First of all, ni pengumuman yang korang tak dapat layamn kat TV semalam ketika konsert pertama semalam.
Of course ni menjawab misteri ke mana Zana menhghilang dan betul ke dia menarik diri, dan atas sebab apa.
Afiq - Janjiku (Sofaz)
He started out what sounded like way too low, and it was barely audible.
It was painful with his voice mendatar saja, and hitting the wrong note here and there.
In fact, he was the first one of the night yang seolah terlupa lak meolody for the first verse. By the end of that baru nak pick up and show some promise, when again he seem to lose his way.
All in all cam malam karaoke kat memana warung kat Putrajaya. Oh and again, aku tak paham the need for backing vocals kalau langsong tak dengar habok, atau bila dengar pon memang tak perlu sangat.
Jee kata dia ada style. Mak aih...bergunanya dia....aku rasa dia masih ingat dia Paula Abdul kot. Hattan was more accurate when he said bukak mulut je sumbang while Ogy hit the nail on the head, when she commented on the lack of penghayatan on the performance, not to mention lack of understanding of the lyrics, for some reason which seems to be the theme for the night.
Hope this guy goes out early cause berangan dia melebihi bakat dia yang setakat ni nampak ciput sangat by comparison.
For some reason, he seems to think he's Usher (merasalah muka ko sesuai usher panggung wayang jer).
I officially nickname Aziq, POYO making him the first nak dapat nama timangan sebab da masuk blacklist aku of those yang patut disepak trajang kuar dari Akademi Fantasia daripada terus menYUJMBANG bukan sahaja lagu tapi juga pada pencemaran bunyi dan pemandangan di sekitar Dewan Sivik dan juga pada slot kemunculannya di Astro Ria.
Urghhh!!!!!!! (atas dasar kepoyoan dia tolak agik kalau leh tuk Caya Beb ker haper tagline dia)
Mila - Bersamamu (Siti Sarah)
Sebab yang lain azab sangat, Mila sounded least untuk sebaris dua then kesengauan dia take over for the end of the verse.
From that point on, dia join geng lain dalam bersama berlawan tuk piala SUMBANGsih for the night...aku taka paham tol.
Meka nih tone deaf ke? So much for trying to be professionals, sampai memegang mic pun cam nak telan...
Komen pengkritik? Jee ngan statement recycle of the year from Malaysian Idol, "nervous ke?" was again, so tak perlu. But if you thought that was as good as she got, how how tetiba nak puji mata..haiyooo!!! NO NEED SANGAT!
Hattan gave his best line of the night - "banyak sangat apartment...asik flat flat flat je..."
I like!
As for Ogy, let's face it, dia sorang je yang bebetul comprehensive dari segi segala pemerhatian dia.Point by point...bagus tegur pasal signal hand Karam Singh Walia nya yang tak perlu pun obvious point which wasn't raised by the others.
for potential but nothing more
Dafi - Uptown Girl (Westlife)
Yes, again another outing at amateur karaoke night.
Apa tujuan dua orang membadutkan diri in Ebi dan si poyo Afiq tuh by playing stupid clowns up to bad acting nih??!!
Yang tiga orang lak in yang buang masa... Rizal, and Farha memamg tak perlu tambah menYUMBANGkan suara.
Harap jambu, sora mendatar ala ala runway KLIA.
No dynamics, no use of range at all and generally no hope tol sora ciut dia tuh.
And by the way, yang patutnya Uptown Girl tuh cam Downtown Streetwalker
Persembahan camtuh dapat paling banyak undi for the night?
You've got to be joking...
As for the critics, did we expect anything more bila Jee komen pada senyuman lak?
And were we surprised when Jee kata penyampaian bagus.
Kalau ikut standard Jee and we know how well she's doing lately...I suppose it's more than expected of her.
Hattan lawak tol...kata Dafi ketar the moment nak pegang pompuan sebab tak biasa. I wonder how true that is.And Ogy? Hit the nail on the head as usual.
Diya - Aku Masih Setia (Dia Fadila)
Gediks and watse of time...bantal mana?
Nak tidur tol....tapi kata Jee "Ko ada pakej" original!!!! We didn't hear that in Idol!
Hattan and Ogy again the only realistic ones for the night, with Ogy punya laser paling berasap punya, "setakat maintain cantik tuh betul....tapi cantik pun bukan cantik sangat".
Farha - Pemuzik Jalanan (Search)
Persembahan yang very the ala ajaran sesat Ayah Pin yang kemudian melalak flat. Rock tuh setakat menjerit ke?
Pastu badut perempuan lak masuk....aduih...Dekna tuh mengingatkan aku pada Mas tul.
Sakit...sora paling menyakitkan sepanjang malam. Ni cam kutip rempit depan Dean Sivik masuk last minute jer....takde rupa ada preparation langsung!.
And what's with the jpget lambak cam hanjeng gila tuh????
Arghhh!!! Stress tol show cipan camnih. Segmen membodohkan bebudak je keja bab nih (but then again, I think that's the only thing the kids are doing SO well.
Mai kita komen Jee yang begitu kritikal "Saya suka suara Farha" (apa yang dia tak suka?)
Hattan kata mamat nih rock jadian, "Vocal awak takde character tuk rock".
Again true, simple things like understanding the genre nak perform pun tak reti. Wat malu depan rocker cam Hattan jer.
Ogy pun kata separuh masak punya rock singer
Ebi - Milik Siapakah Gadis Ini (Sudirman)
Banyak sangat masalah dia nih. Tempo pun takleh like the rest...not to mention pitching...oops...sama je rupanya ngan stok stok lain sebelom nih.
Tapi tone dia sedap, cuma aku tak paham dia ni tak belajar apa apa pasal vocal control ke.
Molot tuh cam kunyah gula getah. None of his voice yang keluar leh pakai.
I think he needs to do more bubbling and yawning and much more facial exercises...cikgu Syafi?
Maki sikit...!
And tangan dia tuh kenapa...nak mintak sedekah ke asik hulur sana sini.
Part ni yang Jee tetiba komen lebih (kena tegur pihak production ke?)
Nak mintak drama katanya. Takde lak puji mata ker...idung ke...baju ke yang cantik? Tak taste ek?
Hattan pointed out about Ebi not opening his mouth. while Ogy marah pasal penghayatan lagu yang patutnya ala tengah skodeng pompuan.
Aduh...pecah perot!
Dekna - Tanpamu (Farahwahida)
Terasa bosan jika trus aku nak dengar dia. Mas jugak rupanya...versi Erra Fazira yang eyebags overdose dan berangan.
Sumbang, flat blah blah blah...everything....
Malas nak repeat bebenda sama. Memang betul ler musim ni bebudak ni semua feeling je overdose.
Speaking of overdose, si poyo Afiq tuh kenapa???
Matilah ko kalaiu setakat backing nak overdose...ingat Zahid ke?
Perut tuh cover sikit kalau da pakai sendat tuh terkeluar segalanya tapi feeling six pack.
Apparently bukan aku sorang je ingat dia cam Mas...even Aznil had to share that comment.
But in true fashion, Jee :kata rupa dia leh menagkap minat orang. For all the promises Jee seems to think she holds I wonder if I have the wrong show and this is kind of clown school rather than anything else.
But trust her judgement kan...even Hattan pun kata memula masuk je da sumbang..."ari ni saya frust sebab semua vocal ke laut"
Bukan ke laut're all the way to the Antartica and freaking back!
Merasalah Ted nak menyampuk ata janji jadik duta Mamee Slurp!
I think Ogy was the only one to feel the vibe or lack of when she said performance Deka adalah persembahan paling malas. (sebab ada poyo overdose)
Shawal - Harapan (Fazley Zainal)
I love his tone dan walaupon dia struggle, tak kisah la sakit ke tak, he didn't do as bad as the others.
Kira takyah bagik discount sebab keadaan kesihatan dia tetap dia keep up. No excuses and he did have massive pitching problems, but I think among budak laki semua tone dia yang paling rounded, firm and weighty. Promising is the word.
Walaopon baju cam 80an dan rambut cam bersanggul lak bahagian belakang.
Mai kita ramai ramai salahkan Yoda dan team wardrobe.
Jee at this point got her momentary delusional whim to play intelligent katanya tetiba analytical when Hattan sendiri admit about his tone and his potential and Ogy felt the same, walaupon maki sebakul dulu sampai si Dollah Cantk yang floor manager pun kena.
Candy - Kaching (Shania Twain)
I don't even know whay that was. but I think she can be better as something else if not a singer kalao ikut gaya.
I don't know if she had a problem with English sangat (tanya cikgu suka p-ink tuh) but tak paham haram sepatah pon.
Of course we expect Jee to like this, while Hattan and Ogy just shrugged at the language problems.
Honestly she has a half decent voice, but tunggu dan lihat camna lak pasnih sebab honestly hara, sepatah pon aku tak paham what she was wailing about.
The best dressed for the night, and at least she looked like a popstar compared to the others.
The one time Jasmi Rejab justified his pay cheque with Astro.
Merasalah out of 13 onstage, you have to at least get one right!Rizal - Menanti Sebuah Jawaban (Padi)
He killed one of my favourite songs. Dia cam kelas belajar membaca bukan menyanyi for some reason sebab dia nyanyi takde flow langsung...sepatah...sepatah...sepatah....
Harapkan muka word, MELODY!
Or maybe cikgu bahasa Inggeris meka ni lom ajar kot the meaning of the word because he sure as hell didn't display even the basic understanding of adhering to the melody and the tune of the song..
Lack of dynamics and application of the range of his vocals, if any sebab aku rasa antara budak budak laki dia paling hampeh stakat nih.
Easily one of the WORST performances of the night.
terkejut lak Jee tak taste dan katakan "quite mendukacitakan"
Hattan pun geleng pala while the surprise cam in the only statement from Ogy yang aku tak agree with at all.
Hai...Dekna kena pedas sangat tapi hanya kerana hunky dory in Ogy's eyes kot dia leh terlepas.
Noni - Tak Ada Logika (Agnes Monica)
Ni Agnes Monica ke Elyana. Heh!!! Baju cam...erm....
Anyway ni sekor agik dak pompuan yang gedik lebih..
Maybe it was the pathetic outdated 80s choreography, and then dia semput, but somehow it was a weird key she started with, and for some reason it didn't sound right.
If nothing else teringat lak persembahan Mas ketika Kylie Minogue punya lagu. Ni just one notch better, which is nothing nice to say ok.
Backing vocal pon ancus...and what's with the music outro? Walaupon ada bunga api, namun tuh tak cukup nak kaburkan my sight for how truly horrendous it was.
The worst of the girls, setanding ngan Rizal. I mean seriously, an easy pop meloody pun takleh hold...
Kata Jee? "Saya suka..." would...(tak serik agik ke?)
Hattanaku rasa wish the earth would swallow him while Ogy regains her form and said "HANCUQQQQ!!!" adding that even the backing dancers were better.Heliza - Kau Pergi Jua (Adam Ahmad)
Seperti sudah di agak, she delivered even though the end of the first verse flat sikit.
Styling memang Siti tapi selepas berdarah telinga satu malam, aku rasa ok ler sikit in comparison. I didn't like the music for this one, sebab berlawan ngan vocal dia lak...maybe it was just the house mix.
Why was she dressed cam katil Dekna lak ngan ropol ropol whatever frills yang pink tuh. Aiyo!! Ada je tak betul kan konsert pertama ni.
Shaky on low notes but at least dia ada ler initiative nak main lenggok, and her improv for a first week effort jauh bagai langit dan bumi kalau banding dak yang lain.
I don't even care wat Jee, Hattan dam Ogy was Heliza was easily the best of the night. Tul Hattan cakap pasal vibrato dan uniqueness of her approach which kureng from the others. Ogy on her delivery of expression agreeable too.
But this was the only one my part of the hall applauded for.
After the stupid long break sebab panjang sangat show (tu akibatnya kalao nak ramai sangat peserta), we had to put up with the drama of Aswad's stupid video clip.
Aiyo....come on lah...there are a million and one rempit souding freaks who can play rock wannabe..., apa lak nih. Agenda Astro ler tuh nak main emosi tuk galakkan undi simpati nih.
And then si Aznil indulged in his little whim nak nyanyi lagu BPR tugasan Aswad.
Rating tuk Aswad?
Hanya kerana aku memang nyampah ngan this whole sympathy game dan memberi dia peluang and all. Aznil tak dapat rating....sorry ek..sebab dia bukan bertanding.dan aku tension sikit sebab dia memanjangkan agik show dan cam conquer sangat the stage when the spotlight was actually supposed to be on the kids.'Kejutan' kedua selepas tak announce Zana ketika show (da perasan actually mula mula sebab kami kira 13 kerusi je) Fatin kuar mengejut dan wat show.
Does anybody else think this girl is like the poster girl for anorexia? Somebody feed her please! I hardly think this is positive nak bagi budak budak skang think that being a stick insect is normal. Aku rasa sebelah sorang tuh, she's be a perfect 10. She's the 1 dan the other's the 0.
Her performance?
Haiyoo...I have to say kalao ikutkan, she sounds better dari segi tanpa preparation than most of the others.
BUT!!! Apart from dangdut apa lagik dia mampu buat? Sengau, nipis dan tak bermaya sora dia....waste of time.
Jee mangkuk tol...orang masalah kesihatan kulit, ni lak dia kata leh affect sora. Mangkuk jamban tol...get your facts ler sebelom komen. Apa da...nampak sangat wat homework.
Hattan pun cam tak caya dia sakit sampai leh affect and Ogy pun tak kuasa nak komen lebih.
But frnakly I think she's overrated tol considering dak ni dangdut bak pesen rock. BOSAN!
Mai kita nyanyi ramai ramai..."aku bosan...bosan...dengan dirimu...aku benci...benci..."
And last but not least, Menuju Puncak.
Selain pakaian meka yang BUSUK...the new arrangement of Menuju Puncak tak menaikkan smangat langsung and is DEFINITELY THE BIGGEST LOSER MOMENT in the history of Akademi Fantasia.
Not to mention baju bebudak busuk!!!! Nampak sponsored by Girodano ke kedai pakaian Hari Hari jer. And the steps...mmm..kesian lak Linda Jasmine kena ikut arrangement busuk tuh.
For the massacre of Menujuk Puncak, aku bagik
For bebudak semua, aku bagik tepukan gemuruh because their timing and execution of steps ok gak ler walaopon tak perfect.
Their vocals weren't all that bad for a first week and most of them did better than their individual shows.
Still, it is a shame to the branding of Akademi Fantasia, and the new production team has managed to screw up every single aspect of the show, sampai lagu tema pun cam sampah!
Kembali kan Akademi Fantasia!!! NOW!
So many problems....that no one even gave a flying fish about Diya kena sepak trajang kuar (nangis overdose lebih daripada any other first concert in Akaemi Fantasia history ok!)
Mana Roslan Aziz kata nak campak beg halau berambos? Mana tampar tiga kalinya? Huh...
Memula kata bebudak ni semua power...kita da tengok betapa 'power' meka ni.
Then kata tamao menangis...and of course...we saw what happened last night.
So? Musim kelima ni tahap sampah...and any true Akademi Fantasia fan will admit that.
So boo to all of you who screwed up the show we all love and now just love to hate all the more.
Kalau nak identify the problems semalam...banyak sangat, tapi nih some of the main that I found. I'm not going to state about budak budak ampehs tuh semua yang sumbang abih...because that's pretty obvius da.
So production team...kalau nak take notes, please jot down these points.
1)Music arrangement was horrible! Cam gi Red Box karaoke (actually tuh kira ok karaoke murahan mana la sebenarnya) the music arrangement semalam.
I know the kids sucked...but the music didn't help.
2)Elements that made the show were eliminated.Like the intro ketika muzik latar Menuju Puncak. That's a tradition...and don't get rid of that! That stupid fashion show was so plugging the sponsors its not even funny.
3)Choreograhy was horrible (tapi aku tak salahkan Linda Jasmine 100% because she had to work with the horrible arrangement)
4)I think Aznil is still the best host ever...but the programme is not Akademi Fantasia Aznil, so spotlight dia takleh grab from the kids sangat.
5)Get rid of Jee.Hattan dan Ogy pun da cukup.Dahler Roslan Aziz nak dia lak...baik terus amik Paul Moss and you call this Fantasia Idol. Bangap...
6)Gimik murahan konon bebudak tuh dihantarbalik kampung terus blah blah blah...doesn't work kalao bagik 10 minit nak turun pentas nak nangis bagi banjir. Weird tol!
7)Don't touch Menuju Puncak if you can't make it better. Because no matter how bad the show is, Menuju Puncak tak penah disappoint camtuh. And it did this time.
8)Please get Jasmi Rejab to do his work.
9)Stop playing up on Aswad and Fatin to get them sympathy votes...pathetic.
10)Cut short the performances and time wasting stuff kalau da tau ramai sangat bebudak.
11)No cheap ass devices like nak eliminate dua pastu tarik balik sebab Zana da out. That was just stupid.
12)Buang pakar motivasi Dr Luuuuuurrvveee kalao sendiri tak mampu contain the situation.
13)While you're at it, the English teacher should go to sebab I don't see his function there at all.
14)Benarkan setiap member of the faculty do their job. Abang Adnan, Syafi, Linda and Fati. This is not Akademi Fantasia Roslan Aziz either sampai semua dia ada say sampai veto power.
15)Tak memaparkan undian kat Dewan is just stupid...and a lousy attempt nak orang emo when people could hardly care less and just want to know for the sake of curiosity.
16)Even music sedih yang biasa main ketika penyingkiran tuh BOSAN! And what's with hauling the bag onstage? That's just cheap kalao musim musim sebelom ni mampu meka wat beg tu muncul dari belakang pentas..dari perut pentas etc.
17)ARRANGEMENTS ARE HORRIBLE!!! Anyone get that already? Bak kata member cheap polyphonic ringtones. (matilah mencarut sampai ke sana!)
And the magic question for the moment is. Berapa lama lagi nak bagi peluang kat Aswad?
Again...this is the WORST Akademi Fantasia concert in the history of the show.
Please...everyone...if you love the show...add your comments below and tell these people how horrible it it at least for me for having to be in the damn Dewan Sivik and that I don't have to be tortured watching it...arghhh!!!!!!!
Bahan bacaan lain :
Mr Manager
Juan Danza
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