Saturday, September 21, 2013

Jalan-jalan Osaka

Mulakan hari anda dengan lakukan sesuatu yang random. Like walking through Osaka macam ni. 

Aku cabar bebudak... tapi Ruvi saja berani.

Hari ni kita semua nak jalan-jalan pusing bandar Osaka. Just to see what the city has to offer... so pekena kain. Cuma main aku Balinese origin lah... bukan Malaysia... tapi bukan orang Jepun tahu pun beza. Matilah kau!

Dah kalau jalan dengan budak band... antara tempat paling di masuk... kedai muzik lah apa lagi. Jatuh cinta aku dengan gitar ni. Damn... aku nak! Motif....sedangkan main gitar tak reti. But damn... lawa siot.

Masa lewat pagi tu perasan lah kat kawasan shopping, belakang sebuah mall... ada orang beratur panjang kat lorong belakang. Aku bajet mesti ada warehouse sale ke apa...

Jalan ke depan.. pun nampak ada orang beratur panjang... rupanya yang belakang tu sambungan.

Ya ampun. Bila aku tengok seberang jalan baru aku perasan ada kedai Apple. Memang hari ni hari pertama iPhone baru keluar. Patutlah...

Tapi sumpah orang Jepun ni beratur tak merungut... teratur. Malu gak bila pikir kita ni kat Malaysia kekadang cam perangai dilepaskan kandang the way we rush about without consideration.

Lewat petang sikit... kita ke Fan J. Aizat akan adakan solo performance dia sini malam ni... sambil bebudak soundcheck, aku tiba-tiba nampak this couple - a bride and groom. Macam baru kahwin... motif tarik beg ala keluar Akademi Fantasia gitu?

Matilah lari rumah elope katanya. Well.. I don't think so... but it looks funny... Bosan punya boson.. aiyo kita gi shopping lagi.

Spotted this in one of the CD shops. Who the fuck thought this would make a good album cover???

The fashions were well... unique.

I spotted this boat going down the river between the malls... awesome siot. Siap ada live band ala ja swing bagai. Aku suka!!!

And this was when I got to see how crazy Japanese pedestrian traffic gets. Ramai gila orang sial! Takut aku. Memang horror... ramai sangat senang sesat... dan haram oak meka nak cakap omputeh. Mati aku. Sib baik ada portable WiFi leh pakai Waze lat phone nak jalan ke mana (walaupun kebanyakan tempat sini kat Waze pun tulisan Jepun nama tempat).

Ah... these are some of the cigarette vending machines...

That themed restaurant. I just don't get this though...

After dinner... we walked (we did a lot of that - think I lost few kgs within days in Japan with all the walking and green tea and healthy food)...

Came past this place. COOL! Right in the middle of the city, there was this building with a rock climbing wall! And.. hello Prada!

This amused me. I love how the street lamps were even made to look like tall stick figures holding up signs.

And saw this insane display of wealth - Mercedes bathed in Swarovski! Like what the hell.. I've heard of bling but this is ridiculous!

Got to Aizat's show...

And then spent the rest of the night at 7 Eleven and jamming outside the hotel by the five foot way with the boys. Bajet busker gitu... all in all... an eye opening experience of Osaka.

Oh... and while I love the train service... I seriously think I've done more walking today than in years!