dia lak dua orang tu...pasangan merpati sejoli, si Akma dan Felix. Pening tul function camni!

Bukan apa...bila ala ala free for all...kes orang gila sangat nak amik gambar and autograph sampai they forget their manners.

Masuk je time buka...abih je Mawi jadi radio tuk kita melaungkan azan (I hope that's the right term), ada yang meluru terus to all the Akademi Fantasia kids.

Bukan apa...but at least have common courtesy. Orang nak buka tak! Sampai about 10 minutes havoc camtu. Last-last kena wat announcement...tu pun...huh! Ada agik yang asik turun naik mencuba nasib (kesian ramai budak-budak Fantasia setakat cukup alas perut).

What was perhaps worse, dahler bebudak tu tak makan sangat torture lepas posa sehari...they had to perform after that immediately. Ada je Mawi ke Marsha ke...ramai-ramai meluru ke depan pentas. Kalau setakat nak amik gambar, I suppose that's fine. Tapi ada yang sibuk sampai buat video clip nak rakam semua (bakal pengeluar VCD haram), ada yang rasa sekeping dua gambar tak cukup (nak bebanyak pic nak buat wallpaper bilik kot) dan ada yang rasa badan mereka kicik (padahal badan tu mengakibatkan gerhana man-made!)

Cantik sangat lu punya bontot nak sombat depan muka orang yang nak tengok show! Huh!
Tapi yang besh was after the event.

Nak interview ngan sekali beberapa kawan press dan bloggers, atas ihsan Astro (tima kasih Jolene for playing sheperd) hung out with them belakang. Ni yang betul-betul havoc mula!

Memang kalao ikutkan, perangai aku suka sangat record pics of the kids candidly...mengejut! Baru nampak au naturel gitu.

Si Amylea ni muka mengejut entah kenapa...Aidil lak pose ngan props we found backstage...ala Sarawakian warrior haper entah. Tapi yang paling rajin offer pose gila malam semalam was Ekin!

Amik ko beberapa shots...ada yang surprise candid shots ala kes naya!

Kelakar gak masa balik I managed to get this one pic of her...sibuk reading Lord knows what atas motor kapchai!

Tapi of course, pose wajib yang paling cun sekali...bila digandingkan dengan pasangan yang (kononnya) secara kebetulan berpakaian sedondon in orange!

They obligingly posed (masa tu Akma da balik - sorry Jiwang United! Tak dapat nolong)

After getting a shot of them together, amik ler pic datu si Yazer posing cam boyband member!
But one of the funniest episodes backstage was this. Si Marsha was sitting on one of the plastic chair yang flimsy tu. Lepas tu, si Amy datang ler nak dok atas riba sebab manja ngan Marsha.

Aku baru nak amik pic, si Amylea pun nak masuk sekali lah katanya dok selit kat celah dua orang tu atas kerusi. Kerusi tu aku rasa kalao leh nangis...dah melolong da!

Anyways, dari posing dua, jadi posing tiga. Last-last ditentukan 'gimik' pose meka tu berakhir bila mereka nak bangun da, ketiga-ketiga tersungkur bila kerusi tu terbalik!

Padan muka! Kerusi tuk sorang...nak main-main ek dok bertiga! Ambik ko! (gelak jahat ni)

Also in top form semalam was Felix. Abih dia pose lelebih lak. Wat lawak tak habis as usual dia tu.

The important thing is the first pic atas tu! Kalau nak tau, that pic was recorded masa dok merempit posing atas motor sapa entah yang kat luar backstage area!

That's what happens when Akma's not around to observe sikit Felix! Jadi bebudak lak...
Speaking of tak ada, semalam tak full le mereka semua tak complete.

Sekoq dah berambus memang admitted. Pastu Idayu entah mana tak hadir.

Mawi balik awal lak lepas event tanpa pengumuman, which si Reza played host.

Sebenarnya it was still one of the most lepak times I've had with the kids so far...seronok! Amy tau ke aku tengah amik pic bebudak ni?

Nak gak maintain depan cermin time aku nak cepat. Anyway, tu je pics aku nak kongsi for this posting. Ngantuk tul. Esok ada lak buka puasa event bersama Marsha. Nanti aku posting agik ek...selagi cuba meng'update'kan radio blog ngan lagu Raya yang dijanjikan!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Did you know...

Ok...aku janji ada benda surprise aku nak bagitau kan...well...this is it!

Some of you have already gotten the hint. Cita ari ni...pasai Nikki. Nikki tahun lepas penah masuk Malaysian Idol, dapat top six jer sebab undian SMS tak membenarkannya lebih jauh. Da rezeki ler katakan. Anyway - dia kini bawah pengurusan United Artists, which is run also by Ning & Associates. Kalau nak details lebih, baca Harian Metro cover story hiburan semalam pasal dia dan Ning.

Kalau pada mereka yang da baca...then I'm sure you would know by now that on Caraku, one of the songs, ada featuring Zahid!

Beshnya! Memang dari dulu da berhajat nak gandingkan my baby sister ngan my baby bro!
And on Friday night - we had the studio session for just that! Nikki had already done her vocals. Tunggu dalam just before 11pm, Zahid muncul ngan Nissan baru dia (makan ati!) with Epul.

So they then started work in the studio with Nikki and the song's producer Audi Mok (yang wat Zahid punya Wo! gak). Tanak ler bagitau lebih details pasal tu, but seriously...aku da dengar...pergh! All I can say is, you really have to take a listen...

Ni ada beberapa pics exclusively for Nikki as well as Zahid fans time meka in the studio ngan Audi Mok.

More details on Nikki's upcoming release when I can tell you guys ok!

Anyway, masa tu ngan Vernon...then Ning dropped by. Then pastu si Juan Danza dan Iqram sama ngan editor meka sampai. Rupanya, meka baru lepas lepak kat Sri Hartamas dengan Marsha selepas habis photoshoot for their next feature for URS.

It was nice to see Marsha, and especially nice dia dapat lepak sekali tuk recording process album Nikki because memang meka punya family pun memang rapat. Sabah is apparently a smaller place than we would think! sesapa pas ni nak doubt, these two are my baby sisters...lantak ler ko! Tanya meka sendiri!

Masa meka sampai tu, meka reach in tiga bijik keta...ala ala convoy! I was surprised...tapi Sultan Muzaffar dan elkapitan pun rupanya ada sebab lepak skali ngan mereka makan tadik.

Puas rasanya si elkapitan dapat abihkan time ngan Marsha ada! (konperm, tak tidur malam tu!!!) Lepak punya lepak until it was quite late...meka pun gerak. Puas gak ler sebab recording sempat dihabiskan malam tu gak bagi part Zahid. Kalau nak tau camna lagu...hah! Tunggu!!!

Ni baru tergerak nak update sebab nak clear stock posting nak elak skali letak, panjang lebar!!!
Tadi earlier ada buka puasa Chatterz Club @15 yang diadakan at Saloma Bistro. Memang planning nak gi dah awal-awal. Picked up Ted and we headed ke Saloma. Sampai je tengok dah penuh. Si Juan lak call kata lewat sikit sampai.

Masuk je nampak ler muka Sultan Muzaffar dan Badrul senyum cam kerang busuk! Ceh! Mentang-mentang ler sampai awal! Dahler dua-dua pakai baju melayu nampak ala ala grand gitu!
Went pass their table dok satu agik mana ada beberapa kawan press dok sebab tengok skali Marsha pun dok sana. So sat next to her sebab Marsha tarik seat sebelah dia for me.
Tengok-tengok si Amylea dan Kefli pun ada semeja! Later masa Juan sampai, dia dok sekali ngan aku dan Ted. Takde maknanya Sultan Muzaffar dan Badrul sentap dengan aku nak naikkan blog mereka sebab aku tak dok sekali! After all Badrul sibuk kat sana nak keep an eagle eye on anak buah dia lak dua orang tu...pasangan merpati sejoli, si Akma dan Felix. Pening tul function camni! Bukan apa...bila ala ala free for all...kes orang gila sangat nak amik gambar and autograph sampai they forget their manners.
Masuk je time buka...abih je Mawi jadi radio tuk kita melaungkan azan (I hope that's the right term), ada yang meluru terus to all the Akademi Fantasia kids.
Bukan apa...but at least have common courtesy. Orang nak buka tak! Sampai about 10 minutes havoc camtu. Last-last kena wat announcement...tu pun...huh! Ada agik yang asik turun naik mencuba nasib (kesian ramai budak-budak Fantasia setakat cukup alas perut).
What was perhaps worse, dahler bebudak tu tak makan sangat torture lepas posa sehari...they had to perform after that immediately. Ada je Mawi ke Marsha ke...ramai-ramai meluru ke depan pentas. Kalau setakat nak amik gambar, I suppose that's fine. Tapi ada yang sibuk sampai buat video clip nak rakam semua (bakal pengeluar VCD haram), ada yang rasa sekeping dua gambar tak cukup (nak bebanyak pic nak buat wallpaper bilik kot) dan ada yang rasa badan mereka kicik (padahal badan tu mengakibatkan gerhana man-made!)
Cantik sangat lu punya bontot nak sombat depan muka orang yang nak tengok show! Huh!
Tapi yang besh was after the event.
Nak interview ngan sekali beberapa kawan press dan bloggers, atas ihsan Astro (tima kasih Jolene for playing sheperd) hung out with them belakang. Ni yang betul-betul havoc mula!
Memang kalao ikutkan, perangai aku suka sangat record pics of the kids candidly...mengejut! Baru nampak au naturel gitu.
Si Amylea ni muka mengejut entah kenapa...Aidil lak pose ngan props we found backstage...ala Sarawakian warrior haper entah. Tapi yang paling rajin offer pose gila malam semalam was Ekin! Amik ko beberapa shots...ada yang surprise candid shots ala kes naya!
Kelakar gak masa balik I managed to get this one pic of her...sibuk reading Lord knows what atas motor kapchai!

Tapi of course, pose wajib yang paling cun sekali...bila digandingkan dengan pasangan yang (kononnya) secara kebetulan berpakaian sedondon in orange!
They obligingly posed (masa tu Akma da balik - sorry Jiwang United! Tak dapat nolong)
After getting a shot of them together, amik ler pic datu si Yazer posing cam boyband member!
But one of the funniest episodes backstage was this. Si Marsha was sitting on one of the plastic chair yang flimsy tu. Lepas tu, si Amy datang ler nak dok atas riba sebab manja ngan Marsha.
Aku baru nak amik pic, si Amylea pun nak masuk sekali lah katanya dok selit kat celah dua orang tu atas kerusi. Kerusi tu aku rasa kalao leh nangis...dah melolong da!
Anyways, dari posing dua, jadi posing tiga. Last-last ditentukan 'gimik' pose meka tu berakhir bila mereka nak bangun da, ketiga-ketiga tersungkur bila kerusi tu terbalik!
Padan muka! Kerusi tuk sorang...nak main-main ek dok bertiga! Ambik ko! (gelak jahat ni)

Also in top form semalam was Felix. Abih dia pose lelebih lak. Wat lawak tak habis as usual dia tu.

The important thing is the first pic atas tu! Kalau nak tau, that pic was recorded masa dok merempit posing atas motor sapa entah yang kat luar backstage area!
That's what happens when Akma's not around to observe sikit Felix! Jadi bebudak lak...
Speaking of tak ada, semalam tak full le mereka semua tak complete.
Sekoq dah berambus memang admitted. Pastu Idayu entah mana tak hadir.
Mawi balik awal lak lepas event tanpa pengumuman, which si Reza played host.
Sebenarnya it was still one of the most lepak times I've had with the kids so far...seronok! Amy tau ke aku tengah amik pic bebudak ni?
Nak gak maintain depan cermin time aku nak cepat. Anyway, tu je pics aku nak kongsi for this posting. Ngantuk tul. Esok ada lak buka puasa event bersama Marsha. Nanti aku posting agik ek...selagi cuba meng'update'kan radio blog ngan lagu Raya yang dijanjikan!

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