Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Nikki for Idol!

Just got back to the office from Studio D, Jalan Liku which is like right next door to my office. Met up with the eleven contestants from the first group of Malaysian Idol for their story to be published on the same day to hype up the first SMS voting enabled programme.

Actually ten cause one was absent. Met up with Nikki, and surprised cause for the first time she was actually wearing make-up!


Anyway, the rest, including Vic (that idot hairdresser from Ipoh who thinks he can sing) will be on this Friday, so trying to get everyone to tune in and vote for Nikki.

If you've been following Idol, Nikki was the girl from Sabah, who qualified from the Sarawak audition, singing Mariah Carey's Emotions, complete with the trademark Carey whistle. Now...back to work...

Meet your next Malaysian Idol, Nikki - She comes on this Friday's programme! Vote for her!