Istana Budaya... the venue for the seventh concert. I couldn't miss it, so only for the third time in twelve years, I missed Anugerah Industri Muzik, our local scene's biggest night to be there at the concert.
Was it a mistake? Well not really... though I'd have to say it wasn't all that exciting as well.
I thought the whole cultural show at the start was predictable and tuk aku biasa biasa jer.
Because the stage was bare, and there was nothing fabulous about the dance outfit from Istana Budaya aku rasa cam.. erm... opening yang agak lemau la sebenarnya. Should have been bigger, more colourful and explosive.
Da alang alang wat kat Istana Budaya kan... pull out all the stops la.
The use of the hydraulics to introduce the kids was good, though wish they had put more thought into it.
Moving on.. malas nak review sangat the whole thing. The tribute to P. Ramlee was erm.. ok. How can I say anything bad kan? But it seem so much like a contrived manner of promoting P. Ramlee The Musical.
But the critics were horrible! What was Tiara especially going on about??? Half the time merapu jerk. She came across so... blonde! Even though think she was closer to chesnut (stupid joke... just like the invitation to her to judge the event)
Nubhan dipuji (nampak Syafie dan Siti Hajar jeling tak kuasa), and such erratic judgements proved that there was little focus on sizing up the kids based on their actual field of expertise (dia ada ke). Only Adlin got it when he said it sounded dry, tak konti about not being caught up in the orchestral music.
Stanly lak leh dipuji (of course Tiara leh kata kena perform and singing is not everything because masa awards pun dia miming), while Ning insists she's seen the other side of Stanly (yezza...I think we saw all 360 degrees of him).
Adlin kata 'sifat yang perasan awak yang awak bagus and better jadik awak lebih positif on stage'. Some people cheered... they thought it was a compliment. Matilah! Gelak sat...
Bab Alif lak entah apa Tiara merapu, wasting away precious airtime was pointless...not too unlike her comments. Erm... ahhh.. like what? By the way, Tiara, Ning had that hairstyle during album Ke Sayup Bintang ok! And she looked better with it.
But kicker was Ning saying, "bukak mulut lagi besar, lagi luas, cause when you open your mouth, adik akan rasa satu kepuasan dalam delivery". Heh... gelak jap! 18SX humour sat ek...
Astro, please la.. we want critics yang boleh evaluate the kids, not attempt comedy hour ataupun tidak reti menggunakan kepakaran meka bila buka mulot.
Apek Dan Marjina, Nasi Goreng, Obat, Terbang Burung Terbang, Cik Cik Kaboom & Lagenda
The musical style presentation azab ok! Lakonan bebudak nampak cam paksa sangat. Nadia was nice in the opening, though Toi deserved a tight slap.
Masuk Nasi Goreng cam ilang lak sora memasing. I dunno if it was the mics but the backing was barely audible.
Alif was biasa biasa jerk.. energy level dia drop in just a nano second. But sora dia was ok, though nothing to shout about.
Nubhan was just shaky and out of breath for Obat and he actually went off so many times. Mengah semacam jerk. Tak paham dia nih.
Stacy was seductively wow.. sodap! Aku leh bayangkan dia dalam a stage presentation with her whole act, even though dia ni kekadang memang kerap terlebih sudah. The whole harmony thing didn't work for this song.
Masuk Lagenda, we had to deal with the RTM like dancers, but overall it was beautiful with the orchestral backing.
Riz was ok, Nubhan was off tempo again, Stacy was sweet, Stanly sounded like memang buasir ngan sora paksa dia yang meneran like so in pain, The whole group harmony at the end was the best... except for Stanly yang obviously tak reti nak finish in a group feeling nak overpower gituh. Adik adik... trust them to want the spotlight that bad.Everyone blended well except for him who tried so hard to stick out.
Overall, there was no fire and everyone did it so routinely, that it was almost a bore if it hadn't been for Ramli MS and the Orkestra Simfoni Kebangsaan for their amazing musicianship.
The sketch at the start was boring, and pointless. Adlin pun nampak tak larat da..
Aku rasa lain kali kalao nak wat sketch pun, put la more thought into it dan jangan cukup syarat nak buang masa jerk.
Dengan banyak versi lagu Dealova sudah sebelom ni, Nubhan failed big time.
Tak kisah la... versi Once ker, Datuk Siti Nurhaliza ataupun Faizal Ramly ketika Akademi Fantasia musim keempat.
Nubhan was one of the flattest, boring, shaky versions ever. Walaupun di bantu oleh backing music yang begitu indah, aku rasa cam ngan dia tak mampu nak reach some of the higher notes, , he went off so bad that it was not funny.
At some part, it was like a bad imitation of yodelling.
And memang seperti dalam Diari, bila Ramli MS tegur dia pasal nak close to keangsaan, he actually flew off the intended notes walaupon da ditegur berapa kali before this to be aware of it.
First of all masa ada audience kata dia patut lakon sebagai Doraemon bila dia jawab AC kata dia feeling nak berlakon, I think they got it wrong. First of all, Doraemon is actually cute. Thank you Nafi for pointing out that he should be Doralin (or in some countries, Dorami)! Kok yer pon... nak rasa Doraemon sesuai.. memang Doralin lagik sesuai!
Dia tak sumbang as bad like his six other performances,but didn't mean it was good.
And why does he like screaming, and masa dia kepit tuh kenapa? Argh!!!!
It sounded disjointed, and tercerai dari muzik.
The whole promo of Amy Search punya restaurant was a waste of time. Tambah lagik recording pesanan Amy pun tak dengar sangat...
Technically, he did ok, in fact up to this point pas Nubhan dan Stanly, dia lebih stable. Cuma expression wise, memang he has as much personality as a three week old dead fish.
But I thought it was ok if it did sound a little boyband. I think Tiara mistook this week for rock week sampai nak ikut gaya rock abih.
Too bad he coudn't emoby the song better, but since he coudn't get the personality in place, too bad la. Adlin said it right when he said it was nothing special.
Dari start da off da. SUMBANG LA BODOH! And did someone turn up the reverb?
Arghhh!!! Seminggu punya latihan macam ni ke????
The WORST performance of the night and memang tahap longkang belakang pasar Klang.
And what's with the ending pose?
SHOO! Keluar lah sudah!
Lagi lama dok dalam tu, lagi tak bermaruah jerk sebab undeserving!
One Night Only
She had the power, the vocals, the focus and the star value.
What she didn't have, was control of the English language, the lyrics, and also a decent dress.
It looked like a glittery potato sack siot! Burok nak mampos baju dia nampak badan dia tak proportion langsung.
And Astro - sila amik perhatian yer... it's spelt Amylea yer.. bukan Emilia! You would think they would get that correct since she was from Akademi Fantasia as well.
By the way, aku tak paham kenapa Amylea dan Zarina in the background backing her up sebab tak dengar apa apa pon.
Still, Nadia has something special, just aku rasa lagu ni tak sesuai ngan dia.
Memburu Impian
Again, I have mentioned this before. He is overrated. No, aku tak menidakkan kebolehan dia. Cuma dia belum ada persembahan yang make me go WOW!
Berbekalkan a fantastic arrangement of Memburu Impian, I think he did above par though.
Kalao dia ada peluang nak record a single or album, dia patut memuatkan this version, tapi rakam balik la sebab the arrangement is magic, though the vocals could be better.
Minimal flaws, a little boring, but still better than the most of the whole group. My choice of second best performance of the night.
Pening ok! Kesian semua dalam Panggung Sari ingat ada rusuhan ke tunjuk perasaan. Pakaikan t shirt kuning jerk sah sah aku dah ingat kempen BERSIH. Either that or peminat Riz protest kot... anyway...
Merasalah kan semua tech team jadik mangsa tuk play extras!
Buang masa jerk.. and very tak perlu langsung.
Too long... boring and a #$%^ waste of time!!!!!!!!!!!
Stacy however made her performance waiting for.
Walaupun aku da kata this song is hardly right for a competition, and a little too slow, she made it the highight of the night.
Her control of her vocals was astounding and memang kalao ni la pentas AIM, dia sudahpun bersedia dengan mereka yang professional.
Just the damn baju tuh macam lahanat sangat sampai dak tuh nak gerak pon takot tergolek jatuh pentas. Apa la... tak abih abih baju merapu camni.
Still, it doesn't take away from the fact that she is a STAR! Possibly one of her best performances in Akadem Fantasia so far.. walaupun lagu tak sesuai....dan membosankan.
Music Of The Night
I'll make this short. It was.... ok. Nothing great.
Vocally they were better than musim kedua ketika perform Memories. Even their English was much better (hampir everyday focus on this matilah kalao tak, kan?)
But they didn't have the passion, or the heart, or the fire to make it something truly memorable. Semua biasa biasa jerk.
Outstanding was Stacy sebab kemampuan dia nak harmonise and hold all the boys vocals in place was commendable. Tuh selain her own little parts.
For boys, Riz stood out because it didn't sound forced. Stanly was a bore sebab he had this idea of what the delivery was supposed to be about, but he overdid it.
Apapun tahniah kepada tenaga pengajar, It wasn't a disaster as I expected it to be. You guys are miracle workers!
Menuju Puncak
What the @#$%^& la pakaikan Alif konon phantom lari keluar masuk jerk keja.... heh! Bodoh tau! Aduh.. pecah perot aku gelak sepanjang Menuju Puncak ngan aksi Chpsmore dia kejap ada kejap takde.
Sodih la camnih! Heh!
Vocally, this is beberapa tapak ke belakang from previous weeks.
Nadia flubbed choregraphy and so did Stanly.
Ramai angsa, most noticeably si Toi.
The arrangement was fabulous, especially with the extra kick after the Menuju Puncak line.
The elimination? Tak mengejutkan. Tapi the results? Korang tentukan sendiri la. Malas komen lebih jumlah AFUNDI ketika undian tutup. But nampak pun tenaga pengajar pun tak puas. I think we all know who deserved to go. Yawn... enjoy the songs kat sebelah ek guys.. (yang mana tak menyebabkan telinga korang berdarah la)
Keputusan jumlah AFUNDI ketika undian ditutup untuk Konsert Akademi Fantasia 6 - Minggu 7
Stacy 17%
Stanly 17%
Nadia 15%
Riz 14%
Nubhan 13%
Toi 13%
Alif 12%
Anyway... lagu-lagu masuk Imeem player kat sebelah nih dah. So korang dengar balik all the nyanyian and pepandai review sendiri ikut citarasa. Sapa yang tak korek telinga, anda dimaapkan awal awal kalao tak puas ati carutan aku. Heh...
Esok post review AIM lak based on the video aku da layan.. ta all!
I'll leave you guys with some pics of cam whoring session pas Konsert.
Umi AFUNDI sapa tuh?
Kak Fati aka mami!
Siti Hajar in on the action
Bung and mami go for the cam once more
Pix bonus - tuh apa tuh? Club house anti-club seorang pelajar? FYI ada sebuah kelab anti seorang pelajar bernama KESETAN. Teka sapa? Pic ni aku amik masa on the way ke Konsert.
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