Friday, April 30, 2010


Just a quickie update. First of all - a clue into what we doing on Saturday.

You may have seen this on TV. It's a new commercial untuk Twisties. Watch and take a listen.

And ni versi Bahasa Malaysia as performed by Pesawat.

What are we going to do? Selama ni flashmob ni single device execution. Tak kisah menyanyi, menari atau satu aksi beramai-ramai. Kali ni kita nak menggila dan wat sesuatu kelainan as never done before by any flash mob. Kami gabungkan beberapa elemen skali.

How? Korang kena mai tengok. Wat skang aku hanya mampu nak katakan it'll be in the middle of Bukit Bintang petang Sabtu. Happening! We're taking over the streets!

Aku risau sebab logistics memeningkan. Tapi aku bangga sebab idea lain tu hasil aku sendiri, and I get to see it realized. It's a show for all of you.

Dalam pening seminggu persiapan - aku pasang lagu ni repeatedly bagi semangat kat aku when things don't go my way. Lagu dari Altimet - Syukur. Dunno if you guys pernah dengar ke tak - but you should. It's inspiring. I hope Altimet yang one of the most nominated for AIM 17 akan bawak pulang something for Syukur.

We'll see on Sunday la. But meanwhile... come on sing with me... SYUKUR!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Hah.. sebab aku ni cam pemalas beberapa hari ni (walaopon sebab sibuk), ni nak update entry panjang sikit sebab rehearsals semalam went well and lega sikit, plus dapat balik awal sikit (awal pon kira tengah malam la).

Semalam, sempat interview sorang kawan (tanak sebut nama dulu). Da jadi pengusaha tokei besar!

She's a diva, and definitely iconic dalam muzik Malaysia. Berapa ramai je kan yang kita leh iktiraf camtuh. But she's on that level no matter what you say - and I think selain dia, hanya Siti Nurhaliza, Ziana Zain, Sheila Majid among the few with upcoming legends like Jac. Kira the voices that defined Malay pop gituh.

Anyway - for those who love live shows kan... you know like Malam Nada Biru, No Black Tie... or even those gig like Sunday Nite Live dulu zaman Planet Hollywood, prepare for the ultimate venue in live entertainment.

I love this club! Baru bukak.. lom officially launch. Tu bulan depan je. But I got a sneak peek. Kengkawan artis pon da mula perform sana test power. Tempat memang kelas! Sound and acoustics - the BEST in Kuala Lumpur. Any performer worth his or her salt will agree with me on that.

Mai usha pics. Ni exclusive hah! Layan!

Benda paling aku makan hati! Speaker pakai JBL Everest! Sapa tatau pasal speaker cukup aku katakan sebijik ni da enam angka!
Not sure what this is - a Yamaha? But I love it! Merah itam cam rambut aku - aku so sleek and sexy!
AKG tuh... no karaoke microphones please!
Drum kit - the whole stage set up kemas and ruang spacious
And this is the club (makan hati LED screen dia).
Tanak sebut sapa co-owner club nih - but she is a dear friend and a real singer and performer yang akan keluar album baru tak lama agik. Lagu pon semua aku da dengar. Best! Bangga!

Aku unveil sapa owner nya nanti. Tapi kalao nak check out the club for classy and quality live music - Celebrities Club is in Solaris. Tatau mana Solaris, then tunggu je la. Heh!

Pas abih interview lepak gi minum borak lak... sambung sana. Went to Shokolart. So wrong to be on a diet when you're surrounded by killer chocolate treats.

Tanak-tanak... ni kena hidang. Aiyak! Bits for tea katanya. The chocolate is just sinful, ok! Matilah pinggang aku semakin kembang!

Pas abih... tengok-tengok da ujan ribut. Risau. Aku ada dua sesi rehearsal. Sesi satu, vocalists and percussionists.

Second percussionists with band.

Merasalah sangkut jam yang macam lahanat sesungguhnya!

Soalan cepumas aku - mana polis trafik time nih? Takkan tengah sibuk tahan dak 15 tahun bak keta tanpa lesen. Oops!

Whatever it is - everything's good. The rehearsals went well. We're back on track. Nanti malam esok abih rehearsal aku bagik korang sneak preview apa kita nak wat hari Sabtu nih di tengah-tengah KL. It'll be a musical flashmob like you've NEVER seen before.

Tak caya tunggu tengok je.

Meanwhile.. me nak rehat dulu ek. Doakan segalanya sukses yuk!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I apologize sebab beberapa hari ni memang cam malas nak blogging. Sebenarnya I don't have enough hours in the day.

Bangun siang da nak abihkan keja tuk pastikan tak bertimbun. On top of that, sampai ke tengah malam kena layan noya dan kebodohan orang. Biasala nak wat projek melibatkan beratus orang bagai memacam kerenah.

Semua feeling gila... sabar je....

Nak jadik boss bukan susah kalao dapat team yang betul. Bila keja ngan orang yang RASA dia mampu tapi hado je trying gila.

Still... it's going to be great this Saturday. I know panic and all... eventually everything will be amazing. Will try and update more, tapi bear with me. Sehari dua je lagik.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Remember my entry pasal keta berhias tuh? Ala... keta yang ada bunga bunga plastik tuh la.

Well apparently, it's a trend! Tadik petang masa ujan along Jalan Tun Razak, I spotted this car in the traffic jam (sila click pic besarkan). Korang tengok kat belakang keta tuh kat dalam tuh ada apa.

Yes... bunga plastik! Cuma yang ni fern-like thingies and pink and white roses. Matilah!

Tak caya? Tak clear? Not enough? Tengok bahagian depan lak kat dashboard tuh. Amik ko!!!

So looks it's actually some crazy trend aku tak aware of. Oh well.. takpe la. Kalao it takes this to be cool - I will remain uncool willingly!

Anyway, malam tadi ada rehearsal. Pening gila! Horror pon ada sebab kelam kabut sikit. Dari aku maintain cool je, rasanya nak meletop baran bagai sebab ada je yang degil.

Won't say much, but yes, this is for my project this Saturday! In the heart of Kuala Lumpur, expect a flashmob like you've never seen before.

Won't say much... just a few pictures (and I mean a few sebab aku tanak reveal everything). But what I can say is that it's going to be BIGGER than our KLCC one (not as big as our Beyonce was supposed to be) but this is going to be the big. And very different incorporating three elements in one. And no, it's not some karaoke flashmob.

Oops... ada band Pesawat?

And my fantastic homies! Props to KLDC and crew semua.

And some more are involved. But hari ni first group rehearsal... so masih awal and aku serious tanak tunjuk apa kita nak wat. But am going to be busy the next three days as the deadline gets closer.

If you guys are going to be in the Golden Triangle this Saturday (cuti ma!), head on down sometime in the evening (will let you guys know closer on that day itself!) and join in the fun. It's going to be awesome!

Anyway.. jap.. nak tunjuk. Finally aku dapat gak apa aku hajatkan selama setahun da.

Amik ko! 2 TB! Count those terabytes!!! Yeay!!! Now my three external hard drives with a combined space of less than 1 TB leh kira pakai sebagai spare je. Yeay! And yeay again! So happy!

Eh.. lupa lak letih. Esok aku update ok. Gotta sleep! Tomorrow got interview nak finish up, nak recce location and then rehearsal again. More pening nak layan for sure. Hopefully tomorrow's goes on better.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Boo ya!

Music industry education day.

The population of Ireland is roughly 6.2 million.

The population of Sweden is is estimated at 9.3 million people.

Er... that's more geography, you would say.

Bear with me.

The population of Malaysia is about 29 million.

What does this have to do about our music industry?

Senang je. Irish and Swedish pop scenes have managed to repeatedly gain successes in the music scene all over the world.

Meanwhile, back home, orang kita masih menggunakan alasan, mungkin kita ketandusan bakat baru... most of the time when people mention the Indonesian music scene and their rich talent, we hear the excuse it's because they have a population of almost 228 million.

So if other countries with barely a third, or a quarter of our population can produce so many successes, isn't it time that we admit, perhaps it's not so much about the numbers?

Maybe we ARE lacking talent. Blame the music education system (or the fact there isn't one... stakat belajar recorder time sekolah rendah... that's not music education). Music education isn't for the rich and elite only (which most of the time, kalao takde duit, mampu ke nak belajar?)

Maybe it's because of the infrastructure of our industry itself. We welcome crap so easily that the good stuff and real talent sink to the bottom.

Who knows... at the end of the day, aku yakin kita ada bakat-bakat yang leh dijual pada dunia.

If only people stop being lazy and thinking of merely about putting out run of the mill crap demi nak menjual album without thinking of a balance between credibility and commercial appeal.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

My life would suck without you!

Am so damn happy today! Hari ni layan Kelly Clarkson for the All I Ever Wanted tour in Kuala Lumpur.

Excited walaopon a little sad cause no interviews or press conferences. Boo! Got to stadium early, and tengah lepak when jumpa geng Hotlink, my clients.

Talked a bit and then sorang tuh tanya.. da jumpa ke. Aku jawab pon la.. dah.... tahun 2002 ke 2003 dulu kat Singapore. Heh! Matilah! Pastu aku ngadu la mana dapat jumpa... sebab takde PC ke apa. Dia bagitau ada meet and greet with selected fans. Termasuk pemenang dari negara lain.

Dalam lima puluh lebih orang kot.

Aku kata, ajak la. Sebelom anything, dia pass aku invite nih.

Tuh dia!!!

Happy gila aku. I feel like zaman aku dulu masa form two tak silap aku... masa first time gi konsert (masa tuh tengok Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine kat Stadium Negara).

Seronok gila dapat salam ngan Gloria, dan borak ngan Jon Secada yang masa tuh hado orang kenal kerana time tuh dia hanya backing vocal je.

Aku sejak masuk line nih, tak excited langsung kalao jumpa artis. Sebab da nama keja.

The last time aku rasa teruja pon berdepan ngan Mariah Carey yang kerek tuh (masa tuh diajak boss TMnet yangs sponsor konsert si karipap tuh kat sini). Tuh pun stakat tengok je sebab sentap ngan perangai dia yang memang diva gila! But dia superstar ok la... layak. Kalao yang stakat suam kuku cas diva camnih... memang mintak kena campak selipar jepun da kat muka.

Anyway... sentap sikit sebab official photographer meka amik pic ngan Kelly, so no autographs (takpe... aku ada da... dia sign exclusive bagi aku tuk first album lagik...) or pictures with own camera. Cam kesial. Tapi takpe.

Aku ngan tiga orang agik dapat time ngan dia.

Aku masuk belakang sekali sebab biar ada masa cakap sikit lebih.

She was still the same, and I heard the same line I heard first time I met her in Singapore.

"Hi... I'm Kelly... (peluk)... sorry... I'm a huggy person, I like hugging people".

Jumpa dia, dia peluk aku and all. Pastu aku cakap la... benda sama dia ucapkan. Heh.. dia tanya bila jumpa. Aku kata masa kat Singapore bila kat mana, kita lepak masa tuh camna and all.

Dia terus jerit. "Oh my God... yeah and it took me this long to finally get here!" sambil gelak. Sebab masa tuh aku da minat dia, aku da tanya bila nak mai Malaysia.

"Well, it took a long time, but hey... I'm here now!"

I love Kelly! Dia cakap molot tak henti... and dia genuine. Tak plastik tak fake!

Pastu aku keluar balik isap rokok sambil senyum jerk sorang-sorang. Serempak ngan kengkawan and then lepak together before we finally went in.

Ni songlist for semalam.

Jac did a wonderful job opening for the show. She did a medley of 24 songs (she said that.. I don't know if it was that many, but it was a lot!)

Jac being Jac, she was just amazing. Leh tak kita ramai agik penyanyi dalam Malaysia ni cam dia. Freaking awesome.

The weird part is, the second opening act before Kelly - was Suki. Ewwww!!!

I never liked Suki and always thought she was a waste of time.

Kali ni naik pentas with this dress that looked like dia kena sponsor ngan rumah pengantin kat Jalan Loke Yew ke apa with those organza (I'm thinking it is) ruffles yang ala ala kertas tisu terpakai.

She was overdressed to just perform one song, forgettable... and in short a complete waste of time.

And then.. Kelly came on making it all worth it - despite the dodgy seating layout, bad sound system, heat and the stupid island of 'VIPs' yang dok paling depan tanpa emosi!

It was just amazing. Yes, if you have to ask, Kelly has put on weight. And it wasn't just seeing her from a distance, but yes, since I hugged her I can feel the difference.

Ok... that sounds wrong. You know what I mean.

But despite all that, I can say she was FANTASTIC! Her stamina was crazy! She went on and on without showing any sign of even being remotely strained, though dia ada kata the heat was really bad and she was sweating it all off.

And by the end when she was telling us My Life Would Suck Without You, the crowd went crazy and went on their feet and freaked out and sang it back to her.

Yeah.. my photos are crappy. But was busy Tweeting so sapa yang follow aku @klubbkiddkl got the full account of the concert.

It was THE BEST concert I've been to in Kuala Lumpur for a LONG time after the Black Eyes Peas in Genting which was crazy awesome (not the MTV one in Sunway), and it was all because of Kelly (the organizers still SUCK which I'm sure a lot of people would agree).

Oh by the way... for those who were wondering how we did on Foursqure, nope, we didn't get the Superswarm. Simply because there were three locations! Same stadium but three spots kalao tak silap aku so everyone checked in random locations! Aduh!

Takpe... next time.

But I have to congratulate some fans for doing a flash mob inspired birthday song for Kelly. It came between songs and was drowned out the moment the next song began, but at least Kelly heard the belated birthday wishes. Yeay!

By the way - my friends and I did a FLASH mob there. Sakit hati ngan Rela bangang nya pasal asik suloh spotlight ke arah kita sebab ada bebudak pakai kamera dia nak warning takleh amik gambar.

Tapi bila da kerap sangat kita da asik kena suluh (padahal bukan kita pon), mata da sakit, hati da sakit, kita ramai-ramai guna phone, amik gambar Rela tuh ngan flash on! Dia bengang gila... tapi lantak la. Heh! Puas ati balas dendam. Tau pon sakit mata kan?

All in all it was mad fun sebab ramai kawan kat konsert tuh and got to catch up with friends.

After that, gi layan Rudy yang da mula proses pindah umah sebelom ngan Jo kita gi supper. Good end to the night.

Me happy to bits now. Hoping things will hold out this way until end of this week. Lots of work.. so little time. Worried by excited. Here we go!

PS - More pics of the concert soon!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Beautiful days

Ari ni tenang sebab keja sempat nak siapkan... and things going well. A little bit of mild panic running through me sebab projek semakin dekat, minggu depan da showtime. Aduh...

But well... today I saw a rainbow!

Ni masa aku driving out of Klang. Dulu masa kecik ni sibuk wat wish kalao tengok rainbow. Don't know if it works, but I got what I wished for. I wished for a lot of things, but I know one was to find the right career. Zaman dulu skema.... orang nak jadik doktor, lawyer, engineer....

You were always limited to think the job market was down to six or seven career choices jer.

And I'm happy my wish came through. I'm holding down a few positions doing what I love best.

It's always been my belief that if you want to do something, you have to be passionate about it. Money is secondary. Sadly however, in today's entertainment industry, it has become commonplace tuk orang bangga yang dia masuk bidang seni nih dapat wat duit tanpa contribute at all to the performing arts. Oh well... each to their own.

Things have been especially happy for the past few days keeping busy because my personal life is going well.

Sorted out some 'demons' of the past last night (matilah kat Bubba Gump and after), and right now, I now have the emotional support I need to keep doing things, walaopon kekadang semangat lebih tapi keletihan ya amat makes me want to give it all up.

Eh jap.. iklan sat. Aku nampak keta ni masa on the road tadik.

Mula-mula.. this caught my eye.... tak puas ati so aku drive dekat sikit. Seb baik traffic moderately heavy. So I managed to snap this when we came to a stop.

Inching in closer, dapat lak snappy nih.

Tuh dia.. apakahhhh?????

Aiyo! Flowerbed terus katanya! Siap ada bunga matahari kat ujung tuh. Aiyo... ni kaki bunga plastik ke... baru balik kenduri rumah orang angkut semua table arrangement letak kat keta.

Aku da lama tak letak random pics that made me smile... so here are a few.

Ni bila lak nih??? Welcome Tony Bliar? We hate you? Me thinks time for them to remove this dah. Wat malu je pelancong mai sini gelak...

How about this pic. Sebut betul-betul nama kedai kat bawah nih... and no, space tuh memang ada, takde abjab lain. Heh!

Tapi ni nama kedai yang memang aku suka sangat. Oska! Maksudnya?

Tuh dia... Orang Sabar Kasihkan Allah! Aku rasa memang their direction is right sebab meka ada dua lot siot. Untung... untung...

Had a fun night sebab tak gi dewan sakitkan hati sendiri. Heh... dok umah member wat pizza party ramai-ramai. Meka nak layan konsert gak, so aku layan sekali. Heh... tapi yang bestnya dok umah ramai-ramai seronok dengar semua carutan. Sekali sekala biar orang lain je...

Aku bersuara orang bagi banyak alasan. Biarlah peminat lain yang menentukan.. kan kan kan?

Anyway... onward! Work!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Attention! Foursquarers!

If you are on Foursquare, you'll know one of the most expensive and hardest badges to get is the Superswarm badge which is for 250 or more checking into one location.

This Sunday, beginning from 8pm, check into Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil - where the Kelly Clarkson concert is being held, so we can all get the SuperSwarm. Sapa gi event hado kat sebelah kat Dewan Sri Putra pon leh singgah check in. Heh!

Let's make this work, people!

Retweet this on Twitter. Remember - This Sunday, April 25, 8pm onwards, check into Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil to make it a Superswarm effort! Blog about it if you can, apapon pass the word, especially to everyone on Foursquare.

Here we go!!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Remember that May first event I was telling you guys about?

Ok... time for more info.

Since we did this in KLCC in August of last year...

... a LOT of people have tried their hand, successfully or unsuccessfully, at bringing flash mobs into mainstream culture in Malaysia.

Yerlah... orang Malaysia semua pemalu. Sanggup ke nak menari ke haper di khalayak ramai. I have to give props to the organizers of KL Freeze for opening the doors to many of us, flash mob organizers - whether commercial or otherwise for even attempting it.

Trust me... it's not easy. Many try, but bomb out. I've seen some really bad ones online... still mad love to them for even trying. Keep it up, guys! Let's make it a culture of street performances - amateurs or pros.

The challenge of freezing is not so hard, but being the first was the gamble here... you had to have wondered would Malaysians take part.

Evolusi flash mob kat Malaysia, memang slow. This of course in large part due to how you CAN really get in trouble for being too random in large numbers.

Lagikpon, remember, in Malaysia, a gathering of THREE people or more immediately can be constituted an illegal gathering... so ouch! That apart from endless shit that can get you in trouble for doing something like this in public even though you're not harming, or hurting, or even mildly inconveniencing anyone.

After out first effort at tackling dance as a theme in the KLCC flash mob, thanks to Maxis for tying in with us on that - we have Hotlink to thank for our second huge attempt for the largest dance flash mob in Malaysia. Which was supposed to be at the Beyonce concert (yang kita semua tau was 'postponed' indefinitely).

At least we got to do the pre-party where about 50 of the 250 dancers listed, kicked it up at Zouk to give everyone a taste of the surprise we were going to give Beyonce.

So... in 2010, I am pleased to introduce you guys again.. to J Squared - we sell creativity! I know that sounds wrong (heh!) but as creative director, aku plan to incorporate any form of the arts (especially performing arts) into the medium of presentation.

So for May, get ready for a flash mob that is HUGE and a FIRST. We are combining... singers, percussionists and a live band into a multi-device flash mob... numbering in... well let's say it's bigger than even KLCC.

There have been attempts at singing flash mobs, but most have failed badly.

Like with dance, inspired more by dance company Bounce from Sweden who posts some really kick ass videos on their flash mob performances, we want to come up with events like this that will inspire everyone to just sing and dance.

So this time, we are focusing on the singing part.

Ramai ingat kita ni sell-out because we tie in with corporate entities, but I laugh at that. You know why?

Because I get the performers paid, we have fun, and with logistics and all taken care of with no risks to our personal selves who do it for fun, and with no expense to our daily commitments, it is nothing but a chance to perform.

We tie-in with those we believe and we do what we can to bring the best out.

So this May... watch out for something really big.

By the way.. was surfing Youtube. I found a job I was offered, which I was unwilling to negotiate. The Lotus F1 event, which was to have a 'flash mob'. We declined to do it for our own reasons, and I just caught this video. Erm.. not too flash mob-esque if you ask me. Oh well... I guess at least the 15 or so guys doing it can dance...

Apapon... expect to be surprised. All I'm saying is, first of May, if you're in the city - get ready to see how a real, live musical will take the streets.

Letih dowh merancang benda nih. Doakan segalanya berjalan dengan sempurna. Can't wait for it. Rehearsals have begun and it's going to be AMAZING!

Owh... and we have another discussion with some organizers. We may be breaking our own biggest dance flash mob record of KLCC soon. Tak sabar nak confirm... tengah doa segalanya berjalan dengan lancar.

Time to get creative! Here's one up for the realists who dare dream, and the dreamers who dare be real!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Beep Beep!

Aku saja biarkan panas sikit tengok komen-komen in the last couple of entries.

I wanted to see just how many were against what I had to say.

And the result? Well, based on UNIQUE comments, undoubtedly setakat sekor dua langau tuh apa sangat kalao berbanding dengan musim-musim lepas aku review Akademi Fantasia ramai berbeza pendapat, kan?

Looks like this time, almost all fans agree on one thing - halfway there and Akademi Fantasia has nothing to show for it, walaopon kompang memacam.

All I have to say is, if you have to tell people how good your are, or how fantastic something is - it really wasn't in the first place.

People can tell... but, with that said. Lantak.

So what I have decided is, right now... wat per nak bark at a mountain kan? I suppose some people can't get it through their skulls, they're messing up, so let it be. AUDITED figures of ratings and SMSes will tell them, as well as post-production hype will reveal - what we've been saying is true.

So... remember how I said aku da malas nak even bother commenting on Diari? Likewise, bab Konsert pon aku da tak kuasa da. If I have nothing better to d over the weekend and I do decide to cover it, then maybe...

I am still a fan of Akademi Fantasia. Just as far as AF8 is concerned, da ilang minat sehingga meka bother to WORK on getting better.

But it won't happen for at least a couple more weeks.

Because this week... I prefer to spend my time with...

Can I get a hell yeah? Tak sabar konsert Kelly Clarkson.

I've only seen her perform before in a showcase and not a full show. And that was YEARS ago when I first met her when Idol exploded BIG TIME. The song then was A Moment Like This, and the location kat Singapore.

She was fun, and bubbly - and very huggy.

She is extremely nice and down to earth, and I doubt she's changed much. But since there won't be interviews here this time, tak dapek ler jumpa dia... kot. Mana tau ada peluang agik.

But her concert is going to be da bomb!

And one more event I'm looking forward to is our very own AIM 17. Performers lined up memang best gila... and it'll be party time sebab this time of the year when satu industri akan berkumpul nak celebrate the achievements of the past.

Memang ada yang tak amik pot pasal AIM sebab tak paham kriteria pemilihan - but for those IN the industry, this is the biggest night, because your own peers, people who are professional are judging you.
I have one more event the day before, on May 1 (lambaaaaaaaaanggg sejatiiiii... ingat agik tak?... merasalah!)

I won't say much about it, but if you're in Kuala Lumpur, you need to be in the middle of Bukit Bintang to experience it.

It's going to be amazing! Flash mob time! Won't say anything more as everyone is hard at work.

So that's it for this entry, and it'll be quite a while before I bother mentioning a TV programme I used to like for seven years before I got bored with idiocy of the creatively challenged.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fair & Lovely

Gituh... title entry yang sebenarnya takde kena mengena sangat pon. Well except the fair part.

Ni reaksi aku after reading artikel dalam mstar yang (KLIK SINI) and tergelak sikit la.

Mana taknya... ok camni. Sapa yang malas klik link tuh, ni quote from Norman aku nak share.

"Persembahan pentas mereka lebih matang, seperti yang semua maklum, ini bukan pertandingan nyanyian semata-mata. Saya menganggap mereka seperti berlakon teater.

"Dalam satu masa mereka perlu menyanyi sambil melakukan gerakan-gerakan badan dan tarian yang telah diajar. Sedangkan baju mereka sendiri juga bukan pilihan mereka.

"Jadi, saya rasa tidak adil jika mereka terus dikritik terutamanya di blog-blog. Kritikan biarlah adil, saya rasa masyarakat luar masih ramai yang menyokong dan mempunyai pandangan positif," jelasnya.

Ok. Pada press conference malam Debaran, memang aku stuju ngan Norman. All the dramatics atas pentas is part of the show, necessary or otherwise and it is in fact quite theatrical kalao banding ngan performance yang sebenarnya. Walaopon itu tak semestinya memerlukan pergerakan pose vogue ala ala Karam Singh Walia tangan angkat sana sini bagai.

But this is a fact - every year, Akademi Fantasia sama je. The requirements are the same. Routine ke baju-baju ke apa ke.. sama je. That is merely cosmetic. What is judged, is their ability. And the final result.

You don't get real points for effort - kalao tak ada hasil yang memuaskan. Trying alone isn't enough.

When you say there should be fair comment, do you understand what fair means? It means free from bias, dishonesty or injustice.

Bias? Aku rasa first person bias adalah pengetua. Ni anak-anak didik, so of course things will look different.

Camni je la. Tanya la artis mana pon. Da berejam, berhari, berminggu, berbulan rekod album, last-last bila kuar orang tak kuasa nak beli ke atau haukkan, or course sang artis akan rasa teramat teraniaya. Their opinion that makes it good - is biased because they are considering the labour put into the work. Not the final result.

In the entertainment industry - what matters is RESULT. Not just effort alone.

And the fact remains. Halfway through AF8, prestasi, tahap growth level bebudak, does not match up to previous seasons. Bab tuh, you can deny it till the cows come home, but in terms of talent and likeability, they are so far apart from their predecessors that it's not even funny.

We all judge based on what we see.

Kenapa Norman rasa tidak adil hanya kerana luahan peminat (termasuk aku as I write in a personal capacity in my blog)?

Lupakah? Akademi Fantasia is ALL about the fans. The ones who keep the sponsors coming is because fans invest heavily into the show, not just through AFUNDI but also the immense support through the years through websites, blogs and forums.

The online presence of Akademi Fantasia has repeatedly TRIED to be recreated by other shows tapi tak penah sampai. So somehow, I think this boils down to the fact, that no one in production or channel realizes or recognizes this.

Dishonesty? Injustice. Let me tell you what is fair and unjust.

Giving false hope, janji palsu kat bebudak nih that they're the best ever, making them think they have a brighter future than bebudak Akademi Fantasia musim-musim lepas. Berapa ramai dapat survive? Pikir balik tujuh musim lepas.

Almost a hundred 'graduates' dari Akademi Fantasia. Berapa ramai yang betul-betul menyinar bintang mereka?

The percentage of success REALISTICALLY is low.

Lain la kalao nak kata context competition alone.

The fact is, lagi kejam dan zalim mereka yang menipu, dalam sedar atau tidak, mengatakan bebudak ni bagus sangat when realiti hakikatnya akan amat berbeza.

They should be prepared for the hardship of the real industry, not continue to be surrounded by the fantasy which will last at most another less than five weeks.

Bab aku highlight di mana Norman kata dia merasa TIDAK ADIL dikritik kat dalam blog dan sebagainya... aku nak je soal balik. Mampu ke that critic-free zone tuh bertahan lepas lima minggu lagi.

Sedangkan artis sebenar tidak lepas dari kritikan sesiapa. The fact is when you put out a piece of work to be evaluated, it will be rightfully done so. Takkan nak kata takleh hanya kerana kata-kata itu tidak dipersetujui secara peribadi?

Artis dan bintang camna nih nak dilahirkan? Yang takleh terima kritikan?

Aku terpikir bila tengok Idol, mampu tak bebudak ni hidup kalao berdepan dengan juri yang lebih professional? Dengan pengkritik sedia ada pon, dianggap kasar dan tidak adil pon... aduh.

Reality is going to be such a shocker when the kids come out.

Apapon, hakikat kebenaran akan kelihatan dalam masa tiga hingga enam bulan dari sekarang. We see how many of these fabulous kids will get ahead.

Dari nak menyangkal pendapat orang lain atau sentap, I think it would have been better for the production to work towards improving the show and the many weaknesses. NOT blame others for them - especially when the success of their show depends on the support of all untuk nak naikkan balik Akademi Fantasia.

Kalao betul mereka kata in so many ways this is the best Akademi Fantasia ever - senang je nak tally up things kalao betul meka yang asik kata ada orang cakap bagus dan sebagainya. See the volume.

Meka leh kata la jumlah penonton meningkat bagai. Tiap tahun subscriber base Astro increases, does that not mean an increase in penonton Akademi Fantasia as well? BUT is the percentage growth in tandem with that of the subscriber base? This is the question I keep asking.

Dari segi AFUNDI pulak... boleh tak meka tunjuk AUDITED numbers (bukan angka-angka diumumkan yang takleh verified on the standing of the AFUNDI through the years?)

Musim pertama did about 5 juta SMSes sent, while musim kedua did more than 15 million. Musim ketiga tak silap aku about 10 million.

Dengan tiap musim selepas itu, dengan pertambahan konsert (musim ni siap ada pra-konsert dalam Tirai) we should expect an increase kan? Dah capai ke?

Kejam kan nak compare numbers... but tuh based on their arguments of using numbers. Kalao by support? Again aku katakan, sapa yang sokong AF dari dulu tau dulu lagik meriah. Masuk musim je, forum Cari akan kecoh bagai... blogs AF tumbuh cam cendawan after a downpour and moderator @15 sampai kelam kabut nak clear messages sampai karpet kat channel tuh bergerak at the speed of light.


Bottomline is - remember this la pada semua.

Berbeza pendapat - tidak semestinya bermaksud tidak sokong.

But the end of support is coming to an end with all these needless justification of how successful AF8 is... walaopon hakikatnya... erm... korang pon tau.

I for one, minggu ni tak kuasa nak layan konsert Akademi Fantasia, Aku gi layan Kelly Clarkson lagik better. Happening lagik. AF? Layan kat Youtube je kang.

These are songs I won't be hearing massacred this week.

Pelajar Lelaki
Maulana – Bila Rindu (Ruffedge)
Shahir – Kau Yang Satu (Ramli Sarip)
Iwan – Aku Cinta Kau Dan Dia (Dewa)
Daus – Selamat Malam (Faizal Tahir)

Pelajar Wanita
Nad – Jikalau Aku (Ezlynn)
Adira – My All (Mariah Carey)
Ain – Jujur Takkan Melupakanmu (Ella)
Farina – Mainan Jiwa (Rini)

Lagu Bonus
Konsert – Pak Balik Pak (Melati)
Debaran – Perpisahan Terasing (KRU)

Erm... ada lagu recycle dah penah wat dalam AF again... and ada lagu KRU.. again... Adira doing Mariah Carey? Nad jadik Ezlynn je aku rasa sesuai. Heh!

Moving on...

Saja nak share pic ni.

Ni pic comel those gorgeous ladies, Atilia, Sazzy, Yasmin, Aishah, Dynas and Daphne as well as Serena C masa shooting video clip lagu baru Atilia - Indah last week. Amik ko.. dalam video tuh gak ada Ning, Ida Nerina, mama Atilia iaitu Salamiah Hassan and Yasmin Yussoff. Me likey!

Sekian! Heh... banyak keja nak abih.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sink, like a rock!

Ladies and gentleman. May I present to you... the Titanic.

Your history may suck - but you may have seen the movie enough to know that the largest passenger steamship then... was declared unsinkable by those in the trade.

On 14 April 1912, four days after it set sail, just before midnight... well you know the story.

Apa kena mengena with anything at all?

Well, semalam lepas Debaran, at the press conference and all, Norman kata the kids, were among the best and that compared to other seasons, they were better.

I didn't agree.

I watched all seasons, I am a fan and for me, this is not the best lot.

Talent wise, I think musim keempat (walaopon paling hambar) and musim keenam had more great talents. Musim kedua dan ketujuh didn't do so bad too in terms of talent, while musim ketiga as well know produced a phenomenon.

Sehauk musim pertama, even those yang takleh nyanyi cam Atie pon, we grew to love them because of character.

The main contention is - these kids in AF8, don't have the talent to match up to those in the past, neither do they have the charisma, personality, nor star quality as we've seen before.

But I suppose sesiapa yang tak follow Akademi Fantasia sebagai peminat takkan tau.

With all due respect to Norman, the fans made Akademi Fantasia a success. Peminat Akademi Fantasia memang are like no other.

Tak kisah rancangan realiti apa pon, kekuatan Akademi Fantasia adalah kipas susah mati (direct translation die hard fan yang digunakan KSNM - batch initiator ZA8FC dulu ketika musim kedua).

Berkali-kali peminat bantah tuh nih perubahan yang tak logik, tapi tak ada pihak nak layan.

And kalao ikutkan team produksi, meka katakan bukan tak hormat peminat, tapi tu yang da ditentukan tuk halatuju AF8.

Erm.. bukan ke program ni tuk peminat? I'm sure changes can be made if you bother, really bother about your fans. Betul tak?

Bila aku point out pasal fans, Norman kata soal blog memang negatif je.

Erm... one thing I teach new artistes dalam media training is, never look at the positive, but the negative. Might sound silly, tapi ni rational aku.

Why look at things you're doing right? You can't do much more than if you look at the things you do WRONG so as to be able to correct them. Betul tak? Bukan nak kata negatif dan pikir buruk rendahkan kemampuan sendiri, but sedar apa kekurangan so you can improve on what's lacking. Right? How else can you improve otherwise.

Likewise, production pon jangan nak point out orang tuh suka tuh suka nih, bila JELAS, terang lagi bersuluh gituh yang hype Akademi Fantasia da mula mati.

Very the nazak gituh.

Still, produksi maintain. Akademi Fantasia masih mempunyai peminat yang memuja program itu.

Remember the Titanic? Kata takleh karam pon... hakikatnya?

So belajar la dari kesilapan. Terimalah teguran.

Dah ramai fan Akademi Fantasia dari musim sebelum (semua berkenalan sebab circuit peminat ni leh cam je muka-muka familiar dan bukan muka bermusim yang berapa orang jerk) yang 'bersara'.

Good or bad, there were easily about two dozen blogs yang dulu cover Akademi Fantasia religiously. Sekarang berapa?

Aku rasa aku antara satu-satu yang masih going strong since the start.

Tapi keangkuhan pihak tertentu will see me even stop blogging completely about being a fan.

To Norman - I understand your position and how your hands are tied to some extent by programming, but note this is your name on the line. Tu sebabnya Datuk Siti Nurhaliza never considered the job - sebab dia pon cakap, kalao tak mampu (kekadang kekurangan kemampuan bukan hanya kerana faktor diri sendiri), dia takkan amik tanggungjawab seperti ini as it can have negative implications.
But consider the fans. They know the show better - even better than the production team which are virgins when it comes to executing the show. Virtually a new team, who are unaware of the concept of Akademi Fantasia (apart from it being a reality show), meka tak hormat the essence of what the show is all about.
So do your best Norman, you have five more weeks.

To production - Terimalah tanggungjawab korang handle the number one reality show dengan sebetulnya. Jangan syok sendiri nak wat benda YOU or your family ke neighbours je like.

To station and management - Listen to the fans before you lose the branding of Akademi Fantasia yang selama ni the success behind Astro Ria.

And to fans - do what you know is right. Me? No watching or voting for me until some people regain their senses. Layan Youtube sampai lebam dan kalao da kritikal sangat, stop terus dari layan.

Hakikatnya, kalao nak defensive puji pujian pon, sampai masa meka keluar ke dunia realiti nanti, yang kaki propah kata meka hebat lagik kejam dan zalim dari penulis blog ke tukang forum yang mengkritik kerana telah memberikan harapan palsu pada bebudak yang seribu harapan ni.

After all - pada yang baru nak rasa, memang takkan paham.

Yang da lalui tujuh musim sebelomnya tau je realiti sebenar berapa orang je akan melangkah dalam dunia ni, dan yang selebihnya disappear sooner or later.

Too many qualities missing from what is needed in the real world.

Akademi Fantasia has become all about the programming sampai the post programme delivery da takde follow up.

Anyway... korang layan la Debaran malam tadi.

Takde penyingkiran malam tadi? Erm... for me they should be eliminating more than just one.

It's called a competition, not charity.

But walaopon produksi menidakkan spekulasi, dengan mengatakan none-elimination week ni da planned, hakikatnya -
i) Meka da kompang AFUNDI sejak Anum terkeluar walaopon takde peminat kecoh mintak
ii) Semakin terdesak meminta orang AFUNDI tak henti sampai sanggup tunjuk rankin celah konsert depan bebudak (tak penah sampai camni)
iii) Dalam bebudak da dapat perform skali tuk Tirai, and then ada week none elimination ni, seolah nak perah lagi undi SMS dengan panjangkan durasi as many students as possible
iv)Meka terpaksa bandingkan undian pada tahap minggu yang sama ngan konsert lain. With the additional week, and additional student in because of none elimination, sudah pasti kebarangkalian jumlah AFUNDI tak nampak sehambar kalao banding conventional set-up.

Kinda busuk if you ask me.

Plus... kan aku da kata. Every musim kalao ada dak pompuan kena kenen ngan pelajar lelaki yang jambu sikit (tak kisah la jambu batu ke jambu haper ke) meti dak pompuan up for elimination.

And dengan drama swasta busuk yang bermula dari kes selongkar hostel bebudak cari bukti cerita cinta, Nad dan Ain the obvious victims (walaopon memang dedua hado). And terbukti spekulasi aku bila meka berdua end up in the bottom three skali ngan Farina. Kan?

So what else is there?

Erm... mintak-mintak la meka sedar cepat direction Akademi Fantasia tak perlu ye nak tiru Idol ataupon worse, Sehati Berdansa.

But their show. If they want to f**k it up, hak meka kan?

Lagikpon... meka tak kisah pon kalao peminat nak follow ke tak.

PS - Nak carot blog ke blogger lantak la ko labu. Yang pentingnya, don't forget to check out Nuffnang's Project Alpha II ek. Bermula hari ni online. Bloggers rule!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Erk! Ehm.. uhm...

Ada yang kata... aku ni kejam la zalim la kutuk Akademi Fantasia bagai.

All I can say is... tu la orang kita. Kalao cakap tak setuju sikit je, kutuk la hina la...

Konon constructive has to be puji pujian laced with poetic content. Wei zaman aku belajar pon, rotan masih pakai lagik tau! Tanya mak bapak korang kat sekolah camna. Takde nak manja manja. Bebudak skang memang spoil teruih. Tuh yang jadik cam setan je hasil - belajar tanak gak.

So suka hati aku la nak cakap apa. Heh... deal with it. Hakikatnya, every season yang langau mai hinggap sini pon yang jenis stok peminat semusim. Peminat lama da paham apa itu Akademi Fantasia and knows the competition is wat it is.

Apapon... like I said. The reality of what I say can be seen nanti. Tunggu je three to six months and we see the reality of the situation. Masa tu peminat nak over camna pon, it doesn't sell albums pon (itu pon kalao dapat album)

Sebut peminat nih... berkali kali cakap tak sedar gak. Minat support. Tak minat takpe. Tapi kalao support tuh, adab pon kat dalam dewan tu agak-agak la. Aku dengar orang menyampuk pengkritik bagai tuh.. seriously?

Again... every season of Akademi Fantasia tetiba ramai lak penonton yang arif pasal vocal dan persembahan bagai. Katanya.. walaopon. Demokrasi seni? No such thing.

Sila ertikan beza what you LIKE and what is GOOD. There is a difference yeah.

Anyway... sebut pasal Akademi Fantasia nih. Semalam aku sampai lambat sebab nak confirm kan segala berita mengenai pemergian Achik (God bless).

Aku sampai ngam ngam lima minit agik kol 9. Ni senarionya...

Very the Zombieland ok!

Menangis la masa minggu pertama orang niaga ngan meriah bagai makanan, minuman dan snacks bagai.

Minggu ketiga lak... tinggal mamat jual aiskrim.

Masuk minggu kelima terus hado!

Padahal kalao ikutkan Akademi Fantasia nih.. every week semakin meriah. And people still don't want to admit what a failure this season is? Nak tunggu rating dan jumlah SMS (yang asik dok rayu je keja sampai tahap kena tunjuk kedudukan SMS sepanjang konsert which is pretty lame if you ask me)

Kalao numbers come in ngaku tak rasanya?

Oh well...

For those who are into hurting themselves, here's konsert semalam.

My comments?

Erm... ok.. here we go.

Iwan - Oh Juwita
Seriously... anyone think this boy will amount to much? One hit wonder ke apa ke leh la given a good song. But a career? Dream on. Zero star appeal and just meandering je in his performances. Kira kalao setakat kang nak filler artistes for performance, ok la kot. Tu pon kalao KRU sign. Kalao harapkan AESB nak release single ke album, tatau la menjadi ke tak. He has the vocal ability of about hundreds of thousands of kids out there. So nothing special at all...

Farina - Mana Mungkin
She did SLIGHTLY better. But then again, she's been virtually bordering on horrible these past few weeks, so setakat baby steps every week memang tak cukup. I thought dia mampu bak lagu ni, as aku anggap ni makanan dia, but hado gak. Emotional quotient ada, but too miniscule. She really needs to buck up kalao tak memang buang masa dia dok dalam.

Daus - Benar-Benar
Owh ni yang katakan indie ek? Tak penah wujud term indie as a genre, rupanya maksud pengetua dan jugak Jimmy lagu ni di'indie' kan camni ek? Throw in some twanging guitars and speed it up terus indie katanya. Setakat Akademi Fantasia stage kalao ada yang jerit, ok la tuh. Kalao masuk pentas lebih besar mati katak terus kalao performance camni. Da minggu kelima, where's the fire? Every week sama je level performance and vocal masing-masing. I don't see any improvement yang dikatakan at all. Dia dan Ain sama level. Horrible!

Ain - Halo
Like seriously... macam aku Tweeted. This is third rate Filipino pub act smack in some seedy lounge in Tawau punya interpretation of Halo. Dengan backing vocal menjerit HELLO HELLO HELLO... and dak Ain ni ala ala some random Linda Blair type of Exorcist character spewing out something supposedly in English, this was a bomb out. Freaking scary ok! Watching this on national TV is just surreal. Scream scream scream! That's what she did, and that's what I feel like doing everytime tengok dia perform.

Nad - My Happy Ending
Her diction takde la berterabur cam bebudak tapi seriously la dak Nad ni jadik pelakon je la. have a feeling dia mampu. At any rate, nyanyi memang tak mungkin jadik kerjaya. She sucks big time and five weeks, tahap baru nak audition Akademi Fantasia.

Maulana - Ku Bukan Aku
Like last week, aku kata Maulana ni takde masaalah when it comes to performance. While budak lain sparuh mati nak buktikan kemampuan atas pentas, dia nih rilek je. Dia mampu, no doubt about that.
The big BUT comes when it comes to his less than likeable character. Admit it... kalao minat Maulana pon - kena ngaku orang tanak undi sebab apa? Sebab memang dia come across as angkuh, sombong and overconfident. Sadly enough this doesn't come close to the actual talent and his ego I think overshadows that. Takpe la.. kalao dia kena sepak kuar kang, Akademi Fantasia ada reason nak wat AFUNDI nak perah (dah bersungguh meka perah sebab AFUNDI tak capai kuota for bragging rights) Second best performance of the night though next to Adira. Thumbs up for that at least. Katanya.. walaopon...

Adira - Seri Mersing
Aku suka kalao orang leh deliver setiap patah dan lenggok lagu asli ni bebetul. Bukan mudah... and like every other genre ada keistimewaan sendiri nak execute correctly. And Adira, aku kena cakap, walaopon suck so far, was absolutely fabulous for Seri Merdsing. Memang best!
Kemampuan dia ada, walaopon aku pon tak paham dandanan dia nampak cam some funky tranny trying to go ethnic and the choreography nak dia cam bersilat (keras kejung bagai pergerakan dia) Walaopon ni patutnya versi Datuk Siti, aku rasa betol memang dia wat cara dia sendiri dengan banyak perubahan on her part. Me like! Kalao camni la.. tiap minggu bagi dia lagu asli je leh tak? Cuma takyah sketsa murahan very the Bintang Idola Kecil at the start leh tak? Spoil! I have this sneaking suspicion though that she may not have been that amazing sebab ada mistakes here and there, but she sounded fabulous sebab yang lain hazab sangat! But still, best performance of the night, no doubt.

Shahir - Anggapanmu
I think dia ni most marketable sebab dia ni complete package. Leh jual pada bebudak yang nak rembes, sora pon ada. Tapi version dia ni.. erm... I think lacked the full potential seperti nampak dia wat dalam Diari. Still, it was well... listenable.

Semua pelajar - Kau Dan Aku
Lagu kanak-kanak riang ria Ribena disesuaikan dengan performance ala Tabika Kemas gituh. Why oh why...

Pemerhatian :
-VT semua mengarut punya lawak. Dumbs down the audience to the level of production (if they actually find it funny)
-Trigger lapuk di recycle. Perlu ke bawak anak bagai??? Yawn...
-And dare I mention stupid use of trying to tug at the heartstrings. Hari tuh Alif dapat VT bapak dia... ni Ain pon. Macam nak jadik Bersamamu TV3 je Akademi Fantasia nih. Sesuatuh!
-Wardrobe fail dan semakin fail. Ada orang point out repeat wardrobe dari konsert Akademi Fantasia lain... tu takpe. Tapi paling fail malam smalam was the camel toe that Shahir got. Heh... Korang tengok balik...
-Still no pizzazz and fire from the whole concert. I still feel like I watched konsert Hari Penyampaian Hadiah Sekolah Kebangsaan Kampung Pelir Hitam. Deja vu for the whole season tak abih... sama je week in and week out. Level tak naik langsung.

So there.. happy AFUNDI-ing. I would recommend not, sebab tahap ni tak nampak yang betul-betul bagus and worthy yet. Yang hazab je berlambak. At least Aznil was right in pointing out this is not about voting who deserves to be in but who should win. At this stage, they're still fighting for sapa bukan yang paling hazab.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


After almost two weeks, it was time to make the decision. Nak tanak... I had to put by baby Jack to sleep untuk elakkan dia menderita.

Kidney failure and this and that nak tanak da tak sanggup tengok dia menderita. Semalam balik, dalam kol 4 pagik, tengok dia terlantar, pastu muntah pon darah... dia buang air besar pon keluar darah pekat itam... aduh.

So at about 11am, the vet came and injected him. It toook less than five seconds. Bleeding from the nose, Jack went to sleep.

Am so sad. Memang la setakat pet... so mesti ramai kata ting tong aku nak sedih bagai... but Jack was a special pet, more than any other I've had. Jack was rescued by SPCA. He was an abused dog which was given a second chance. And dia nih memang loving gila.

Another reason why he's special - CLICK HERE and read for yourselves.

I can't bring myself to type anything longer. So... rest in peace, my baby Jack. It was the hardest decision I've had to make in my life so far, and I hope you'll forgive me as I can't see you suffering like that.

By the way... that picture on top. It was from my blog, the day kak Min collapsed. That was my baby's sad face all day that day. Maybe he knew too who had saved him from the SPCA and abused home... maybe he knew she was going.

Dalam sedih... tetap kena gi keja. So nak tanak... bersiap la pon tuk bagi telinga berdarah kat Konsert Akademi Fantasia. Serious pasnih aku rasa aku memang malas nak cover da. This season is the shittiest ever (walaopon ada yang bagi alasan apa pon).

Baru gerak nak masuk highway, dapat first message on BBM.

Then baru make call pada Sam, PR tuk FMC jerk, confirmkan... bertalu-talu BBM, SMS and Twitter messages maklumkan pemergian pemergian Achik.

Aku call Nana, Siti Nordiana. Nana pon tengah mode shock gituh sebab dia last lepas perform ngan Achik tuk Gah 1 dalam 5 lebih petang, dia send Achik to his car yang park nun jauh masa tuh.

Tak sangka tu kali terakhir dia dapat jumpa Achik.

Aduh.. aku dengar pon sebak. Dah send story semua, sampai kat konsert, later... dapat lak pic Bernama on the accident. Oh my Lord... aduh!!!

To Abdillah Murad Md. Shari or as we know as Achik... rest in peace. We pray for you... and cry our loss over another talent in the industry.

For story on The Malay Mail - CLICK HERE.

Lom pe pe.. balik dari konsert, dikejutkan ada video lak circulating. Tengok pon rasa nak pengsan sebab terus it was really bad.

This video is owned by Pyan Bunjut. All copyright belongs to him.

I am shocked... I don't know what to say. People... be safe on the roads ok. Especially musim tetiba thunderstorm bagai. May God protect us and keep us all safe.

It's as if the end is near... so many talented people passing... so many good people leaving us...

Dare I mention Akademi Fantasia sucking big time?

Armageddon indeed... in mourning mode.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Foursquare Day

For those of you who are on Foursquare, Happy Foursquare Day! Or what's left of it, as we exit it, and others in different part of the world begin it.

What is Foursquare day? Well.... those on iPhone, Blackberry, Android and such, probably know. And if you are on Twitter, you couldn't have missed it.

Foursquare is an application where you 'check in' at your favourite places, get points for fun, and more importantly, get badges for various achievements.

And if you check in the most at a location, you become Mayor!

I nearly missed Foursquare Day - but thanks to Altimet who boasted of his new Swarm badge via Blackberry Messenger, and told me of a Foursquare Day gathering/party at Starbucks in Uptown Damansara. As I happened to be in Kota Damansara, leaving for Shah Alam, I swung by.

Sempat la aku check in and get my Swarm badge. Sorry to everyone for not joining in, but it did look like everyone was having fun.

Yang penting, I got my Swarm badge! Swarm badge is basically for achieving a check-in together with 50 or more people. I heard the KL gathering went over a hundred. Not enough for a Super Swarm badge which is 250 people or more, but still impressive as it's not easy to get.

I don't know if this is true, but among the hundreds of Foursquare Day parties - declared a 'social networking public holiday' - Kuala Lumpur had quite a very decent one (I heard we even beat Hong Kong's celebration).

And this - is my Swarm badge!

And this, is the Forusquare Day badge! Get it? Foursquare? as in 4 squared equals 16, so 4/16 or April 16 = Foursquare Day!

Yang pentingnya, this brings my number of badges to a total of 23!!!

For those of you on Foursquare - check out my achievements. Makan hati tak? Come on, admit it! You're jealous! So if you have Foursquare, add me on 'Joe Lee' by searching or using my email and let's keep track of each other.

For those of you NOT on Foursquare, where have you been? Apapon, check it out by CLICKING HERE and joining (you must be on a Smartphone listed). All you have to do is sign up for an account, download the application and get going!

Ahh... pas dapat my badge, I headed to Shah Alam. Untuk majlis menyambut ulangtahun Datuk Siti Nurhaliza yang ke 15 dalam industri muzik, sekali pelancaran album 'Apresiasi' Saida dan Sairah.

Blackberry aku da nazak, tak charge battery (simpan tuk check in Foursquare je) so pics tak banyak. Sempat snappy pics Jac yang perform. Vogue gila dia malam tadi.

Tak sempat snappy pic Saida and Sairah, but hope you guys like this one (low lighting and flash lak takleh pakai sebab low batt) but manja tak?

Amik ko. Tahniah to Datuk Siti Nurhaliza, and may you have more years in the music industry.

No matter what anyone says, bukan senang nak tahan satu setengah dekad and still be going strong.

PS - Short entry sebab something on my mind. The end is near...

PPS - Lahanat sangat Diari kelmarin tunjuk si Maulana dapat 'panggilan' dari awek dia, pastu dipaksa bagitau 'pilihan' antara awek dia dan Ain, and Ain dipaksa masuk ketika call tuk jawab as well. What the fuck? I mean seriously? Is this what Akademi Fantasia is resorting to for ratings? Siap asik dok nak kompang Iwan dan Nad... this is why I watch it on Youtube kalao ada masa. Takyah naikkan rating ke AFUNDI. Kowser. And need I mention in these two days bak masuk Fahrin for Farina and bak masuk Tony Eusoffe and Zulhuzaimy for Ain??? Meka ni belajar apa? Merembes?.. the gimmick was just... cheap. Just like how they making these kids. And budak-budak indie sekarang adalah 'budak-budak comel tepi jalan? A WTF moment...