Hah! The b*tch is back! Not that I ever left. What am I going on about? Well, as kalao korang baca korang tau, aku apply VSS (which is the voluntary separation scheme - ye .. kalao yang tak penah keja company besau this is something kita kena apply and up to company sanggup bayar kita compensation gituh for wanting to leaving them) sebab da nak tinggalkan tempat keja aku. Bukan bosan jadik wartawan... just nak kejar impian aku nak wat banyak agik benda yang berkaitan - disiplin lain berkaitan business nih.
No, bukan cam kata seorang binatang berupa manusia kat portal yang hidup segan mati tamau tuh, aku kononna diberhentikan keja tuh yer. Matilah speku lebihan ek.... anyway, I got my approval letter arituh which I already told you guys which means by the first week of April, I am richer when I clear my income tax and the money is banked in. Hooray!
But today aku dapat better news. Aku ditawarkan jadi columnist tetap to write my gossip column, also possibly the introduction of a new one which will be more of an industry watchdog contribution about the entertainment industry - both of which will be weekly, apart from covering all the major entertainment events sebab pengalaman aku. Kira benda nih aku wat suka suka jerk. Kind of like my blog - except that it pays real better money.
Matilah... money makes the world go around. So awas... siapa yang ingat aku quit this business. Carutan tetap akan berterusan. You can run but you can't hide gituh!
Next week lak (pada sapa yang nak tau what I'm up to la - bab nih tuk kengkawan) tunggu offer for my real full time job, God willing, heading the PR and Publicity Unit of erm... adalah. Heh.. board of directors tengah borak leh ke tak handle gaji aku minta, so tanak cita selagi lom jadik kenyataan.
Also - confirm meeting projek besar ngan one of the biggest artistes in Malaysia for a side project for my soon to be registered company (takde masa dowh... kena rush nih!). This will be one of my first projects, after a TV show I'm producing, which incidentally, by next week aku kena call production meeting. Da dua meeting and many more to come so pening sikit sebab perlukan banyak preparation.
Most of these stuff I can only wat next week after I finish my tenure at my current residence - and have the time to run about and get all the paperwork sorted out.
Lesser late nights for me. Walaupun mula mula ingat aku leh rileks kejap pas henti keja aku, nampaknya rezeki, God willing, mencurah masuk. Doakan la ek aku mampu pikul 1001 tanggungjawab yang baru. Pasni memang every moment of sleep important.
Pasni, aku akan melangkah kembangkan sayap cover all grounds. TV is confirmed, paper da confirm - skang tunggu radio jerk nak confirm.
Kalao jadik, memang aku networking kuat. So am praying for that. I will be working in all three fields, behind the scenes from various aspects.
Getting the news today about the offer which I accepted put a permanent smile on my face. So today special day nak spend with my Boo. Plan nak date romantic sikit sebab da lama tak spend time ngan dia.
Faz ajak tengok wayang skali, and since da janji ngan dia smalam, ok jerla. Sayang si Juan tak dapat join sebab tak sihat. But we had another friend join us kat Chilli's kat MidValley, si Samuel.
Yes, you all. Samuel Rizal. Sammy is in town again sebab nak finish up Sayang You Can Dance punya shooting. Co-star dia si Nani was supposed to join us kalau sempat, tapi she couldn't make it in the end sebab ada discussion ngan kak Min.
Was kind of hungry so takde masa nak amik pics ke apa. Melantak je keja. Abih melantak, went ip to GSC to catch a movie. Semua tak sure nak tengok apa. The concensus from Boo and Faz nak tengok 27 Dresses. Aku dan Sammy tak kisah sangat, tuk aku asalkan it doesn't send me off to sleep (that's Duyung out of the list)
In the end, tengah jalan, Faz changed her mind and dragged us for Awake. Ada Jessica Alba.. so ok jer.
We had 20 minutes to kill - so jenjalan tatau gi mana - gi kedai game kat sebelah bowling centre tuh. Amik ko Lara Croft versi Valley Girl!
Before that we raced on Daytona. Aku kalahkan my Boo. Faz whipped Sammy's ass by outdriving him! Amik ko! Sapa kata women drivers are bad (tatau la bab virtual je hebat ke... matilah kena carut!)
Yang pentingnya aku tukar token RM10 worth. My Boo tetiba dapat main Daytona game dua kali free! Untung nih. Pastu ada game mesin yang ala tikam. Aku saja carut game tuh kata orang tak penah menang pun benda apa dari game tuh, but decided to try. Merasalah, masuk RM1 sekali try, dapat prepaid starter pack.
Gelak la.. apa lagi. Bagi Boo so senang nak SMS. Our other line tuh murah agik kalao gayut, nih tuk SMS line jer gituh. Aku da ada tiga line ngan semua provider perlu ke lagi number baru?
Fun gila.. and time passed by so fast before you knew it, it was time for us to catch the movie.
Well, since I didn't read up anything on it before I watched it, it definitely ler exceeded my expectations.
Jalan cita dia simple je. Mamat nih perlukan a heart transplant. Lain korang tengok sendiri.
Tatau camna nak describe the story without giving anything away.
Don't read any synopsis ker reviews. This is the type of movie yang kalao ko masuk not knowing anything, it could just end up pretty good.
Nice twists of plot, and decent acting.
Bab storyline memang banyak yang tak sangka, and quite suspenseful in a way.
Ever imagine when they put you to sleep before an operation, what if ko masih leh sedar dan rasa what is going on?
Watch it, and imagine no more.
Jessica Alba was ok ok jer since this is her first really different role (tanak cakap banyak sangat kang tak suspen).
So was Hayden Christensen (Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - more recently in Jumper) was decent too. The best acting we all thought came from Lena Olin (now I recall her from Queen of the Damned).
Tapi movie nih kan... kalao orang layan, memang besh la. Tak rugi RM10 harga tiket pon kalao nak layan. Worthy movie to watch - and nothing too extreme.
Simple movie with strength on storytelling.
Eh panjang lak aku pot pet nih. On to the review of Diari pertama hari ini.
Why are they showing so much of Toi. Berapa hari ni perasan moka dia jer. Da la nyanyi sumbang... pelajar lain takde lak nak tunjuk sangat.
Tapi one good thing about the shot is that nampak Naim tengah main handphone dalam shot. Oh, ni namanya belajar ek? Main game? Cikgu!! Rampas handphone!
Vocal class lak nampak si Toi lak sibuk amik pic ke video ngan handphone. Honestly! Owh.. amik pic Nubhan ke? Sudeh! Nyesal jer kang pecah lens camera tuh kena layan moka si Nubhan tuh baru tau.
Nadia, Alif, Stanly berdepan ngan Syafie tuk membetulkan nyanyian meka. Nampaknya meka tak prepare lagik.
Bung Ramli pun turun padang nak betolkan nyanyian mama Rina. Small details here and there that the kids have been ignoring thus far. Kalao betol meka take note, I think that they will indeed perform better.
Ngan Siti Hajar, Rina diberikan contoh vibrato, fast and slow, loud or soft. Pastuh Syafie pun turun padang tuk nak tolong.
I'm almost sure Rina can actually pick up because her effort seems more than the other kids. Her focus and attention to detail dari time dia wat lagu Simply The Best last week, dengan utilise tunjuk ajar the teachers, I think she'll actually nail Ku Seru big time walaopon this is not her strongest tune to perform. Her maturity is definitely an asset here.
On to Saida with Siti Hajar. I like the fact that she's being stressed upon to deliver it with the right expression and feel. But from what little she did, she seems able to carry the song. Mintak jer dia mampu nak emote the kegedikan of the song. Susah tuh sebab tu memang bukan character dia.
Then on to Ika. A disaster of epic proportions!
Dia nih kan.. thick skull aku rasa. Tak tembus langsung apa yang di ajar. Lain kali bak tukul je ketuk bagi masuk sikit.
Next, si Stacy.
Time for the dramatic horror of English classes.
Erm.. Nubhan, Naim, Faisal nih kan, aku rasa tak lepas darjah tiga pun tak lepas sebenarnya English nih. Some people may not think that's a problem, but honestly, camna la nak kembangkan sayap kalao sekolah rendah punya tahap pon takleh.
Sigh... tu la pasal. Belajar tanak. Nak jadik penyanyi nak glamer cepat konon.
What's with the present wrapping session actually becoming part of the Diari???
Tukau channel sat. Eh jap... aku tengok Diari kat laptop camna lak nak forward.
Bung Ramli janji the best male and best female students punya performance. Even the worst pun dijanjikan dapat 'hadiah'. Aku lebih tertarik nak tengok apa hadiah yang perform azab.
On to dance classes. Linda tunjuk Lufya how it's done when you have to gelek!
Aiyo!!! Meletop Linda gelek! Very the Inul ok!
Paraaaa penontonnnn.. bapak bapakkk... ibu ibuuu... semuanyaaaaaa
Merasalah camera bodowh tuh jadik informer bla Linda tanya sapa plajar perangai buruk. Cam kata ada beberapa kategori.
Makan kemudian tidur berdengkur - Stanly
Banyak makan taoi tak mengaku - Riz
Yang diam aje - Saida
Matilah cam kata Saida cam sombong. Terus Saida laser cam lemau tuh. "Sora mahal ok!" Amik ko! You go gurl!
Moving on.. Ika menangis pas Genervie cakap ngan dia pas Ika tak dapat the right note.
"Yeah, this is what they will call tone deaf if you can't get it."
Kesian Gen kena layan Ika. Nangis lak. Dahlah tone deaf.
"Masaalahnya everybody know.." kata Ika. Know apa? Ko tone deaf. Hey! Kalao ada Hari Tone Deaf Sedunia, ko da memang poster girl leading the parade la Ika. Tapi of course thanks to the editing, we'll never know what she said everybody knows. But mai aku speku. Tengok pic bawah ni time dia nangis.
Perasan tak? Ika nangis, moka Gen horror. Nampak poster belakang? Hah.. ni namanya Jangan Pandang Belakang! Kalao ko nampak rambut kejung AC camtuh dalam poster Mayfirst tak perlu tuh korang pun akan nangis (mai nyanyi sama sama!!!)
Moving on.. second Diari - tunjuk hostel lelaki. Alif masih horror cannot reach the high note lagu Mawi tuh.
Kelas umi bebudak kena marah. As usual. Seb baik dia memang tak kuasa nak tolerate bebudak nya rubbish.
Naim di panggil nak speak out lyrics. Tak hapal and tak prepared katanya.
Pastuh leh wat lawak bangang. Bila kena marah wat muka bangang.
Kena check notebook - baru tiga helai je notes dia. Konon dalam buku lain.
Semua buku kena check. Toi pun kena pun sebab kurang notes. Bebudak ni do kelas ni berangan je ke keja meka?
Riz kena sound sebab main main. Riz merengek kata Nubhan usik dia. Dedua kena in the end. Stand in the corner.
Stanly kena puji sebab hafal lirik. Lain semua ada problem kot. Soal focus sekali lagi ditekankan. Which obviously they never use punya nasihat.
I am focusingggg... to sleeping with my eyes open!
What's with all of them usung DVD player meka tuh kena dengar like that?
Sponsor kedekut ke? Da la bagik on loan jer, pastu earphone tak bagik ke?
Kemut nak mampos! Kesian sekor sekor telinga kena melekat kat player nak dengar lagu nak hapal lagu. Tengo pics yang menadi bahan bukti di bawah
Next scene tunjuk bebudak makan. Kena keji ngan camera nanti baju koyak kalao asik melantak.
Riz kata dia 83 lebih kilo skang "sebab dia buang pagi". Eeew... berak leh turun dua kilo ek? We always knew he was full of shit, tapi yer yer nekad tau nak turun ke 75kg by Rabu next week. Iyolah! And you have the loveability of a Care Bear, and I am the f*cking queen of Romania.
Terus across the other side of the room, Rina dan Saida ngan Stacy lagik satu meja tuh, tahan je nak gelakkan meka. Rina sampai kuar air dari idung tuh tak tahan. Amik ko..!!!Fantasia Bedah dan Timah katanya! Siap Timah...eh ke Bedah si Stanly tuh, briya kata nak start vegetarian diet! Sunday je nak makan meat!
Beriya masa timbang, Stanly dan Riz 85,1kg. Sama je memasing - in every way.
Stacy, Rina dan Saida percaya sangat plan Riz dan Stanly nak kurus!
Masa timbang tuh - korang dengar tak Stacy melatah? I could be wrong.... but....
Did she really say TOTOK? Erm... kalao tak silap.. that means.. erm... nampaknya orang Astro tak paham kot.. heh! This day in history tol leh sebut tuh on TV! Heh!
They sang kak Nita Happy Birthday sebab nak celebrate her belated hari jadi - and then later masa kelas kak Nita lak kena tegur. Aku penah kata - they couldn't even sing Happy Birthday right, and proven. More on that...
Aduh.. jap... korang perasan tak Sarimah! Kalao korang paham pic nih.. bagus lah! Damn, gurl.. ko funny siot! Pecah perot aku!
Kak Lin cakap cukup da nih! *matilah ramai tak paham*
Anyway, back to kak Nita (sambung gelak sat... ok dah), dia tegur bebudak from all aspects, including how not to look tired, how to be more confident masa performance, to Saida how not to frown, body language (si Nubhan nyanyi mesti kes patah tangan asik kat dada jerk).
Alahai.. Saida nitis air mata terharu lagu tugasan Nubhan... sniff sniff. Either that or dia pon tak tahan torture moka Nubhan takde perasaan time bawak lagu besh.
Mraslah statement Sarimah, nak tahan angin susah referring to kak Nita's advice nak take deep breaths. "kalau nak keluarkan senang je...buat suspen jer!" Siol tol Sarimah, bagi aku gelak.. aduh sakit perot! Air muka dia da cukup!
Matilah Faizal nyanyi HAPPY BERSDAY TO YOUUUU!!!! Berulang kali... kena betul ngan kak Nita. Pecah perot aku!!! Naim pon moka blur jerk time tuh.
Thank you kak Nita for proving they can't even sing Happy Birthday.. kak Nita wat moka aku gelak!!! Aduh.. pecah perot la Diari ni. Between kak Nita and Sarimah, this Diari made me laugh sampai nak terberak. Matilah aku lebih ringan dua kilo pasni kalao ikut teori si terciRIZ nih.
Last scene aku gelak lagi. Ramli MS carut kamera bising.
"Hensem la hari ni, baju pink!"
"Malas la layan ko!!!
Which is what we've been saying about the camera's role from the start... ok.. will post more tomorrow, guys. Ta!
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