Malas nak tulis pepanjang sebab bila aku tulis pepanjang da halfway, PC bangang freeze lak sebab overload haper ntah (PC pun tak tahan kot banyak sangat carutan aku)
So this round aku kena wat balik, shorter sikit sebab tak larat nak buat balik sama cam before this. But then cakap je kan... last-last panjang berjela gak.
First of all, I just want to share my mood going into the concert was anything but ideal.
Again, sorry to those I have not been picking up calls. Bukan apa, I just want to be left alone.
The trauma of turning 30 and all... and for those who are curious, it's not because of the 30 figure, but something kind of related... hanya 'dia' and a few close friends tahu.
Speaking of 'dia' - that was another reason for my mood swings... but no use blaming on others what comes from yourself right?
Another reason why I couldn't focus the earlier part of the night, sebab selain dari aku rasa KESEMUA persembahan pelajar-pelajar Akademi substandard to their actual potential, I spotted someone I haven't seen for some time.
'Dia' pernah hadir dalam hidup aku, and the pain just came flooding back. Lantak lah apa pun berlaku, dan apa pun dia nak katakan... SMS dalam Nokia aku tetap menjadi saksi kebenaran.
Just for that moment tengok dia, frustration, anger, disappointment... everything just came flooding back to me. Rasa nak balik je...
Sebelum aku ilang mood, on to the review sebelum commentary aku manjang nak mencarut banyak benda.
Tapi aku nak cakap satu benda lagik sebelum meneruskan carutan.
Apa hal lak si Haziq and Amirul tuh emo nangis cam haper jer tuh?
I mean fine ler sedih and all, but overdose lak nangis sampai meleleh hingus pelbagai. Tengok pic di bawah sebagai contoh.
And speaking of Amirul, somebody get him a haircut. Having long hair is fine, but his shaggy mane is ridiculous.
Dahler terpaksa layan dia punya pokok kelapa 24-7 in the Diari, ni time konsert memanjang ngadap rambut dia yang merimaskan top muka dia.
How bad is it getting? Here's a visual reference to what his hair reminds me of.
Now do you guys believe me? Well.... if that hair is supposed to be stylo... something's wrong with the fashion sense or lack thereof that goes into that. Ok.. ok... now on to the review yang lebih penting.
Lagu Bonus - Hips Don't Lie (Shakira feat. Wyclef Jean)
Simply put, dak perempuan semua above average.
Budak lelaki semua sodih!
Apa dia? Edry kata Amirul and Lotter stood out?
You got to be joking! Ok ok... aku ngaku they stood out... but for all the wrong reasons.
Siti was however more accurate noting yang meka ni tak work together as a team and everyone was just doing their own thing.
Rating klubbkidd : (Dua bintang untuk dak pompuan punya vocals dan juga bootylicious moves dari Leez. Dak laki semua props je. Amirul dan Lotter dapat sepaket Strepsils dari aku manakala Haziq dan Faizal dapat buku teks Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 4 terbitan Fajar Bakti)
Amirul - Oh No Kamu (V.E.)
Let this pain end now!!! Please!!!!
What else can you say about this... erm... whatever you choose to call him.
Malas... malas... malas....
Somebody teach him to sing. Where dia tak sumbang, he was flat (and the flatness conquered most parts of the song)
Dia ni kalao tak dance, takleh survive on stage.
Kena kritik pun takleh tima hakikat. Muka da toya semacam.
Siti gave the best comment.
Good thing about your performance : You look cute and many horny females (and some males) will vote you.
Bad thing about your performance : You can't sing.
Well, she did something like that ma.... tak caya dengar balik apa Siti cakap. read between the lines lah of course.
Rating klubbkidd : (Sebab tu ler average, tak der ler like an accident but still quite a wreck. Bonus satu bintang untuk komen Adlin "KO dengan topi ko belah balik sekarang)
Farhan - Meniti Titian Usang (Search)
Not her best performance, but vocally going technique, she did among the best for the night.
Siti was right kata tanak sentuh pasal soal penguasaan teknik vocal dia, and I agree on the part "Kecundang" tuh... memang dia kecundang.
But with that said, she did something quite miraculous with the song, though I too wish lebih ler sikit penghayatan.
Again, I know how hard it is for more R&B based singers to adapt to the minimalistic style of rock.
Yang dok kutuk dia takleh wat high note... range dia cover quite high per, cuma dia takder ler Mariah Carey.
I think it's ridiculous bab Farhan ni, orang kritikal sebab dia takleh tinggi. Lotter leh ke? Haziq tinggi ke? (tinggi sangat ler sampai dapat nama Tora) Amirul? (tu lagik teruk... range sama ngan horn keta aku je)
Even though Velvet has the advantage of higher range, pada masa yang sama, Velvet tak mampu wat lower notes.
Bab baju Farhan memang salah...pening aku tengok.
Looks like Yoda da gunakan kuasa dia influence fashion at Astro's productions in one way or another and ugliness continues to spread.
And what is up with Adlin nak komen rapuh bab ni.
Nak tegur pompuan kena 'lembut'? Kalau tak gedik tuh dia tak puas ati ke???
Seriously I think that man better change his views of women la.
So demeaning.
Siti was more accurate again in her comments. Siti jadik pengkritik tetap leh tak?
Rating klubbkidd : (She still rocks!!!)
Faizal - Dealova (Once)Ok...seriously, apart from lack of coordination of his limbs kan (terbukti masaalah pergerakan yang di alami oleh Faizal ketika menari), someone instil a character... any kind of character and not just a cold fish variety into this boy.
Masa dia leaning against the wall masa start, I think he matched it.
Both Faizal and the wall have the same amount of charm, charisma and personality... and perhaps... even the same ability to execute the most simplest and basic of choreography.
This is definitely not a challenging song for Faizal.
Dia lebih dari mampu kalau ikutkan range and had only minor glitches, but he lacked any real emotion.
Cam owang mabuk hoyong-hayang.
Time ngan Leez, she became a prop yang tak digunakan, and only after faizal was back alone baru nak nampak emo and feel dari Pejal ni sikit.
Edry kata meka ni kena cam badut... kena give in demands penonton. Ek???
Well dry was right on this one. Faizal memang nampak cam badut.
Siti lak kata dia ni nampak lurus. Are you sure Siti? Lurus ke bengkok sapa tau kan (gelak evil tahap maksima teringat a heart shaped sepanduk yang pink with pink glitter and a pink feather boa border tuk Faizal)
Adlin lak kata dia bagus sebab dia ada something orang lain takde. Erm... that's not a good thing tau.
Just because you have something, doesn't mean you're good. Herpes, syphillis and various STDs make that rule the exception.. apart from uncoordinated limbs lah.
Rating klubbkidd :
Velvet - Caramu (Nikki)
Kalau Farhan didn't give her best show... Velvet gave her worst show.
Sedih aku tengok banyak sangat mistakes dia.
Lupa lirik... tak sampai notes.... semput... almost no vocal control.
Still it was a difficult song, and aku glad that at least it proves my point that Caramu is not an easy song to sing.
Baru korang tau hebat gak si Nikki leh wat lagu ni live and dance at the same time. Hopefully people give more respect to this song now, and tak anggap semua lagu dance-based ni flat cam Ezlynn punya Hi Hi Bye Bye.
Soal baju, what's up lah with that get-up?
Kan sesuai kalao dia pakai tuh masa dia wat lagu Run Baby Run?
Hish... salah konsep tahap gaban.
Faizal lak horrible gila... trust me I don't think that was disengajakan.
Surprise Zahid tu aku rasa patutnya tak start dari awal and we only have Aznil to thank for pandai cover.
As horrible as this was, Edry leh kata this was the only entertaining show so far.
One word je la nak sebut soal kredibiliti komen camtu - ELITE (we know how well they sang).
And what's up dia nak komen saiz lak... tak kena mengena kalao patutnya dia komen vocal performance.
Siti was fair, and Adlin was right about being centred, tapi kenapa si Faizal cam orang mabuk jalan tak betul tu dia tak tegur bab tuh lak? And Velvet was dancing lak tuh... pelik aku.
Rating klubbkidd : (Rasa bersalah lak samakan ngan Amirul - but this is one performance yang bad because of a difficult song je. Jangan lupa AFUNDI Velvet gak tau!)
Lotter - Chow Kit Road (Sudirman)
He started ok, but after first chorus... semput lak.
Dia teragak-agak sebab nak pastikan tak lupa lirik.
It was a decent performance with a fun, strong song, and even though I didn't think too much of his actual show, aku kena akur yang dia berjaya menghiburkan audience.
Still, is that enough once out in the real world?
He didn't do that bad... and he was not the worst, whether by the night's performance or overall, and he didn't deserve to go as much as compared to Haziq.
Rating klubbkidd :
(Satu bintang bonus untuk komen Adlin " Ko boleh balik sekarang".) By the way korang notice tak Adlin kata kan, "Ko boleh balik sekarang, dan balik final nanti"? Amik ko... memang Lotter balik... dan akan balik masa final... as a member of the audience (gelak evil part two)
Haziq - Tak Seindah Wajah (Tan Sri S.M Salim)
First thing kena cakap.
Aku meluat ngan 'kejutan' iklan yang promo Haziq... nampak ada agenda je nak promosi Haziq ni.
Tapi sebab pakai Aiman, 'anak buah' iklan tu jadik funny lak. Tambah agik sora dia is the voice talent of abang Badrul, aku happy gak ler. Lawat ler blog dia yang cita pengalaman tuh.
After that I just fell asleep attempting to follow Haziq's performance.
'Terjaga' time comments and stuju ngan Siti again on the fact that the Akademi is not for him.
Even Edry kata walaupun noble dia ni nak maintain aslin throughout (merasalah carutan sebenarnya) the show was not for Haziq.
Rating klubbkidd :
Leez - Ku Gembira Disampingmu (Khatijah Ibrahim)
She was ok, but the song was just so unchallenging. Takyah komen lebih, but I don't see how seminggu di Akademi membantu dia sebab sama je ngan masa dia perform kat Konsert Prelude.
Kesian dok dalam tu jadik mangsa fantasi Haziq je.
Well, at least dapat ler barang sponsor kan, Leez?
Rating klubbkidd :
Lagu Bonus - Lemas (Ruffedge)
Buang masa je lagu ni, harmoni tak wujud... apa gunanya?
Everyone was just... average.
Rating klubbkidd :
Lagu Bonus - Saya Anak Malaysia (Dr. Sam)
Some songs shouldn't be performed for competition.
Kalau nak sangat wat lagu ni, perform ler time Konsert Reunion Akademi Fantasia masa Merdeka ke... or any other occasion.
I think it was not an intelligent performance.
Baik wat lagu Gali Lubang dari Salih Yaacob.
Rating klubbkidd : (Kalau nak bagi more than one star, hanya kalao ini persembahan Hari Penyampaian Hadiah Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Kampung Pelir Hitam - that is a real place in Sarawak ok)
Malas nak komen lebih.
This concert was just boring.
Too difficult choice of songs for the girls, being too far out of the comfort zone pelajar perempuan, manakala bebudak laki tuh semua di manjakan je.
Aku tak kisah...
Faizal better get an English song, and a dance one at that, while Haziq better get an R&B lagu, preferbaly English too.
Sebab tu dua lagu leh membunuh yang meka memang kena buktikan mampu.
Kalao tak, ini membuktikan Akademi Fantasia biased dan seolah mempunyai agenda tanak exploit the weakness of these two students padahal pelajar lain da kena macam-macam!!!
One more thing, what is wrong with Adlin!!!
First pasal komen dia pasal Farhan, kata kena lembut ler haper ler. That is already so chavinistic of him to try and pigeonhole perempuan dalam kategori stereotype.
Then the worst was komen dia pada Leez, that she takyah wat album and that she can become his secreatary.
Adlin Aman Ramlie is officially a chauvinistic male oinker!
First nak offend bab penagih... now women?
Molot main lepas satu hal... to be downright mean is another.
Dia lahir camna lak nak hina kaum hawa nih. Hish....
Ok ler... malas royan agik... dah kul berapa ni.
Korang check out these links below for some interesting reviews.
mentallydisturbed (peminat Adlin Aman Ramlie)
badrulaftersix (peminat Haziq)
maddox24 (peminat Lotter)
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