Finally after the busy past few days throughout the end of last week into the this week...aku dapat run away daripada kesibukan dan keheningan Kuala Lumpur.
I'm now in the hotel room of Merdeka Palace Hotel and Suites in Kuching, tompang laptop bebudak Maestro ni nak surfing sat...tak rancang pon nak wat update...tapi alang-alang kan.
If I've got the time, I will upload the pics immediately abih je event esok.
Uwaaa! terasa cam very the commentary from correspondent je!
"Ni klubbkidd, melaporkan secara lamgsung dari Sarawak Cultural Village...Sarawak.." matilah berangan..'s going to be fun for sure cause it's the first time aku jejak kaki ke Sarawak. Aku da travel the whole of Malaysia...even serantau. Tapi tak penah ke sini lagi.
Tapi apa excitement yang mungkin ada, was non existent sebab aku letih gila. Mana taknya...tak cukup tidur, sial!!!!
Aku tidur dua jam je dari semalam.
Naik ERL je nak ke KLIA, KO!!! Sedar je da orang mula alihting from the train. Pastu naik je flight...KO!!!
Matilah membadak je!'s obviously dark out and there's not much activity here at this hour. Still I'm kinda excited still because tengah sibuk nak tanya Hazel samaada ada tak tempat I can get a cultural Iban tattoo.
Tengok ler sama aku balik ngan tu ke tak. Hopefully I can also get something nice for my mom's birthday too pun on the 25th. Kalau tak, beli perfume tuk dia kat Singapore jer la kang aku gi on the 24th sebab susah nak dapat yang my mom suka (impossible more like it) kat KL....kalau pernah dengar....Boucheron - Jaipur.
Back to the matter at hand.
Erm...actually...that's pretty much it. Ok ler...posting esok jer lah...ciao guys!
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