Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

So how was Halloween for you guys?

I know generally we don't celebrate Halloween in Malaysia. Tapi untuk aku, that's the one day I can go crazy with my effects make-up and practise my skills for my interests in zombies.

And this year, Halloween started a little but early.

On Friday night, went for the Halloween-themed anniversary party for Hot magazine at Zouk. Thought long and hard whether I should go, and thought... ok... if I have time.

Was in KL, and thought of going back to Mont Kiara to change, but a massive storm broke out in central KL and as usual, the traffic backed up so bad that I knew I would never make it back and to Zouk on time. Suka tak suka, made do with what I could get.

Lucky me that my make-up effect is all DIY, so no problems in getting the stuff I need.

In the parking lot, took me 45 minutes (which is bloody short period since my effects make-up takes an average of two hours at least) to get ready.

And this was the result.

And guess what? I won the freakiest costume award. I had a couple hundred worth of movie tickets, products and stuff... but what great was the Hard Rock Hotel Penang stay for 2 days, 1 night.

So I thought that was Halloween for me. Until Saturday night that is... last minute, with no plans to go anywhere since everyone appeared too busy to do anything, I decided last minute to get ready to go to Hard Rock Cafe Kuala Lumpur for their Halloween bash. Saja je...

This is the first Halloween that I ever won anything anyway... sebelum ni tak penah menang apa-apa for my efforts and with the win the night before, I thought I'd just parade my zombie variation and see what came out of it.

I feel asleep and started my effects make-up at 10m. By 11.30pm, I was done (again, another speed record) and headed to Hard Rock Cafe.

And this was my look there.

And guess what?

Yes, I won - AGAIN! The second win - two nights in a row. Wow! This is my best Halloween!

And the prize? For Best Costume - the prize was 3 days 2 nights stay at Hard Rock Hotel in Penang!!! So jawabnya, aku extended stay lah nanti sana nak lepaskan stress sebab pala pon banyak benda kebelakangan ni.

I don't know about you guys and whether you bother about Halloween apart from the scary movies on TV. But for me it was just about practising my effect make-up and I got the pay-off. Yeay!

Since I've finally won for my zombie look after FOUR years of Halloween parading as one, maybe next year, I have to look for something different.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The calm before the storm

Like today's weather, the next few days is going to be interesting to say the least to see where my career goes.

Sixteen years of writing... maybe it's time to move on. I'm doing so much (more financially rewarding) things in production and talent management that maybe it's time to take my experience and move on.

We'll see...

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Just a little tech geekiness today.

I showed off the HTC Sensation XE I was using, right? About a month before the launch. Complete with the Beats Audio in-ear plugs.

Now, welcome the...

HTC Sensation XL! Yes, with Beats Audio too! Except this time, it's slimmer, it's lighter, and it comes with HEADPHONES!

It won't be coming here anytime soon. I believe the worldwide launch for the HTC Sensation XL will be later this year. But thanks to HTC Malaysia, I'm giving it a go first! Yeay!

I'm loving it... layan jap...

Lawak bangang

Mungkin sedap kot nama ni dalam bahasa lain. Tapi sesungguhnya dalam Bahasa Melayu - FAIL!

Siapa yang nak bau haus!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Happy Diwali!

Memandangkan kengkawan beragama Hindu nak menyambut Deepavali esok, let me wish all my friends celebrating the festival of light - a very happy Deepavali. To everyone else, happy mid-week holidays. Party hard, but stay safe ok!

J Play

Aku nak wat pengumuman sikit. Memang da lama website J Play da online, tapi finally lepas berminggu, the updates and all that da naikkan.

So kalau leh singgah-singgah official website company aku sendiri ek. The site is at atau CLICK HERE saja terus. Memang apa-apa info terbaru aku update pasal pengurusan projek-projek aku, sekali yang melibatkan Amir aku letak sana.

And sesiapa yang nak jemput Amir untuk show ke apa, jangan segan silu ek nak contact. Likewise kalau nak menggunakan perkhidmatan aku.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


So time nak recap balik some of the fun, but hectic activities yang aku sibuk sangat last week sampai collapse bagai.

Well, up to last Thursday memang meeting bersepah bagai. Was so bogged down rushing from one location to another, with a final meeting lewat petang. Sebelum meeting rush ke Bentley kat Damansara with Amir, nak ganti tali gitar dia sebab malam ada show kat Laundry Bar for Moonshine by Reza Salleh.

Masa nak tukar tali, aku irritated sikit sebab akibat 'tak cukup staff' orang kedai kata balik in an hour.

Malasnya nak ulang alik... so actually plan nak beli dan ciao Amir nak wat sendiri. Tapi singgah la sebentar usha instruments memacam.

And one thing caught my eye.

Now, you must know - aku ni technically musically illiterate. Untuk jurusan kejuruteraan bunyi dulu, I had music theory up to Grade 4. Tapi kalau nak main instrument - haram! The only thing I know how to play with is my own organ. Matilah ko!

But who's never dreamed of being a rockstar before right?

And I always liked the guitar because I thought it had a power of its own.

My dream guitar zaman dulu - Fender Stratocaster and Flying V - salah James Hetfield nya pasai la. Tapi nak beli - wat pe kan? Main hado tau...

Until I spotted this!

Isn't she a beauty! It's a Fender Stratacoustic! Sound dia memag delicious, crisp, full bodied and with just enough weight and depth!

Sebab Amir memang akustic persembahan dia - tanpa teragak aku pon sapu la beli. Heh! Janji puas dan dia leh guna. Lagipun, sebagai pengurusan dia aku nak dia punya kelengkapan untuk membuat persembahan.

And later in the night, when he performed half hour showcase dia (terima kasih backing cajon ye Shamiel - anak Erma Fatima yang memag skang kita rekrut jadi sessionist tuk Amir) - memang sound best gila!

Aku ada upload video-video persembahan dia kat Youtube, so pepandai la korang skodeng. Malas lak aku nak tempek satu-satu.

Dah lah balik lewat malam tu, dan letih, dan gak KO sebab telan ubat - esoknya tengahari gegas ke Duchess Place tuk soundcheck bersama Amir untuk persandingan Yasmin Hani.

Persembahan Amir hadiah dari aku buat Hani, and setiba nya aku kat lokasi sanding (petang akad nikah sana gak), aku kagum! I mean biasa kalau artis kahwin nak jadi sarkas siap lengkap memacam badut dan sebagainya... but this was so beautifully simple and yet elegant!

Tema English garden wedding tak la original sangat. Tapi aku suka execution nih. Memang malam tu bila kita balik tuk majlis (lepas redah ujan dan jam yang tak masuk akal), memang the atmosphere was amazing.

Jarang aku ke wedding yang aku rasa so beautiful. And this was one of the rare few.

Tapi lagi satu yang best nya memang majlis dia intimate and cozy, takde la sampai ribu raban orang. I think there was about 300 guests tops jek.

Anyway, Hani, all the best to you and Sha'arin - aku doakan korang bahagia ke anak cucu!

I guess you could say for me, it was a nice way to end the week going into the weekend.

Eh da la.. nanti aku update agik. Lenguh tangan nak taip banyak sangat (padahal kalau update Twitter tak hengat sampai asik kena limit je sebab over quota - matilah)

Will update more ASAP!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Time out

Been so tired running around. Memang seribu benda nak uruskan, dari kerja sepenuh masa, ke kerja syarikat sendiri yang termasuk menguruskan dua projek besar akan datang sehingga lah ke menguruskan kerjaya Amir.

Last-last memang badan kita kalau nak break down, break down la gak kan.

My blood pressure shot up high. Jarang camni kecuali aku under heavy stress, and memang banyak benda sangat nak wat with an upcoming busy week lagi so takleh tahan... KO gak aku.

Blood pressure, blood test, ECG... semua lalui. Siap kena jab painkiller. Heh... seronok lak dapat baring jap kat DEMC. Tu la masa sikit yang dapat aku rasa nak berehat.

I guess the only time I can rest is when I collapse.

But then again, kalau nak lepak dan tidur je keja pun... wat pe kan? Niat aku nak cari rezeki demi sara mak ayah aku. Lagipun, kalau sudah letih sangat nanti, satu hari nanti dapat gak tidur puas-puas.

Yang tu confirm tak bangun, dan tak diganggu lena... freebies alert!

So you guys read a lot of Blackberry and HTC products on my Twitter and my blog. No, I'm not paid by them.

Beginning with Blackberry, I've always been a big fan. And everyone knows I can't live without my Blackberry. And after years of loyalty to Blackberry, and a slight level of fanaticism, I am lucky enough to be a friend of Blackberry. Not an ambassador (again, I'm not paid). They just keep me in the loop of their products and I get first dibs at it cause I'm a fan.

Likewise with HTC. I'm a friend of HTC because the HTC Sensation XE was my first Android experience. And an excellent way to lose my Android virginity (sounds so wrong). But yes, it is awesome! In this day and age where people carry two phones, I carry three. And apart from my Blackberry, my HTC has become a must!

So guess what? I'm giving away a Blackberry Playbook, courtesy of Blackberry AND a HTC Desire HD!

Yes, you read right. GIVING AWAY!

Not buy one get one free. Not buy one at a discount. FREE FREE FREE! We all like the word free right?
So how do you get the Blackberry Playbook or the HTC Desire HD?

Very simple. This Saturday on 22 October 2011 - the #OctTwtFest will be held. What is it? It's the biggest gathering of Twitterjaya, or Malaysian Twitterers. We're aiming for the Guiness Book of World Records.

Come one come all, because everything is free. Free food, free drinks, free entertainment, free giveaways. Just CLICK HERE for more info.

So anyway, at #OctTwtFest, my friends in Blackberry and HTC have kindly offered these two items for me to giveaway. The mechanism will be announced over Twitter LIVE as it happens.

Don't have a smartphone? Live feeds of the #OctTwtFest will be all over the place, as will there be PCs with connection.

Are you interested yet? After clicking HERE for more info, click HERE to RSVP! It looks like we're going to break the world record with more than 1,999 already confirmed (when I posted this entry).

So what are you waiting for? See you there!

PS - Amir Jahari who is also a friend of Blackberry will also be performing at #OctTwtFest! Come watch him if you are a fan, or just curious to know who he is.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pray for Yueyue

I am writing this entry before I try to sleep.

I can't sleep.

I am disturbed.

I am crying.

I am HORRFIED at what heartless bastards we have become...

Apa nak jadi dengan manusia sekarang. May God have mercy on all of us... for our destruction is justified if we no longer value the innocence of a child, or the gift of life...

Ya Tuhan ku... have mercy on us. Is this what we have become? Adakah kita spesis sebangsat ni?

"If she is dead, I may pay only about 20,000 yuan ($3,125). But if she is injured, it may cost me hundreds of thousands yuan."

That's what the bastard in the first driver who ran over Yueyue TWICE told the media before apprehended by the police.

Please... if you are reading this. Anyone. Say a prayer for this innocent child.

May God bless and protect you little Yueyue. And may God have mercy on us all...

*This is NOT fake before any assholes want to suggest so. Click HERE, HERE, and HERE.

*Yueyue is still alive, and it has been reported she is recovering. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pray for Yueyue.

Monday, October 17, 2011

My new obsession

Ok let me admit. I love caps. Why? Because I don't have the personality to wear crazy hats!

Sebenarnya, a cap is the best way to cover a bad hair day. And hide dandruff too. Matilah ketumbe katanya.

Taklah... to put it simply a cap is an easy way of accessorizing too. The problem is despite me liking caps, memang susah nak dapat size. Matilah paling besar meka bak ke sini size 7 3/4 or something like that. Tak muat ok!

Aku ngaku pala aku besar. You know what they say.. big head.. big feet.. ehem...

Ari tu lepak ngan bebudak Funky Fresh Family. Nampak cap si Bones. Muat! Nak je kebas cap dia. Aku call dia tanya mana nak dapat size aku. Masa kat Melbourne aku carik, jumpa satu yang ketat, tapi nak dekat RM200 tukar duit kita. Cait! Not worth it. Sebab cap dia biasa-biasa je.

Bones suggest beberapa tempat, aku pon gi la carik merata cam sial. Takde... semua saiz kecik.

Last-last gi Echo Park kat Berjaya Times Square pas Bones bagi last alternative. Ada size 8! Memang saiz pala gigantor. And they only had three, semua kisahnya da kena book dari mamat dari Brunei. Rupanya memang masuk beberapa ketul, mesti kena sambar!

Tapi tuan kedai tu jual kan aku satu (kesian kot). So I got this!

Sebab lighting tak nampak, the NY is in light pink! Matilah... but I kind of like it!Tak sampai sebulan.. I got a message. Rupanya ada stok agi masuk, dan seperti meka janjikan, they got me some more.

Sebab aku takde masa, three or four days later baru sempat aku nak get to the store, hampir semua kena booking. Tapi pas call, check ngan tokei, meka release yang aku nak kat aku. And these are the ones I chose.

Now, I have two more in my collection! A 59fifty LA and Tokidoki! I like! Matilah... nampaknya hobi baru muncul lepas Angry Birds. Shit... abih la duit agik...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Sensation XE

Yes, you guys know I'm a friend of Blackberry because I'm such a nut over it. You know what they say... once you go black, you never go back.

Well, now, I've also gone Android.

And my choice? The Sensation XE. Been using it for a week or two now, even before the release at the end of this month and a week or so before the worldwide launch. Thank you HTC Malaysia for letting me be the first in the country to have it!

And no, I'm not paid to do this. I'm just an average Joe who loves his geek toys!

And yes, I love my Sensation XE with Beats Audio technology. Don't take my word for it... but if you love music as much as I do, this is the phone for you!

It's officially partnered with my Blackberry as my second phone. Yes, I have three lines altogether so it's hardly surprising kan kalau I have more than one phone.


If you've been following my Twitter, you would have noticed aku asyik promote Amir Jahari. Siapa Amir Jahari?

Aku kenal Amir masa dia ujibakat untuk Akademi Fantasia 9. Of course dia masuk tapi digugurkan. I was against it, but hey... it's just a TV show and it's not a measure of one's talent.

Amir ni memang talented, and memang for those of you don't know, dia juga top three protege Noh untuk Mentor yang lepas, tapi terlepas. This was before Akademi Fantasia.

So once abih Akademi Fantasia, aku memang nak prove yang dia ada talent, so aku pun sign him on to my management. Sebelum ni, aku penah naikkan Nikki dan Hazami (for those of you who know, tau la keja sbalik tabir aku ngan ramai termasuk Ning Baizura, Misha Omar... and event non-singers like Fazura.

Selepas lapan tahun tak scout talent bebetul, aku pon take on Amir as a challenge. Challenge sebab first step, tanak pakai nama 'AF' balik nama dia. So Amir Jahari it is.

Aku start grooming in terms of music, vocals and communications and bak dia merata tuk witness how it is to be in the industry.

And then we signed on to Kasi Gegar, for the production of Amir's first single, yang ditulis sepenuhnya oleh diri sendiri. It was a gamble, tapi aku yakin pada bakat Amir. Seriously, dak ni old soul when it comes to music. Baru umur 19, kalau ko dapat tengok proses dia cipta lagu, memang... amazing.

My choice of Kasi Gegar, pas consider Anas dan Aizat sendiri nak produce the single. Skali ngan Datuk Amdan, yang pujuk kami join Kasi Gegar, aku pon stuju pas discuss ngan Amir.

So he put the finishing touches to the song, Anas did more arrangement on it, and they laid the tracks. Jap...iklan, ni pic dia with a singer-songwriter I respect, and I blogged about too in Lee DeWyze.

And then, we got down to work. Ni Anas, Ully dan Amir kat studio Kamar Seni milik AG.

Ni some pics behind the scene of the recording process. Aku thank semua orang yang terlibat - termasuk Anas, Aizat and their wonderful band in Pito, Mizzie, Ruvi...and everyone else yang sessioned for the recording.

Layan gambar bebudak menggila kat studio.

Dari work in studio, aku yakin the whole way sebab memang Amir focused, and everyone involved in production memang support gila babiks because they believe in his talent.

And the last three months (tolak bulan puasa and a couple of weeks sebab Raya) it has been amazing. Tanpa promosi, Tanpamu telah berjaya menawan hati ramai. Sapa lom dengar, layan ni...
The song sudah pun masuk carta XFM, Era FM - and juga carta harian Hot FM (baru start dimainkan) manakala Suria FM pon da start.

Amir has been invited for performances in TV programmes over RTM (Hello On 2), TV3 (tamu Muzik Muzik yang baru tayang hari ni), ntv7 (Bella) as well as radio programmes on XFM dan juga sebagai tamu Carta Era FM.

Mereka yang di Sabah Sarawak dapat tengok Amir perform single dia masa baru release ketika opening Borneo Tour Aizat Amdan. Siapa yang tak dapat tengok, ni yang aku rakam ngan Blackberry Playbook aku. Ni masa kat Kuching.

By the way, Amir ni friend of Blackberry. Heh... kira dia duta la.

Kalau korang minat, sokong lah Amir ngan request lagu atau undi kat semua stesen radio kegemaran anda. Memang happy response has been good, despite us being independent and with very little promotion.

Kalau korang minat, Khamis ni Amir akan perform di Moonshine anjuran Reza Salleh di Laundry Bar. Come! Also Pada 21hb hari Jumaat dia akan perform kat wedding sebuah rakan artis (rasanya kalao sapa tau tarikh ni tau sapa nya wedding), Sabtu dia akan perform kat October Tweet Fest (sapa hantu Twitter mesti tau gathering Twitterers Malaysia terbesar di Malaysia) dan Ahad dia akan perform kat Konsert Muzik Fiesta Indonesia.

The only local artistes performing for the konsert is actually Jinbara dan Kristal yang wat opening. Amir nya slot lain sket... dia akan wat penampilan khas collaboration ngan... *drumroll please* SHEILA ON 7! Amik ko... yeay! Teramat happy.

Meanwhile pada sapa yang da jadi fan Amir, dia akan bermula rakam lagu untuk album Altimet dan DJ Fuzz yang mintak lagu dari dia tuk recording bersama dalam bentuk acoustic hip hop. Also dia tengah siapkan lagu untuk runut bunyi filem baru Hans Isaac yang akan datang. Adibah Noor pon da mintak nak collaborate, so memang happy lah ramai da mula minat bakat Amir.

Meanwhile kami sudah pun ada tiga baru Amir untuk dipilih mana satu jadi single kedua.

Untuk single kedua, aku tak tentukan dengan pihak mana aku nak berkerjasama kerana aku dan Kasi Gegar agree on mutual agreement deal by single. Sebolehnya aku nak kembangkan bakat Amir dan push him to another level supaya dia leh jadi generasi baru singer-songwriter.

And by the way, siapa sokong kerjaya Amir leh join page dia kat Facebook (CLICK HERE) atau follow blog dia (CLICK HERE) or even follow him on Twitter (CLICK HERE). I leave you guys with a nice fan cover of Tanpamu. Keep supporting Amir ye... ada rezeki ada satu agik talent aku akan kenalkan (sebab tetiba rasa cam nak ubah kerjaya full time carik talent lak... tengok camna).

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Melbourne Part 2

Picking up where I left off after the last posting.

We had four glorious days in Melbourne, which was a trip too short for sure. And part of the reason was because we had great hosts in some Malaysians who were working and studying there. Thanks to everyone, especially David and Derek who took care of us and the rest of the boys.

One good thing pasal spend Merdeka kat negara orang, wat pertama kali nya aku dapat rasa apa kengkawan yang selama ni belajar luar negara experience. Serious feel dia lain nak sambut Merdeka.

Rasa cam... Merdeka tu... Hari Kebangsaan adalah sesuatu yang begitu istimewa. We were special guests on Merdeka.

It was organized by the reps there and it was amazing. Sana gak la aku dapat tau parking kat sana cam sial mahal. Tak silap aku parking sejam kat Grand Hyatt Melbourne tu dalam AUS$20 atau lebih kurang RM70. Matilah ko!

Hujan emas dinegeri orang and all that. Even masa tayangan Nasi Lemak 2.0 kat Melbourne, aku salute la bebudak student sanggup bayar harga sama nak tengok filem tempatan. Penuh dewan malam Merdeka tu... bila keluar scene nampak rendang bagai, semua ooo ahhh rindu kampung. Hiks.

Anyway, recap balik pas abih he celebration, since Hyatt was only further down from Russell Street, aku decided nak jalan-jalan sorang diri. Berani katanya.

Alamak... mana lagi kan aku nak check out dulu. Tapi sayang sale da abih. Salah time. So sambung perjalanan. David da masa pree, so together ngan dia, Cherry and Felixia kami pon berjalan la...

Amik ko! Ada Church of Scientology kat sini! Anyway si David bak kita mana ek entah tuk jalan-jalan shopping. Sini murah gila, tapi pakaian semua boutique stores, banyak Australian label. Yang jual kat KL mahal nak mampus, sini kira murah gila babiks, even after conversion rate.

Aku paling tertarik Doc Martens sale - jual dalam AUS$50 pon ada dan banyak choice. Tukar duit kita dalam RM160 gituh je padahal sini kalau jumpa pon senang-senang lebih dua kali ganda.

But one thing I love about being a shopaholic here, cantik gila displays meka. Ni charity shop Australian Red Cross nya display hasil keja bebudak student. Grand sungguh recyclable materials leh wat fashion sampai camni. Paling kiri corset pakai tin Pepsi jek. Matilah ko!

Pas shopping dinner Japanese restaurant. Ni la some of our friends in Melbourne yang dok bawak kami jalan. Kagum aku ngan bebudak ni bak keta mewah bagai keja pas meka abih belajar sana. Salute! Tapi meka tak penah lupa tanahair. David skang pon da balik KL nak keja sini balik selepas lapan tahun sana.

Malam tu lepak tayangan movie dan layan makan. Sorry takde pics. Letih nak amik bebanyak sebab time tu takde wifi nak upload takleh rasa mood malas nak snappy.

This was taken on our final morning. Memang hari last tu planning nak shopping aja. And we really jalan gila babiks.

Aku malas jalan ramai-ramai sebab semua ada agenda lain, termasuk tiba-tiba bebudak ajak ke graffiti alley tengah bandar. Kat Melbourne ni memang ramai jiwa seni. Merata jalan, lorong-lorong semua sembur graffiti lawa-lawa... bukan ala kadar nya. Memang work of art, dan kerajaan tempatan meka galakkan anak muda berkarya.

So bebudak nak tengok satu ni kat tengah bandar in the Melbourne Central Business District (CBD). Aku memula malas sebab rasa buang masa, tapi bila sampai aku kagum. Gila siot lawa!

And kreatif. Tapi konon bebudak nak lima minit camwhore, aku pepandai nak ajar photography mintak meka pose, last-last dekat sejam kami sana.

Tapi gambar semua puas. Aku yang dok sibuk amik pic semua orang aku sempat set-up beberapa senario tuk pics aku sendiri jek. Siot jek. Janji lawa.. tengok ni... this is my Peter Petrelli/Nathan Petrelli meets Sylar Heroes inspired pose. Ok tak? Pakai Blackberry je snap, takyah DSLR bagai ye.

Ni aku snap Nadine. Banyak agik pics yang laa dia, tapi ngan camera dia. Ni ngan Blackberry aku je.

Pas abih we split up sebab Nadine and Felixia and the boys nak gi shopping department store. Aku tak kuasa, nak gi kedai vintage (kalao bahasa kita bundle lah). Dapat jumpa satu - best gila barangan dia yang lama.

Aku bantai leather jacket dan kemeja satu. Banyak agi nak beli tapi takde masa sangat nak look around.

On the way back aku dan Cherry lalu theatre, bajet nak gi tengok a musical, Love Never Dies. Aku tak penah dengar pon sebenarnya, tapi rupanya tengah popular sini - and it's the sequel katanya to Phantom of the Opera, which I bloody love.

Kita da siap tanya tiket paling mahal bagai. Tapi sebab ada masa agik, we went shopping dan makan ngan kengkawan. Sampai lambat sangat. Aduh... rugi rugi... terlepas nak tengok.

Tu je la some of the pics from my Melbourne trip. memang kalao ada rezeki aku nak gi lagik.

Tapi memang hati nak balik... rindu keluarga semua. Tapi perjalanan balik yang kena ngan Air Asia X memang cam sial.

Seperti trip kami nak mai tu, makanan tak cukup - padahal late morning flight. Bodoh tol tak stock kan. Seb baik aku dapat, kalau tak aku da telan cabin crew sekoq-sekoq.

Lepas tu walaupun makanan sama, gila babiks harga dekat tiga kali ganda... hanya kerana flying from Melbourne. Ala stock makanan pon dari KL. Berkira gila Air Asia X. Tapi bab tu tak kisah la.. kalao da lapar melantak jek.

Tapi cabin crew memang kurang ajar nak mampos!

Cup! Saja nak tunjuk ni la Air Asia X. Menu pon da koyak rabak cam kesial.

Oh by the way, again... meka caj tuk the portable 'entertainment units'. So kalao takde tablet nangis la korang. I used my Blackberry Playbook, Arthur pakai iPad dia.

Gambar bawah ni salah sorang stewardess yang kurang ajar. Wat pe tuh?

Tandas ya ampon.. kena beratur!

Lock pon rosak.. ish ish ish.. memacam la Air Asia X ni.

Tapi janji sampai ngan selamat. Esoknya pas sampai aku meroyan la kat Twitter. Yang kelakarnya aku file complaint, customer service meka cam non existent. Staff meka yang konon online bagai plak sama rude babiks cam cabin crew meka.

Lucky Tony Fernandes balas... and CEO Air Asia X, Azran Osman Rani personally balas. Kuli-kuli batak semua pemalas, bos-bos yang jiwa rakyat gituh. Apa da... but I thank Azran for taking action dua cabin crew bodoh, dan beri kepujian sorang tolong kita... nampak Air Asia X cuba nak make an effort.. katanya.. walaupon.

Bab meals pon aku siap bagi details dan jumlah etc, memang rupanya cabin crew menipu bab tu pon. Last-last flight kami dapat la reimbursement (tapi tu aku serah kat organizer... da duit dia)

Still despite the bad flight... Melbourne is one place aku akan ingat nak lawat balik la....