Hari ni nak post some pics from event Alibi Music tadik.
Tapi sibuk sangat, bajet nak wat short entry jer... esok sambung sebab nak tidur. Esok dari pagi again ada benda nak wat, pastuh ada event bagai, termasuk PC tuk AIM akan datang.
Tapi masa wat keja, ngadap laptop, terlayan Diari lak. Camna terlayan? Sebab Astro Ria was on and ulangan was on. Alamak.... heh... Takpe... nak gak tau apa lagu bakal di hancurkan.
And here are the songs.
MAULANA – Ku Bukan Aku (Tilu)
NAD – My Happy Ending (Avril Lavigne)
ADIRA – Seri Mersing (Datuk Sharifah Aini)
SHAHIR – Anggapanmu (Ziana Zain)
AIN – Halo (Beyonce)
IWAN – Oh Juwita (Nubhan)
DAUS – Benar-Benar (Adam)
FARINA – Mana Mungkin (Dayang Nurfaizah)
Lagu bonus
Konsert Akademi Fantasia - Kau & Aku (Akim & Mila)
Konsert Debaran - Pergi (Aizat)
NAD – My Happy Ending (Avril Lavigne)
ADIRA – Seri Mersing (Datuk Sharifah Aini)
SHAHIR – Anggapanmu (Ziana Zain)
AIN – Halo (Beyonce)
IWAN – Oh Juwita (Nubhan)
DAUS – Benar-Benar (Adam)
FARINA – Mana Mungkin (Dayang Nurfaizah)
Lagu bonus
Konsert Akademi Fantasia - Kau & Aku (Akim & Mila)
Konsert Debaran - Pergi (Aizat)
Tuh dia... banyak lagu yang best bakal dirosakkan... dan lagu azab tambah azab. Bersedia la lagu Halo bakal dihanjkan oleh Ain... dari practise dia dalam Diari pon nangis da screaming senselessly away some random notes that vaguely sound like Halo.
Masih tertanya kenapa kat Debaran nak nyanyi lagu sedih, konon bagi mood. Ertinya someone screwed up la masa semua melompat terkinja-kinja wat Generasi Hebat?
Anyway... saja nak share a few thoughts pas tengok ulangan Diari tadik (tertengok masa wat keja and geram lak rasanya nak gak blog pasal what I saw)
When you start something - with a disclaimer right at the beginning, then seriously... something's wrong.
And as you can see from the online promo - Glee is going... MADONNA! Yeay!
And also Lady Gaga! Yeay... can't wait for tomorrow to watch it!
They're on the cover of the new TV Guide where they did a photoshoot to promote the episode where they'll pay tribute to Madonna called - The Power of Madonna. Here's the video below of the photoshoot session. Awesome!!!
Sebenarnya aku tak heran langsung kalao Shahir nak dapat lagu Anggapanmu pon.
I mean... people have been doing it for the longest time. That whole gender switcheroo thing. Tak uncommon pon kalao laki nyanyi lagu pompuan dan sebaliknya.
HOWEVER, this has to be done well.
Forget the usual individuality and personal touch needed... you also need a new arrangement that is suitable to the singer in question.
Tapi memandangkan minus one ala ala Audio One karaoke zaman dulu... entahlah... key pon ada yang cam struggle... ni apa agik nak harapkan.
Personalized la orang kata.
Tapi jangan sampai feeling lagu Benar-Benar nak kata di indiekan sebab Daus jiwa indie as said by Norman.
Again people... indie maksudnya INDEPENDENT. Maksudnya seseorang artis tuh indie ialah dia merakam, menerbit dan menjual albumnya atau hasilnya secara independent... maksudnya wat sendiri la. It's DIY - maksudnya Do It Yourself. Takde fancy schamncy recording outfit bagai.
Walaopon the independent scene is more synonymous with rock and it's many variants, takde orangnya di dunia nak kata indie sebagai genre muzik yer. Harap maklum.
There is no such thing.
Indie has many genres... so Norman paham tak bila dia katakan Daus jiwa indie?
Camna la tenaga pengajar pon sendiri keliru soal genre bagai.
Kalao kata dak tuh minat indie pop ke indie rock ke... aku leh tima sebab the variants of the independent scene basically means there is no commercial leanings in its sound.
Yuna is indie cause she did it on her own. Kalao nak katakan betul betul... Aizat is indie cause he got his album up on his own. Najwa pon. Hujan may have been indie when they started.. but now together with Bunkface, meka ni indie crossover. Da masuk mainstream da.
So for the last freaking time - indie bukan genre muzik. Harap maklum! I know this won't be the last I hear of it sebab thanks to uninformed people who rule the music industry with an illusion of knowledge, there are those who believe willingly without doing their own homework.
Jangan diperbodohkan yer.
Muzik India ada... muzik indie... lagu indie... kat Malaysia je bersepah muzik 'indie' sebab orang ingat it's the SOUND. Indie bukan genre. Titik.
Berbuih mulot (ke lebam jari) when I keep stressing indie is not a damn genre.
Lebam agik layan drama buatan.
Aduh... da takde drama dalam Akademi (ke sebab on cameras lambat kol 12 dan off nak kena tepat jam 6 sebab takde overtime bajet kena potong kena create drama - ooops motif aku tau?) - meka wat drama lak.
Baha gi main selongkar hostel bebudak and their personal belongings.
Erm... ada contraband ke? Dadah? Hanpon? Rokok? Terdesak sampai korek tiap keping kertas skalipon...
Ek eleh.. surat cinta ek?
Dari Nad ke Iwan. Ain ke Maulana (kalao tak silap aku dengar la). And Daus and Adira kan? Sesuatuh!
There must be some rules lah... takkan sampai camtuh demi nak carik bahan nak wat drama?
Privacy is privacy! Kalao da bebudak 'selamat' dalam Akademi, jangan sampai their personal space pon ko nak go through camtuh. Ish ish ish.... silly...
And what's with the Ain treasure hunt. Banyak sangat masa kan nak wat spot check nak wat treasure hunt.
And now that stupid talking motorcycles da kena kutuk gila babiks sebab fans semua rasa very the terencat, they're going back to the cameras. Hadiah Ain? feather boas (or at least one with another some sort of cheap tinselly boa) with ribbons and sticky shit. Nak hiaskan kamera lak... siap bagi nama Lulu.
Actually kan.. rewind sikit. Like the ulterior motive.. tujuan sebenar nak feeling hias camera sebab Bebot lahar bodoh tuh dah memang hina, and they want to bring back the cameras as a feature (sila nyanyi... recycle... that's what you do.. recycle... macam semua lagu) - sebenarnya bab spotcheck tuh ada sebab.
Nak dengar (ke baca) spekulasi aku tak.
Semua peminat Akademi Fantasia tau.. sepanjang sejarah Akademi Fantasia, kalao ada pasangan bercinta, especially kalao sorang tuh dak ensem ke jambu sikit, yang pompuan mesti tersingkir. Pikir betul-betul... dari musim pertama da camtuh. Memang faktor dalam penyingkiran, especially when the female population forms majority of the voting power (this is obvious to fans).
So, spekulasi aku, terdesak sangat sebenarnya meka nak usir Nad dari Akademi. Selective termination gituh. So secara tak langsung, main sentimen camni, by highlighting the 'relationship' - walaopon sebenarnya nampak ala ala ada tiga pasangan (Shahir dan Farina aje du-uh) tapi fokus kat Nad dan Iwan... rasanya apa akan berlaku?
Dah Norman pon direct bodyslam camtuh... kata patut Nad keluar. Tak pernah ada pengetua yang cakap ada student yang patut kuar camni. Sampai nak bagi nama. Da kalao student gagal - kegagalan sapa? Tukang pilih pelajar?
Ish ish ish.. macam-macam.
So no surprise la kan kalao Nad keluar minggu nih. Memang agenda la. And kalao betol Nad terkeluar kang - leh la meka bagi alasan pengundi yang decide. Padahal kalao ada yang favourite (walaopon kita kat luar nih geli bagai) tersepak keluar, leh sentap mentap bagai camla meka ni talented tahap dewa.
And then comes more cheap drama... konon relationship setengah jalan la.
Are you enjoying this? The production believes so. Yeay!!!
On the plus side, Glee is back!!! Yeay! No need for cheap rip-offs on local TV!
And as you can see from the online promo - Glee is going... MADONNA! Yeay!
And also Lady Gaga! Yeay... can't wait for tomorrow to watch it!

Check it out!
The new Glee soundtrack kicks off with a seven song EP from the cast of the remakes of Madonna's songs! Yeay!
hahaha tv guide ad tu, is dat C with the spikes? hahahhaa was tring to figure out who's d other blonde besides Quinn =b
can't wait 2 catch it 2nite!!
betul la Joe pasal Diari tu....just when we thot it cannot get any worse.
Hari tu TERtengok (hehe) Diari Extended kat @15, Aznil ada masuk Akademi kasi a piece of his mind to the kids, how they should buck up and all....sampai dia cakap, he speaks on behalf of the audience....if you dont get it together, nobody will watch the concerts anymore....that was before Konsert 4.
Tapi bebudak ni masih laaaa lemau. Either no talent ke lack of effort ntah la
Aku harap lagu Tilu tu dapat dekat Ain, lagi sedap drpd bg dkt si perasan tu. Nasib aku lega tgk Ain nyanyi lagu Halo tu, aku mcm meremang bulu roma dgr dia nyanyi lagu Beyonce tu.
Joe, kau perasan tak Ain tu mcm Mila? Mula2 teruk and makin lama makin bagus. Syukur.
Aku fav af kali ni Adira dgn Ain je. Yang Farina tu aku minat sbb dia nyanyi dgn tambah kecantikan dia buat aku tunggu jugak dpn tv :p Haha.
Aku doa byk2 bagilah Adira bawak lagu tu biar gempak, jgn la AF kenakan dia bg lagu tu, takut aku dia tersingkir. Dia hebat, walau macam mana pecah suara dia wktu lagu Biarlah tu, cuba tengok performance dia, wow gila.
Macam mana ni Norman, kau sendiri tak faham indie tu macam mana. Kesian.
Patut le bebudak AF8 tu tak fokus, rupanya ada cintan cintun. masalhnya apsal baru skarang penerbitan kluarkan part Baha selongkar barang2? Rambut Daus pun masih yg lama...Ohh..sebab orang makin kurang tgk kot? Anyway, Tok nampak improvement masa Konsert4 so hope to see better show in the next concert. Tapi TOLONG la...jangan potong2 lagu bebudak tu sampai hilang STEAM kita nak menonton konsert. By the way, effective ke showcase hafiz & aril utk tarik penonton datang tengok Debaran?
broo..aku pun benci la budak AF yang bodoh cakap ngan menatang mamposss!!! pelik2 betul dunia skrg!!! fake is fake!! ;p
psst: dlu aku suka jgk si ain 2..siap msuk belog la jgk! ni dia da strt nk main gile camera, hampehhh!!! :) tettt! over!!
Harap2 ain tak hancurkan lagu Halo.. kalo tak.. nangis beyonce.
btw apa motif nk tnjuk kisah cinta Nad+Iwan, Maulana+Ain??
Buat org lg benci ada la. Dlm dairi bknnya nk tnjuk diorang training!
Asto dah bunuh AF!!!
GLEE's rendition of Hello is pure genius weh! Or is it just me sebab mamat jesse james tu muka paling boleh tahan compared to other casts. Hahahaa...harap2 lah dia stay lama sikit kat GLEE.
It's kinda ironic when u put AF and Glee in a post. Satu side ko kasik la lagu apa pun, dia mesti jadi hancur (aku tak penah tengok lagi. But I trust your judgements). On the other side, ko kasik la lagu apa pun they will totally rock it. Ho yeahhhh!
I just can't wait for Glee Season 2 too! Sure gempak!
And the cover for TV guide...Sue is so......LOL!!!!
Joe - u buat review on Glee when it starts? You nengok kat mana nanti? Online kat mana? Nak tunggu Star World sure lambat kan...
Hai Joe... Yay! GLEEEEEEE..... Anyway, is the cd out on our shores? Since I'm in KL, so nak borong lah kalau ada...
dh tk tgk AF..
u were right.. its crappy..
GLEE rocks!!
yup... 1st time dlm af, pengetua ckp spe yg ptt kuar.. xptt btul.. e2 kan smue hak voterz nk tntukan spe yg lyk duk kat dlm akademi... Norman bias....
AF? tahun ni cam wujud tak wujud...
GLEE ROCKS!!!! Can I have an Amen? Hahaha
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