Yesterday night, all three girls kicked ass!!! Memang malam tiga diva as far as I'm concerned and memang sepatutnya ketiga tiga mereka dapat empat lampu biru yang tak ada fungsi feeling nak jadi Tekaria tuh.
While reality is the chances of any of them winning this competition are virtually zero, we can always hope for a miracle yang orang leh ubah dan tak AFUNDI simpati kerana ada kes eksploitasi anak yatim piatu ke... membotak ke....ada anak dua ke...
But don't hld your breaths. Ok ok...on with my review yang di taip kali kedua sebab Mozilla Firefox hampeh hang tanpa sebab mengakibatkan aku terpaksa taip kali kedua (IE rules!)
Semua Pelajar - Boria AF5
Ok, I really don't know what to make of the intro.
It was cheesy yet in a way fun gak. The outfits were nothing short of horrendous, but true to the spirit of the theme.
Dari perform ni, yang vocally cam bebudak sekolah wat persembahan ketika Hari Penyampaian Hadiah Sekolah Rendah Kampung Pelir Hitam (statement ulangan yang popular). Anyway memacam ler contradiction persembahan ni.
Mungkin gak confusion aku pasal persembahan ni because of that animal that appears to have died on Aswad's head, Perhal la letak extension murahan camtuh.
Yes kiddies, that was a piece of extension wig murahan ala mop yang di gam pada pala dia.
Awat kawan ko tu bughok benor Dharma!
Dari the theme song of Phantom of the Opera, how the hell ler meka ni leh pilih this song. Really makes no sense as both choices just dumbs down the kids.
And bila orang terkenangkan musim kedua kerana bebudak perform Memories, dak production semua wonder why lak.
Cam kesial...
Vocally, cam kumpulan Senario pon ada.
(untuk persembahan bebudak dan
untuk mangkuk hayun yang pilih lagu ni)
Dafi - It's Gonna Be Me (N'Sync)
Pehal la dak ni dipakaian beg plastik sampah itam tuh. They could have gotten better than PVC (or better looking leather yang tak nampak murahan, which is so yesterday, yesteryear even!).
Anyway dari saat bukak molt je, it was obvious why he was given this song.
Meka nak wat repeat Amirul ketika Sedang Ingin Bercinta. Kira kalao vocal tak dapat shine, leh la choreography kaburkan mata orang.
Sadly enough, from that aspect, the backing dancers way outshone him. Dahler Corrie ada (besh tengok dia return ke pentas Akademi Fantasia), si Raimee (he is quite a good dancer walaopon dressing ampeh) and Riot (perlu ke?). Have to stress tak paham kenapa Riot dan Kool sibuk ler lagu ni lagu meka. Tak perlu ok!
On that note, ngan dancers outshining him, and vocals yang begitu merdu (if you like the sound of nails on blackboard), ni memang antara show tak perlu of the night. Too bad sebab this was right up his alley, tapi aku awal minggu pun da kata he manages to even make boybands look go figure.
Forget whatever's been said about hard work... results matter. And Ogy was so right pasal him looking lethargic dan tak bermaya.
Deservedly, takde lampu biru. Yes was going to be him.
Mila - Aku Takkan Bersuara (Nike Ardilla)
Walaupun aku tak nampak relevance (hanya kerana title konon) bebudak bisu tu bawah arahan klon Sherry (tengok video tuh balik kalao tak caya), tapi Mila punya performance memang worthy of standing ovation. Not THE best, but definitely ranks as one of her best.
For me her notes were ok, with minimal mistakes, tapi tempo a little out. Still, tu kesilapan kesilapan yang very minor compared to the powerful performance she gave. Not exactly my favourite song, tapi one of the more memorable shows this season.
Ebi - Kisah Kau Dan Aku (Alleycats)
Sadly I don't think he performed as well as the critics said he did. Vocally biasa saja, but agree with Loloq that it wasn't easy.
Still, sentap gak tengok Ebi losing out to Aswad because he still has a very sellable package in the real world, but if his performance camni nak masuk final, erm...entahler.
Candy - Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps (Lila Downs)
While I thought she couldn't pull off the whole sexy routine, she did.
I hated the dress yang again cam dari kedai pengantin mana, yang mak andam dia baru siap tanam batu batu lima paket dari SSF lima minit before the show, but everything else looked very period though.
Like Mila, memang performance empat lampu biru sangat ler. She sounded sultry and silky (cam ilan shampoo lak kan). Aku rasa walaopn Ogy kata ada kekurangan sikit seni persembahan dia, again like Mila, minor slips here and there yang forgiveable la sangat.
Shawal - Kaulah Segalanya (Hazrul Nizam)
Alamak spoil mood tol bak Razak Mohaideen...after all, we know what great movies he makes kan.
Still it as a nice idea, and Razak acted better than most of the actors he employs and it was a seamless transition ke performance Shawal ang aku rasa memang ala video clip live.
Nice play on lighting!
Vocally? He did the lower ntes quite well, walaopon sora dia ni shaky sikit kekadang.
With all that said, this is one of Shawal's strongest performances so far, and frankly, one of the many better ones to come...I'm sure.
Heliza - Kesal (Ella)
Korang perasan tak, semakin kurang penyanyi asal yang mai konsert mingguan skang. I mean...not the popular ones la. Aris Ariwatan doesn't count ( understand) and
Kool? Who?
Walaupon memula aku gelak abih Norlia Ghani dan Farid Kamil enter frame, aku tetap susah nak enjoy lawak meka sebab dok fokus sangat nak pay attention to Heliza punya moka.
Aku actually da nak putus asa ngan dia with her mundane (being kind here) performances berapa minggu ni. Tambah agik the past week dalam Diarrhea pun azab gak.
But lo and behold!!! The comeback performance of all comeback performances!!!
Walaopon semput dan pancit sikit, dan terpaksa pakai kelambu *urgh!!!* turquoise, memang muslimah rock la (seperti kata Ogy)
Merasalah aku masa tuh tak dok (berdiri kat tepi side wall tuh headbanging cam sakai kena gigit montot ngan kera. Heh!!!! Lantak...janji BEST!
She completed the trio of girls' butt kickin' performance for the night and totally restored my faith in her.
Mintak mintak ler dia keep it up kan.
Aswad - Korban Cinta (Aris Ariwatan)
His hair was as nice as his performance, which isn't saying too much really. Yes, yes, memang di confirmkan. Meka terpaksa gam extension raambut palsu kat pala dia, tu yang nampak...erm...well... make your own comments ler ek.
Still it's amazing what an inferiority complex and male pattern baldness can do to your votes.
Vocally he was decent. I say decent sebab everytime dia perform ok, tetap hanya ngan rock kapak yang da lapuk dua puluh tahun lepas.
Kalao Akademi Fantasia wujud tahun 80an dia leh menang kot.
Tapi naya je kalao kali ni ada juara cam dia. Memang sesuai ler orang brand kan juara kampung sebab takkan ke mana.
Kalao dia menang top three, terbukti ler spekulasi yang Astro memang target dia antara champion dari mula lagi sibuk nak push dia dari awal, siap ngan comparisons to Mawi.
Surprising? Don't think so...
Lagu bonus pelajar perempuan - Joget Lambak (Adam)
Even though I hate the choice of this song, tetapi yang dak pompuan semua pukul abih (pinjam statement Farihad yang popular).
No brainer pop tune yang tak challenging langsung.
(untuk persembahan bebudak dan
untuk mangkuk jamban yang pilih lagu ni)
Lagu bonus pelajar lelaki - Wajah Rahsia Hati (Fauziah Ahmad Daud)
Dafi and Ebi (especially Dafi) flat gaban part mana meka tak off, si Aswad body language kekongkangan (all through the show la actually) while I cou;dn't really make out Shawal's voice. A waste of time and nothing more.
And the outcome? Yer... tak mengejutkan (at least not for me ler). Ngan push for Aswad gaining momentum ngan konsert minggu lepas, dan isu Diari bab pala dia yang selicin lantai balai ketibaan KLIA tuh, as well as the choice of song which pandered to his limited abilities and the seeming agenda nak push him antara favourite, Aswad melonjak agik.
Ngan minggu depan last week, jangan terkejut kalau ada kezutan dan lebih dari sorang yang tersingkir since au da speku dari awal.
Jadi ke tak tatau le....Astro kan suka kalo orang da predict meka sangup tak buat. all out ler next week kalao sayangkan your favourites, because at the moment, Shawal dan Candy, two good performers and with overall package nak berjaya int he business is in danger.
Aswad 20%
Mila 16%
Ebi 15%
Heliza 14 %
Candy 12%
Shawal 12%
Dafi 10%
Habih je konsert, kuar ngan the whole gang of kengkawan, more than dozen of us, tuk bersidang skali lagik tuk sesi carutan post concert. Kali ni kami di join oleh Aznil and Co.
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