Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Dah lewat ni, just thought I'd pop in and add some stuff to the blog. It's a lot easier to transfer images from my Nokia now to a PC as Ted, who's just upgraded from his Nokia 3650 (leaving me using it alone now) to a Nokia 7610, has passed on his thumb drive card reader to me. Just plug it in and transfer shit. Yeah!

Anyway, nothing much happened over the weekend. Met someone on Saturday night, we had a quickie and that's it. Nothing long term, as it's going to be long distance.

Anyways, Sunday, Zahid's parents left for umrah, and I joined the rest of the guys at the Kuala Lumpur International airport to bid farewell. Lepas tu, gi berbuka puasa at Hyatt Saujana. Astro had this 'do together with the media and some of the Akademi Fantasia season one and season two kids.

Monday, last night (just hours before I posted this) was Zahid's Milikku music video shoot, which got rained out, but hey, I bet it was fun for those who were there cause when else you gonna spend 12 hours with Zahid, right. Anyway, just came online to share the photos. Enjoy!