Sebenarnya banyak benda aku nak posting, tapi I've been REALLY busy at work, keeping my nose to the grindstone that aku memang takde masa langsung nak update.
But that's the usual excuse. This week, something came up more. Pasal bab cintan ler. Or lack of it. Malas...not prepared to talk about my emotions swirling uncontrollably inside me.
So I dedicate this posting to someone who has prevailed after the many trials and tribulations of being with someone you love.
I was really down this whole week.
And today, aku tension gila babas. It's like the boiling point. Yerlah...kekadang ada yang disayangi yang katakan sayang kita pun...tak nampak.
And then so many other things come into play...and that's what happened to me. In the end, aku just break down.
Aku rasa aku this close to going mental today. Suddenly memacam masaalah datang membebankan pala aku. Termasuk ada ler binatang sekor nih yang memang tak sedar diri nak wat kacao hidup aku.
Arghh!! Why now when my mind is cluttered with so many other things.
Tapi after just losing it, aku geared up for the next event. Yerlah....for me, the moment you walk into a job, be professional kan.
So control jer ler emosi time tuh. Walaopon nak rasa cam nak nangis sebaldi.
The event? Dr Eveready punya. Or more politely (jangan marah aa... Dr Fazley punya)
And was more a small gathering of friends (is that more appropriate, dude?). cut a long story short, malas nak go into details, Fazley....I know you'll read this, I want to wish you Selamat Pengantin Baru.
I know what you went through, and are going through, and as a friend (which I take you as now for your trust in me), I want to wish you all the best.
Bukan senang nak jumpa seseorang yang kita cintai kita, apatah lagik dapat membalas cinta kita tuh. So be strong...and celebrate you love together.
Pada mereka, kalau ada ler...yang terkejut, Dr Ahmad Fadzli Yaakob (merasalah nama sebenar) dan Azrene Soraya Abdul Aziz telah bertunang jam 12 tengahari, iikuti ngan majlis akad nikah di Masjid Saidina Abu Bakar di Bukit Damansara jam 2.30 petang semalam.
Kalau ada yang nak tengok pics meka, ni aku tunjukkan. Hope you guys wish Fazley all the best ok. And I'm sure Fazley will appreciate your support too.
The picture of the bride kat sebelah kanan tuh...cantik tak? I think she is so absolutely gorgeous. Ok ler...they make a good couple.
So kalao leh, tinggalkan ler ucapan dalam ruangan Comments kat bawah ok. Please make the effort ok, guys.
Don't ask me why it's so important, but give your best wishes and support to these two newly weds. Orang bina masjid kan benda yang sampaikan ler doa korang pada dua mempelai kat sini ok.
Jangan komen lelebih ngan pertanyaan. I don't welcome enquiries in this case, so ask no questions, ok.
For those who want to, please refrain as I will delete them.
Aku mintak korang bagi sokongan dari segi kata-kata...tuh jer.
Tengok pic meka berdua nih, sejuk ler hati sikit. Ilang stress sikit. Kalau tak, memang da ada kes orang gila meroyan kat Buletin Utama malam tadik.
Happy sebab terbayangkan tetiba, as in the movie, Notting Hill, (matilah feeling Julia Roberts)..."some people do spend the rest of their lives together" (oklah so I'm not saying they'll spend their lives together forever, or not...paham ler..cis!)
What I meant was, that besh gila tengok ada orang bercinta jadik gak bersama sampai ke jinjang pelamin.
Aku nih bila lak... (terkedu sat sambil lap air mata terkenangkan nasib malam diri sendiri yang takde orang nak).
Lawak bodoh lepas stress katanya...but at least aku ok sikit after seeing how some people love, and amidst all problems, still come out unscathed.
Makes love almost worth it....(am feeling negative about it at the moment, so don't ask me).
Will try and stabilise my hormones tomorrow and post more tomorrow.
Tu pun kalau sempat...kalau psycho aku masih menjadi jadi, then aku rasa tunggu ler lama sikit ler lagik tuk aku ok balik, nak stabilise balik emo aku sebelum aku rajin-rajinkan diri balik to arrange my words and post my thoughts and feeling here.
Right now...very the rojak...and if I try to write how I feel or's going to be very the diarrhea! Matilah....image terbentuk dalam minda terus....matilah water water...
And Fazley... all the best ok, bro!
Semoga bahagia ke anak cucu!
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