Tuesday, September 28, 2004


I haven't uploaded pics from my Nokia of being in the studio with Zahid today for his recording of Milikku, but here's some pics my photographer took. It was from about 1pm to about 5pm and Cat was in for about a few hours to supervise the recording. All I can say about is, it's GOOD!

Of course I'm biased, so I don't expect anyone to believe me, but give it a listen. It's expected to be part of the mini album due out on Oct 11.

Nothing much to say really for today. PAY IS OUT! So thank GOD! Now I can finally go shopping. I'm actually richer this month and I can get myself some nice stuff. OK, hope you guys enjoy the pics. Ciao for today.

Don't touch those buttons Zahid!

With Cat of RuffEdge working on the recording earlier today.

Finally, working on his magic!.