Ok... after all the photos for the last entry yang long overdue, ni posting terbaru. Aku type sekali je, malas nak spell check ke haper, because I want to write the many thoughts that pour out as fast as I can so as not to lose the flow of what I'm thinking.
Then there's also congratulations to Nani sebab menang the Best Actress award. You deserve it gurl! Formally, tahniah ler sebab Gubra berjaya bring home trophies for Best Poster, Best Screenplay and also... no surprises here... Best Film!
Aku bengang sikit terlepas editing dan lighting because I thought Gubra technically was quite a superior film, even in those aspects... tapi nak cakap apa kan... jury decide.
Tapi aku paling sakit hati, Yasmin tak dapat Best Director. Aku sakit telinga lak bila dengar ada ler film fraternity bitching about how Gubra tak patut menang etc. Perhal laa orang kita ni. Filem camtuh orang leh appreciate, korang nak kutuk teman seperjuangan dan hasilnya.
Camna nak maju lak? Asik nak harap filem cintan... konon aksi lasak tak menjadi... big names je... grow up!
Not everyone wants to see a popcorn movie that is going to be a second rated effort.
But I think FFM terlampau sangat snub Yasmin. Dua tahun berturut-turut filem dia memenangi Best Picture, tapi Best Director. Kali ni pada Shuhaimi Baba for Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam 2 (the most overrated movie di Malaya). Ada ler sorang ni tengah komen kat wartawan kata, "Shumi layak menang because tak senang nak handle cast lebih seratus orang, and on such a big budget production too!"
Pala hangguk ko!
Politics... it's there is every facet of Malaysian art, and I think it simply sucks. Apapun, Yasmin was so cool about it bila aku meroyan tak puas ati (aku lak lebih).
"It's ok la sayang..."
Tu je rilek punya jawapan. She is so cool.
Even during the event, masa dia tengah judging the short films competition (betul kan kak Min? In Sentul?), berbalas SMS ngan dia, aku lak emo lebih sebab nak Gubra menang... dia lak maintain je...ihik)
Post party, dok ngan dia bual sana sini celah dia di interview pelbagai. I look at Yasmin very differently each time I meet her, because each time, I find something beautiful about her character and personality.Kalao korang nak tau vision dia, then hop over to her blog... just CLICK HERE!.
She just posted up the poster for Mukhsin, so here it is!
Selain daripada Nani, I also have to congatulate another blogger and a friend, sebab menang kat FFM 19. Sapa lagik kalau bukan Afdlin Shauki kan?
Afdlin won Best Actor... jangan lupa Baik Punya Cilok got Best Story. Buli Balik won Hans Best Supporting Actor. Kira Afdlin too had a good night ler.
So here's my tribute to you, dude (pic ngan Nani sebab dia comel sangat, I just want her posted all over my blog)
Moving on.Well, not really... just a little bit about Nani. Ramai bengang sebab speech dia, termasuk erm... well... important people.
For me... all I can say is.. grow up la people. Apa dia cakap tuh yang salah sangat.
"I sound stupid if I speak in Malay".
Is that the offensive statement? Well, first of all, try risik background Leya dan Nani and the family. Mereka ni 100% Melayu ke? Get the answer then come back and bitch if you have to.
She just meant, yang dia tak selesa nak berbahasa Melayu dalam thank you speech dia... kalao tak melalut kang, and time tu kan da warning pendekkan acceptance speech. At such an important moment, wouldn't you make sure you said what you need to say just right kan?
Or was it the statement kalao camni filem pencemar budaya, let's do it more?
That was a sarcastic remark by Nani towards critics who labeled Gubra as just that. Ingat tak serangan masa time Fenomena Seni, program haprak tuh?
I think it was a snide remark at the shallow idiots who judge Gubra sebagai pecemar budaya and I salute Nani for that statement.
Big up to Nani!!!
One thing crossed my mind time dia cakap tuh. Teringat time orang kutuk kata Gubra ni pencemar budaya. Well, Gubra is one of the most realistic potrayal of multi-religious, multi-cultural Malaysia. And when seseorang leh beranggapan, melihat budaya orang, bangsa, lain, interwoven with others to tell a story, which is not too different from reality around us, is that cultural pollution?
Please lah...shallow! Baik ko kata Remp-It ke Castello lagik pencemar budaya. How about Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam? I don't see too many white-garbed scary bitches (except a couple of horribly dressed tarts masa FFM) bouncing around... do you? Promotion of such wayward beliefs tak lak di judged. Sheesh.
If what I say sounds extreme, it's simply because of the anger I feel when people try and say that their voice represents a view that is righteous, or majority.
At the end of the bloody day, it's just freaking entertainment - so lay off.
Ok... now that I'm done with that little bit of ranting, sambung balik cita from the start (I'll get back to FFM in a while).
So actually, last Tuesday night, singgah ler pas keja kat Astro nak drop by Muzik@Ria tuk set bebudak finalist. Biasa je sebenarnya... nak siapkan interview sebab ada sorang lagi lum settle. Biasalah, time bebudak Akademi Fantasia ni popular, glamer, ramai nak kerumun.
I prefer to be laid back je. Lantak ler orang lain nak wat per (biasa ler excitement of the moment tak penah dapat peluang, ada yang tak paham terus professionalism kan?)So we arrived late... Juan ikut sekali.
Kami dari Maestro actually sebab ada urusan... time tu keluarga Maestro Records dan pun beransur pulang, tapi sebab Ady Maestro ada, kami lepak sekali.
Of course Marsha and Felix were there too, so sempat catch up ler and ngumpat pasal AF4....
Meka baru abih shooting time tu, pas meka had dinner, kena rush lak sebab Felix ada lak benda kat RTM.
We sampai Astro...hung outside the studio, until midway then entered. Mak ai.... mana fan club lain? Nampak the studio audience ni kelab peminat Farhan dan Haziq je?
Eh eh... ada geng blog readers dari blog aku pun ada (you know who you are ... especially you Dora!)
Kita lepak ngumpat je disebalik kamera, sebab sibuk carut mamat 'Awie'. Alah...mamat yang selalu ada je kat Muzik @ Ria. You know, that idiot in a goatee yang selalu gila glam nak enter frame je.
Well, memula aku tak perasan dia. Aku dok ngan Wan dari Maestro dan berbisik pasal urusan kerja sikit. Pastu, aku terperasan lak mamat dok sebelah Wan ni cam familiar.
Last-last aku realise mamat tuh. Aku tatau ler dia lambat ke, kena ban ke, tapi meka tak bagik dia dok depan seperti biasa (thank God!)
Sampai abih.... member pun tension je ler tak senang duduk! Tambah agik, tetiba tuk minggu tu, dia siap pakai suit pelbagai. Konon stylo Milo ler. Nak gelak aku rasa....tahan je.
Last-last, bila credits nak roll, si Farhan nyanyi, dia mintak izin nak masuk nari sekali, kena halang bebudak set. Nak gelak aku. Aiyo!!! Very the thick skin! Dia ni tak sedau ke orang carut dia?
Rupanya memang dia jenis tak sedar pun. Sebab selepas habis, one of his friends who was in the audience dok layan rintihan dia.
Ni sedutan dialog apa yang disembangkan... aku tangkap sebab dok sebelah dia tanpa Wan ada, gi jaga bebudak dari kena serbu.
'Awie' - "Meka tak bagi aku masuk...apalah"
Kawan - "Alah...tengok lah baju ko. Mana taknya. Ko ni..."
'Awie' - "Kenapa lak??!!!"
Kawan - "Yerlah... malu je ko pakai camtuh!" (dalam nada lebih lembut, kawan tu bisik "Over")
'Awie' - "Apa lak?!!! (suara tak puas hati) Ok apa! Aku pakai sebab istimewa aku nak wat surprise!"
Mak ai...mamat ni feeling selebriti rupanya. Merasa sell-a-burit!!!! Seriously... weirdos like this still exist??!!!
Sabau jer lah.
Pas da layan peminat semua (aku malas nak dekat... biau bebudak tegur aku... kang ada fanatik lak kata aku gedik nak layan star kan?), bebudak tu di bawa keluar oleh Wan.
Yang tegur aku first, Farhan. Then Velvet, Faizal, Haziq and Lotter.
Lotter nampak letih. Time tunggu Wan, aku, dia, Velvet dan Farhan as well as Juan sempat catch up.
Aku banyak layan Velvet dan Farhan sebab aku rasa comfortable with them. And when Farhan gerak sebab uncle dia jemput bila aku da abih interview, aku layan Velvet. Slowly (masa tu Lotter pun da gerak), tinggal Velvet, Faizal dan Haziq je.
Faizal buka mulut tetiba mintak nombor, so aku pun bagi lah. Jangan lak ada yang kata aku meminta. Sekali ngan Haziq and Velvet.
So, just FYI - I never asked for anyone's number (gelak evil sat).
Time nak jalan kuar, Juan layan sok sek ngan Haziq, Wan ngan Velvet, so Faizal peluk aku and sembang as we walked to the car.
Ok ler... dia banyak cita tuh ni...
Fast forward, Wednesday, I realised I was feeling funny. Terus tak jadi masuk keja. Thursday lak teruk sikit, selsema, ngan mata berair, ngan demam sikit-sikit.
Tapi ada ler penawar bila tiba-tiba seorang finalist call aku pukul 1.32am. Merasalah statement!!!
Matilah Fiebie menjadi saksi kerana masa tuh lepak ramai-ramai.
La la la... no comment!!!!
Thursday night, ada Media Appreciate Nite tuk Akademi Fantasia 4.
Aku sebab tak sihat agi, mula-mula ingat tanak gi.
Last-last, sebab dendam kesumat (merasalah competition!) terus hadirkan diri. Gi with Juan, Fiebie as well as Wanie and Fahmee.
The result?
Aku dapat first place. Woohoo!!!
Four days three night, full board at Cherating worth RM1,500! Happy banget!!!
Rudy dari Harian Metro dapat tempat kedua (TV 29 inci) and Juan dapat tempat ketiga di mana hadiahnya, M-Mobile, special edition Mawi (tahan gelak sat).
Dalam tak sihat, spent some time more with Farhan... a little with each and every one of them.
Yerlah...seperti mana da cakap ngan corporate communication department Astro, takyah ler ada pihak luar yang menyibuk time function tuk kami ni.
Tiba-tiba, ada ler penyibuk-penyibuk yang nak hadirkan diri pose muka tak cantik kat sana. Lantak ko ler labu....some people tak malu dan tak sedar taraf kuli nak menyibuk.
Still, it didn't ruin the night, though I have to say, some people were lucky to have escaped having a shoe in their left nostril.
Time competition da over... makan da over... dengar lak sora merdu dari tingkat atas, where ada live band perform. Cam familiar je sora dia. Mula-mula ingat CD, then ingat vocalist house band meletup!.
After three songs ke four songs (tak ingat), aku pun panggil Fiebie and Co to join me upstairs sebab seperti diagak... Farhan tengah nyanyi. She did three more songs and wow-ed everyone.
Pastu Velvet pun volunteer nyanyi. Yes, volunteer is the word, sebab malam tu pas abih evet, gayut ngan Farhan on the phone, I found out it wasn't planned, and no one told her to sing. That's what you call passion!
Dengar malam tu, Diddy pun nak nyanyi, tapi segan. Hish... perlu ke dik oi!
And then Haziq pun ada bisik ngan aku, "Nak nyanyi pun lah.... tapi ada ke lagu-lagu tuk aku".
Mmmm... good observation. Kesian lak.... aku hanya mampu balas, kalau nak, gi tanya house band, apa repertoire meka, mana tau... kan?
An hour or two more...with swollen feet, our group of five waved, hugged and kissed goodbye to everyone and mde a move for supper.
The next night we had another 'party'. Pementasan Suzie Wong ler katanya....(tahniah Wanie sebab menang acara marathon 12 jam!) Aiyo... sampai siang semua berjaga! Party kaw kaw punya ngan gelak dari malam sampai siang.
Saturday a slight bore as followed Vernon, abang Badrul and Nikki yang judging a karaoke competition which was horrible beynd belief. Oh well...namanya pun karaoke da.
Lepak like normal, then next day FFM, aku sampai pun da 8.20pm kat PWTC. Got a place along with some editors and watched half the show sebelum tak larat (takut tertidur) moved in and out for a smoke non-stop.
I think the event was such a bad job. Lighting and stage design was so RTM.
Skrip pulak busuk!!!! And AC's stupid ad-libs didn't help much. Ada ke time ada Tamil song tuh dia kata, "Lagu Hindu tadi..."
Bangap ke haper mamat ni don't know the difference between religion and language?
Blah blah blah... shows were horrible, with the best being mediocre. Takyah ulas ler. Aku suka tengok Diddy and geng semua kuar, tapi aku rasa bodoh tul seleksi lagu.
Ning was amazing... Faizal was ok considering it was his first major awards show performance, aku rasa dia lum ready.
But awmigawdd... aku kena puji ni. Aku suka Mawi punya performance with the theme song from Persona Non Grata, Hanya Untukmu. But what the hell was Aidil on the piano for?
Aiyak... nampaknya AF3 ni breed yang erm... oh never mind. But it was irritating that he was tinkling on and on without the song beginning because I think he thought it was a solo show.
Sampai ending pun feeling nak solo (geng Sham Kamikaze ler nih).
Belah la.... only on an Astro production, would they allow an AF3 punya non-performer to perform in an indulgent solo attempt.
Malas ulas the show further...korang sendiri nampak kan? Termasuk bab Misha Omar rush dari office tak sempat tukao baju tuk perform Ku Seru kan?
Kalau yang tak dapat nonton sebab it was only on Astro, all I can say is tak rugi korang.
The post party was relaxed, even though everyone seemed to have an invitation. I spent most of the time with Yasmin, Zahid, Faizal... sapa agik ek... selain kengkawan sendiri... mmm... Alam (my former boss, though lepak only mencarut sebelum balik)... Pierre Andre (he's the sweetest guy around).
Lain cam ngumpat light-light je. Seronok lagi dok diam-diam tengah layan ngumpat sapa pakai apa (which was mostly horrendous repeats from sponsors yang penah bagi baju kat orang lain)
Fast forward... to today.
Banyak keja lagi nak abih... amik time off nak update blog sikit sebelum sambung. Esok nak ke sesi beramah mesra with Siti and Datuk K.
Well... kalao dapat jemputan esok gak, aku scan letak sini ek? Jangan korang scan wat kad sendiri da (mati laaa Fiebie punya idea - this type usually dia punya)
Oh, sebelum mengundur, ni ada berita menarik bagi meka yang dalam Aiman FC.
Dapat call earlier today (aku second kan that you called? - bangga nih!) from abang Badrul yang ceritakan yang iklan 'Aiman Tak Kisah' starring Aiman, hasil keja abang Badrul (the iklan... I mean), dapat finalist dalam pertandingan entah haper kat New York!
Aku pun tumpang bangga hasil kerja cam iklan pesan masyarakat cam 'Aiman Tak Kisah' leh dapat recognition camtuh. Aku tak tanya details competition, sebab tanak nanti kena tunggu balik New York nak cita... so kalao nak tau apa perkembagan, check out abang Badrul punya blog.
Okler...esok je update apa yang terlepas fikiran ku yang aku nak kongsi, and more on tomorrow and how it was.
PS Part I - Dalam gembira ada kesedihan. My uncle passed away on Sunday suddenly. Aku tak close sangat ngan dia pun... but I suddenly seem tobe surrounded by death.
PS Part II - Happy birthday to my dearest sister Joyce!!! Love you babe!! No one could ask for a better sister than what you've been to me through the years. You know whatever happens, I'll be there for you... just like you've been there for me! Yes... I know you read my blog, luv.... as drama queen as it is.
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