I've been so preoccupied with so many things, that blog aku ni bebetul diabaikan. I really wish I could smack myself silly for just ignoring my blog at times...tapi apa nak wat kan....sometimes, writing about my mundane (and yet at times, unbelievably hectic) life, is not exactly a priority.
But hari ni aku masuk office awal, earlier than working hours (which for me starts actually at 10am), for penance's sake sebab aku sibuk indulge in a spot of shopping over the weekend.
Aku jarang sekali nak shopping (really....) so once in a while, I just decide to do a tour of some spots, and go hunting for stuff I like.
But more of that later.
Nothing much to report over what I did last weekend. Quite boring actually.
On Friday night, ingat nak surprise ler si angklung sebab his birthday was the next day (sesuai lahir pada April Fool's Day!)
Called around some friends for a little midnight surprise...
Semua cam tak confirm, so aku tak pasti jadik ke tak. Jumpa si Bones tuh petang kat Central Market cause dia sibuk the past few days nak carik Legenda Sheila Majid (da nama pon fanatik Sheila dan Siti). Pas dapat da, kami minum sat, sebelum ketibaan Nizam Zakaria dan seorang lagik kawan. Mereka nak gi nonton teater kat Dewan Bandaraya, so meeting point memang dekat ler.
Didn't wanna join them, cause I really didn't feel in the mood to be stuck in a theatre for a production put on by students.
So merempat sana sini sat, before met up ngan orang kurang siuman, yang call aku kata nak join.
Dia tinggalkan keta kat Cheras sebab takde road tax, and kami naik satu kereta gi beli ayam goreng cap kepala tentera omputeh berjanggut putih gak.
Beli tuk bucket with about 15 pieces, sebab budget, aku, Fiebie dan housemate SM, si Kichi... ketiga nya yang plus sized models mesti lantak tiga ketul each. Kira si stick insect lantak seketul, that leaves a good five pieces tuk Nizam and his friend, and possibly ada ler sorang dua lagi yang patut join.
Banyak ler tuh when you kira the double coleslaw and mashed potato kami beli sekali. Tong dram lak sponsor air bebanyak ngan ais (sebab rumah orang tu punya peti ais tuk perhiasan jer tapi not functioning...leh?)
On the way tuh, Presiden Aiman FC da cancel nak join sebab baru sampai rumah, malas drive ke Sentul nak join surprise makan-makan kami buat.
Takper...budget ramai lagi. SMS si Nizam mintak mai dalam diam pas abih teater so ada ler small gathering gaks.
Sampai jer rumah Muzaffar in the ghetto called Sentul, kami pun naik ler. Sampai rumah tengok padlock dari luar! Aiyo! Bad vibes!!!
Call punya call, birthday boy tak angkat phone, sama ngan Nizam. Ni kes tak abih teater lagik ni. Apa kes???!!! Start 8.30pm. Ni da dekat 11.30pm da!!! Teater apa ni??!!!
Call Kichi lak, dia sibuk ler nak bayar bil plastik dia tuh kat Citibank. Pastu, siap singgah McDonald's nak bungkus sebab sibuk bak bebudak bawah scholarship dia.So Fiebie and me just waited. And waited... and waited... and waited...dok tepi tangga cam penagih tunggu nam merompak orang.
Sampai ada jiran yang balik tuh, dok usha kami cam kami ni penyangak. Sial!
Dahler memasing tak makan dinner. Kebulur sih!!!
Last-last tak tahan, hentam ler yang light-light jer. Start ngan potatoes and coleslaw. Sib baik ada air tin sekali so takyah usik yang botol.
Pas makan hisap entah berapa batang rokok...dok tengah sumpah je housemate due ekor tak balik-balik ni. Dahler da pas midnight, Haper punya surprise birthday.
Last-last Kichi membuat special appearance. Dalam nak masuk rumah, si Muzaffar call. Ada lak dia gelakkan kami!!! @#$%^&* Memang mintak nak kena maki ngan aku....
Pastu tunggu dia muncul, ada ke sibuk nak stop 7-11 nak beli tuh nih....terpaksa pecah lobang cakap kami da beli. Abih surprise.... terpaksa kami cakap ada beli makan minum.
But at least when he got back, it was kinda fun because a bunch of friends had gathered. Cuma ada ratu sorang ni yang aku call kata on the way tapi rupanya ont he way Dreamland sebab tak muncul....rasanya akibat membadak ler tuh.
Pas abih mini makan party tuh, semua adjourn, aku went for a drink with Fiebie dalam nak amik keta dia kat Cheras.
Pas minum, aku jadik ler runner dia, drive a short distance in front of him nak pastikan takde road block. Baru nak kuar area tuh, dia call aku nak remind aku keep watch.
Baru lepas traffic light immediately, aku kena tahan kereta peronda. Mamat tu tanya aku, "Tau tak apa salah ko?" Aku kata sebab tak pakai seat belt, which is a bad habit of mine. Dia terdiam sat...and said, "Tu dan ko gayut kat handphone".
Me and my big mouth. Tak pasal-pasal da dua kesalahan. Cis...Fiebie punya salah ni call aku.
As usual, aku berjaya lepaskan diri tanpa kena saman after sweet talking the three of them. It's easy when you know how...but not before dia comment aku punya spikes ("Ni black metal ni!"), my tattoo ("Ni gangster ni"), my sampah sarap of my new clothes and shoes aku beli tak pakai lagi yang clutter ("Ni semua apa ni").
Bangang tul...
Anyway, sampai rumah pun da nak subuh. Sial tul...planning banyak benda aku nak buat.
First sepatutnya ada gathering komuniti msjbox, which I really wanted to go at 11am. Pastu lak, ada audition Rockstar : The Series, sekali ngan audition Akademi Fantasia.
Then there was the Jiwang United gathering, but I wasn't invited for that. I also had the National Press Club dinner, but I decided against that sebab tanak spend the weekend with stuffed shirts. And there were a couple of other things yang semua cam happening sekali.
Aku dah agak...
As predicted, aku bangun pun dah petang, so haram satu pun benda aku gi. Later that evening, sempat ler singgah Astro sat usha auditions, first day of the last call. Still takde yang star. Semua burok cam neyeru ujan.
Malam tu gi clubbing, while showing off my new belt yang LED display. (seronok jadik walking billboard!)
The next day, got up early, budget nak gi Berjaya Times Square sebab nak tengok call back auditons for Rockstar, tapi singgah 1 Utama beli this pair of absolutely fabulously funky vintage cargo pants on sale!
By the time I got to the venue, audition pun nak abih. But I really have to say, bangga ler, sebab the audition tu, not Malaysian, but Asian level. Hanya dalam 100 lebih orang audition hari sebelum, but about a dozen dapat, and semua orang Malaysia! Bangganya!
Aku sedih sebab Emmett dari Butterfingers tak mai audition walaupun pujuk dia melalui his wife, Terrina, who is a collegaue of mine (meka baru kahwin berapa minggu lepas) tuk talk to him to audition.
He would have gotten in for sure.Anyway, aku tak terkejut reception towards Rockstar dingin. Sebab most of the people here, berangan je rockstar...tapi bagik peluang chicken out sebab meka ni rock kapok je. Not real rockers...People here claim they're rockers, but their misconception of rock is wearing tight pants and screaming in pain. The truth is, there is a lot more to rock, though sadly it's not represented locally.
Anyways, from what I gather, yang layak for the call backs had another round of auditions, and their tapes will be sent off. And then later, in LA, or something.... the tapes from around the world will be reviewed together untuk judge tengok sapa yang akan masuk rumah Rockstar tu.
Now THAT'S a reality competition yang world gila. Because, bukan tuk satu negara je, tapi worldwide competition di mana pemenang dia akan dikenali serata dunia. I wish we had a Malaysian yang dapat masuk, because it would in a way put our country on the map. Tapi harap kalau ada yang dapat tu betul betul kualiti ler...kalau tak malu je.
Kalau ada yang kat luar tu minat, you have three days to get your demo, video to Hong Kong sebab closing date for postal entries is 7 April. Hurry up and get to the official Rockstar homepage and get more details and the form there. Sempat tuh kalau FedEx kan your entry.
Anyways, after that went for another round of shopping with Terrina. Picked up two shirts on sale, yang memang aku tak caya murah gila!!! I love bargain hunting!!!
When we were done, I headed home and KOed terus.
Spent the remainder of Sunday sleeping.Monday was nothing to shout about and got through it. Later in ther evening, keluar ngan Muzaffar. Supposed to hunt for a laptop, tapi last-last, divert to 1 Utama and bought this pair of sneakers yang tengah sale Buy 1 Get 1 FREE! GORGEOUS!!!!
Dia design dia cam Converse, tapi glittery!!!
Cam disco ball bergerak ler kaki aku. (buta pon leh kalao tengok lama-lama) In fact, they looked so glittery, aku posekan kan office desk aku sebelah disco ball kat meja aku. Amacam? Funky? Or sucky?
Aku da eyeing this pair of kasur masa aku kat 1 Utama the day before! But later that night when
I was thinking of it, I forced myself to read my Shopaholic books to remind me how carried away
I was getting. Still...the promo was enough to convince me to part with cash for it.Angklung terlalu absorbed in his busuk punya t-shirt murah, hadiah dari kaki tak update blog yang balik dari Hong Kong tak beli apa-apa tuk kawan lain, dan hadphone Nokia N70 yang dihadiahkan family dia. Patutler rajin balik kampung lak on Saturday kan....ada lobster behind the stone rupanya....
Later last night, met up ngan Vernon, minum, then drop by Felix punya birthday party nak jemput Nikki dan Yanie yang dijemput hadir.
Yerlah...fan club tak ajak kita pun. Tak heran. Felix sibuk lak mintak maap tak jemput. Tak heran pun....lagik besh merajuk....Felix pujuk (feeling star gituh!)
Ajak Yazer join supper, tapi dia letih, si Felix dok kat hotel tuh gak, so takyah...malas jadik teksi nak menghantar...so tak pujuk dia sangat nak join.
Went back, slept. Got in this morning awal gila sebab rasa bersalah abih duit kat kasut tuh, and konon nak rajin.
Masuk nak update blog, halfway Dreamy ngan aku gi breakfast. First time dapat time 1 on 1 bebetul out of the office ngan dia...heaven!!!
Ok ler...nak sambung keja...happy birthday again, kertu!
Jangan berangan....ko memang da tua!....I'm still years younger than you!!!!
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