Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Social media

Sometimes... I go crazy when it comes to managing my social media platforms.

The average platforms one person can manage successfully is two.

Right now, I maintain my blog (maintain lah sangat), Twitter, Instagram, two more Twitter accounts at least for my company and my artist, two websites...pening.

Tambah lagi pening is how people take on to social media.

A lot of people have forgotten what it's for.

Sometimes, on Twitter I see the good in people. When there are missing kids, lost cars... I see people help retweet in full force. Tragedies like MH370... always good to see people go all out in supporting by voicing out or sharing my status.

Other times... things that are positive are wasted.

Take for example... my string of tweets yesterday making fun of the monopod fad.
Holy crap! At the point of blogging, barely a day into tweeting that as a joke - there have been 927 retweets and about 180 favourites! I mean... it's funny... but...

I need something to restore my faith in human nature...

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Goodbye MH370

Nearly three hours have passed after the announcement that killed all hope. Still numb...

You don't need to be a member of a family or loved one of someone on MH370... we're only human... they're most than just statistics - and ultimately... we lost 239 people.

Lost... such an easy word. Yet so painful.

My respect to the Prime Minister... having to utter those words must be the hardest thing ever...

If indeed you lie in the ocean of our tears, rest well until we're able to find you and bring you home... goodbye MH370.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Merak kuning lambang kebanggaan!

Sabtu lalu, dengan Stadium Shah Alam buka pintu kembali - dan aku pun turun la nak layan Selangor lawan Kelantan.

Bersemangat sebenarnya. Tapi kekadang sebab dah lama tak layan bola, rasa out of sync.

Jujur kenal pun beberapa player je dalam Selangor ni. Haven't been following them as I used to. Tapi minat tetap.

Kalau dulu ikut jersi, posisi, stats setiap pemain dalam kepala. Which goal, how, what drama - on field or off... semua amik pot.

Dah nak 15 tahun or so tak amik pot sangat, aku turun untuk match semangat berkobar jugak lak.

Tapi nak masuk stadium saja sudah rasa sedih...

Sedih - kena lalui go karting course yang patutnya lokasi di tempat lebih strategik. Ni antara car park dan stadium... jalan kaki kena redah sepak tayar bagai. Ye lah... beribu ribu manusia nak lalu...

Sedih - kebab kat luar berleluasa jual jersi fake. Ada yang akan kata ada yang tak mampu... biarlah. For me, if you love something so much, you will make the effort. Sama cam kes piracy music, and illegal downloads. Sokong apa kalau tak beli? Beli pun sebab quality kan? Ni konon sokong tapi tak pakai licensed merchandise. Baik takyah... bail beli saja t shirt ori yang tak semahal jersi tapi nyatakan sokongan. Sapa rasa tak betul takpe la...lantak pi.

Sedih - sebab nak masuk stadium, luar tu aku rasa rugi saja meka tak wat some activities. Dah paling tidak 10,000 ada tu... banyak leh wat. Banyak sponsors leh ajak tuk meriahkan... good for business, and good for fans to be entertained, kan? Bukan setakat ala pasar malam mini saja.

Sedih - Hall of Fame kat Stadium Shah Alam... dah lah cam pindah tengah malam nya rupa... nampak kosong je. Lampu tak pasang, pintu tak bukak. Match day kot... banggalah dengan Red Giants yang kaya dengan sejarah bolasepak yang mempengaruhi the game for our country. Bila lagi peminat muda nak belajar sejarah team kita? Lain lah kalao ko wat cam EPL - siang-siang bukak pintu leh tour facility semua demi sayangkan team... tu kalao wat pun ok la gak.

Sedih - Seating. Tahu lah stadium baru bukak balik... tapi seats kotor gila. Obviously ngan jerebu baru lepas and dust...da ada one thick layer of dirt. Ni tambah lak taik burung bagai... takde orang bersihkan ke? Korang maintainence memang cibai sangat?

Sedih - refreshments. Siapa tak kenal 'burger stadium'. Skang lagi sedih sial! Daging pun takleh cam, nampak mentah, takde sayur ke apa ke dengan dua keping roti. Air karbonat campurkan dengan air supaya nampak banyak (lepas tu campak masuk ice, bila da cair - katalah sebab ais cair)

Sedih - Ultras. Ok... bab ni mesti ada yang marah. Aku actually kagun semangat bebudak Ultras. Tapi bila masuk bab state clubs, aku rasa Ultras ni, tak perlu (bergantung pada situasi). Maksud aku, contohlah... Selangor. SSFC sudah lama wujud. Aku dulu bertahun ikut meka semua home and away. Semangat kami tahap Ultras gak... kenapa kena ada fan faction baru? Kenapa tak gabung saja dengan SSFC. Pecah belahkan peminat saja. Kat stadium riuh tu best - tapi aku lebih gemar cara SSFC yang kecoh waktu perlu. Ultras ni tak ada off switch. Bagi semangat bila perlu... ni masa announce nama pemain bagai nyanyi melalak. Give some respect to the team.

Ada one part tu...nampak la peminat Selangor ni masih pandang pada siapa for fan leadership. Ultras konon nak lead cheer. Section meka je kecoh. Sekali gendang SSFC berbunyi... satu stadium, bergema. Ini baru betul.

Tapi Ultras aku respek satu benda sangat masa perlawanan dengan Kelantan. Lepas berkumandang Negaraku, mereka nyanyikan lagu negeri Selangor. The rest of the Selangor fans beridiri nyanyi sekali. Hah! Camtu best lah...

All in all... aku da cam semangat balik nak all out for Selangor again. Cuma aku rasa kali ni nak berjumpa pihak FAS untuk berbincang some possibilities that I have in mind. We'll see...

PS - Aku hairan kenapa lagu Merah Kuning tak lagi berkumandang di Stadium Shah Alam... ke aku miss (am sure I didn't sebab sampai awal dan balik at the very end)

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Monkey needs home

Petang tadi ke lokasi shooting seperti biasa. 

Because of delays, si Amir nya scene belum jalan pun. Lepak jap... then gerak ke satu lagi lokasi dalam kampung tu. Ada kolam pancing ikan. 

Sambil crew set up semua...perasan a small group of the crew gathered around one of those polystyrene cooler boxes. Rupanya... kata meka ada anak monyet.

I was like... oh yeah... sure. I took a peek. Holy fuck! 

Memang ada anak monyet kat dalam tu!!!

The poor thing was in foetus position. Tutup muka dia. I could sense the fear and distrust it had...

Everyone left it alone after I got irritated and said, "sudah-sudahlah... dia takut tu... da kecik berapa bulan tu perlukan mak dia".

No one touched it until Iqram came. Dia pun tau anak nyet tu pun memang ketakutan.

He took it and put it against his chest. The poor thing just opened its arms and hugged Iqram.

Kita borak dengan orang jaga kolam pancing ikan tu. Katanya, meka pasang trap and terjerat la ibu monyet dan anak monyet dia ni. Meka lepaskan si ibu, tapi simpan anak dia.

Adoi... korang ni perangai lagi teruk dari binatang. Arghhh... I can't hear shit like this about how people think it's ok just to grab a wildlife's offspring.

Iqram bonding gila. Aku tak nak dekat. Bukan takut ke apa... comel sangat... and kesian sangat. Jap lagik aku bawak balik rumah aje kang.

Iqram offered nak beli dari tokei tu... dia tanak jual.

Poor thing lepas kejap dia ok ngan aku dan Iqram... dia relax sikit.

Tapi bila ada orang lain datang je... dengan suara kuat "EH COMEL LAH" or anything like that, it cowers in fear as I first saw it. Poor thing.

And actually bukan saja cerita anak monyet ni... tu orang yang dok jual sugar glider tu. Banyak-banyak tu mati cepat sebab I've seen some sold below 3 months ago. It needs to be nursed by its mother...

Don't buy all this sort of wildlife. It's cute for you, but you're actually encouraging a heartless business. I avoid pets shops and all that have this deplorable practise concerned only with making more money than even giving a shit that these animals are living creatures too.

As for kes orang kampung ni... for all the trauma you're putting this little monkey through... I hope you take care of it just like one of your own...

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sandai Kitetsu - precipitative protection

After waiting about two months, I finally got my Sandai Kitetsu in the mail. I swear Poslaju takes forever. Ok maybe I shouldn't be blaming Pos Malaysia's services alone - since my package did come all the way from China. Still.. of the many times I've bought stuff on eBay, usually it's Poslaju's fault. 

So anyways... what is a 'Sandai Kitetsu'. You have to be a One Piece fan to understand. It's the name of one of the katanas used by Roronoa Zoro.

So why am I buying a katana? This is special. It's not only a replica of the Sandai Kitetsu... it's also an umbrella!

Ok.. I'm sure you've seen those around. Back then I bought one for RM120 - nowadays you can get bad Made In China knock-offs for cheaper (with bad workmanship).

However this is the first time I know of in Malaysia someone has the umbrella version. Yeay me!

I thought workmanship was going to be so-so... but there is a solid feel to the build of the Sandai Kitetsu umbrella. It does feel expensive. Not bad since I spent about RM100 on it (the umbrella itself was USD$25).

And since I bought the Wado Ichimonji and Shuusi cosplay swords already minus the Sandai Kitetsu, this sort of completes my collection. Imagine cosplaying as Zoro, carrying all three swords - it stars raining - and voila! You whip out a katana that become an umbrella.

Looks awesome, doesn't it? Below are the three katanas that is used by Zoro in the manga/anime.

And this is the Sandai Kitetsu I bought. The only thing I dislike about it is that it's standard umbrella length - which is too short for a katana.

Still... who cares. I've graduated to uber fanaticism for buying this just because it's a One Piece merchandise.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Merry minxed

Perasaan paling cuak dan sakit hati, dalam tempoh beberapa bulan pertama pakai kereta baru. 

Masa tu berjaga tahap nak mampus, dapat satu calar leh menangis tiga baldi gitu.

And my Going Merry (yes... that's what I call my car - One Piece fans akan faham) got her major smackdown dalam baru tiga bulan kot sejak aku pakai ni. And the best thing? It was parked!

To be exact, it was parked right outside my house. 

Ceritanya jirang celaka depan umah ni, anak dia memang main suka hati campak keta block jalan. So turns out it was the morning tukang amik sampah mai dok angkat kawasan kita. Yang bak lori sampah tu lak rupanya psycho sikit... dia da tau sempit, suka hati mak bapak dia, redah gak!

Apa lagi... kena sagat la bontot keta aku. 

I of course was dead asleep as it was 7:30am. Too early... then again for me, anything before lunch is too early.

My dad heard, ran out, and yelled at the driver. Celaka tu rupanya tengah reverse nak wat bodoh. Too bad in my area memang semua jiran aku prihatin... semua da keluar rumah pun. I love my neighbourhood... tak kisah jiran aku bangsa apa, semua very the united jaga kawasan.

Dad called out to me, and the moment I saw my car - memang mengundang malapetaka la mamat tu...meroyan la tahap gaban aku ni.

Dari dia nampak moka kerek tak kisah... jadi muka kelam kabut. Terus dia call supervisor dia.

Hah! Ni la lori celaka main sondol jek! Cipet tul...jalan pun rilek la... da tau kawasan perumahan lama... sempit jalan... ko ada hati nak Fast and Furious gitu kenapa? You rushing somewhere, bro?

Supervisor dia nak mai pun sejam lebih. Sampai je aku tak nak banyak cakap - aku suruh dia tengok number plate. "Baru lagi kan? So camna ni..."

Dia setuju hantar ke dealer terus... yang kebetulan tempat dia gi gak. Service center punya orang borak punya borak kata sempat nak wat hari ni.

Total work, new bumper - kena spray, dan mudguard belah tepi ala koyak tu kena keluar balik sikit dan cat gak. Total damage : RM850. Kimaks terkejut aku... nasib baik bukan aku yang kena bayar, kalau tak memang kena campak dalam lori sampah la si driver tadi. Sekali supervisor dia.

It was very much an inconvenience. I planned to sleep in after a late night of work last night. And not only did I have my sleep disrupted - I had to check on the progress and collect the car again later in the evening.

But the result...

Ah. Merry is fine again.

And I admit. There are two or three minor scratches on the bumper (entah celaka mana gesel kat bumper aku ada tanda sikit) that were bugging me. So having a new on just solved the problem of my OCD having to look at it.

All's well that ends well...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Hot, hazy days...

It's been over a month now and the dry spell is still horrible. 

For those who have to be outdoors, it's a real bitch. It's hot, the mosquitoes are just asking to be smacked down... and not only you stink, you don't know it because the air smells so bad on its own.

March is shooting month, and with a lot of outdoor locations, it's definitely a pain...

Tambah lagi kami shooting banyaknya kat kawasan kampung. Tapi kampung lak dekat area Puncak Alam dan Meru di mana banyak kawasan hutan sana, disebabkan cuaca kering - terbakar dengan mudah.

Memang kalau biasa drama Malaysia ni kena bakar bekas telur nak dapat efek foggy gitu... kali ni memang asap bagi free jek. Whether you want it or not.

The nights are really humid...

And going back past 2am looks like a horror movie...

Sunday, March 09, 2014



Pray for the 227 passengers...

Pray for the 12 crew members...

Pray for the families and loved ones...

Pray for the men and women searching...

Pray for them

Pray for us


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Going south

Kalau kau anggota band... dan pergi bali stesen radio ko penah promo dulu... dan nampak benda camni... sakit tak? Heh!

I found it rather funny. Painful as it may sound - seriously knowing when to not overdo is something to always remember.

Oh... and that was the locker of a DJ for Ria FM in Singapore.

Was down five or six days in Johor and Singapore for some stops for Amir there.

The best part of the trip - DRIVING!

Tak tau lah kenapa....for some reason I love driving. Sometimes for no reason but just to njoy the solitude in the car, doing what I like. It's like I have a bubble around me physically... that defines its my 'moving' space.

Driving in someone else's country? Even better... !!!

Since didn't bother wasting money to stay in Singapore which is still as costly as fuck (most expensive city in the world!) was driving back and forth and around Singapore.

At least I got my new wheels into Singapore already. So Singapore : check! Still wishing I got to drive in Japan.

Thanks everyone we met there the organisers of the event... hope to make a return there very soon. Thank you Ria FM for that 'Amir hour' to share his songs from Penghibur Jalanan and Berita Harian Singapore for taking time to have a session with us and Johor's Best 104 FM for inviting Amir to perform and also be on air.

Monday, February 17, 2014


O.M.G. is coming back!

Siapa yang layan drama Ohsem Music Group atau O.M.G. kat TV3 last year... siap!!!!

Musim kedua confirm dengan shooting sepanjang bulan Mac.

Main cast sama : Black, Amir, Anas Ridzuan dan One Sofazr. Siang tadi dah meeting di TV3. Yang kembali juga - Akim Ahmad, Amyza Aznan dan Arash Mohamad. Ada pendatang baru kali ni iaitu Sathiya dan Aisyah Aliff dari Akademi Fantasia 2013.

That means whole of March shooting - siap jadi makanan nyamuk dalam hutan lagi. Heh!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Aku Juga Manusia

Yeay! Amir's fourth single dah keluar.

It's been great so far - dengan airplay for Tanpamu, Penghibur Jalanan dan Gelisah, dan sekarang dah giliran lagu keempat Aku Juga Manusia.

If you guys haven't heard it, go to Amir's Reverbnation page by CLICKING HERE.

And yes, Amir menjadi tamu Muzik Muzik, dan selang beberapa minggu tu, Aku Juga Manusia akan dicalonkan. Dah rakam.... tunggu giliran tayang saja.

If you guys like this song, please help request or vote for it through your favourite radio stations!

Arittake no yume o kakiatsume!

Told you my One Piece obsession is getting out of hand.

Above are the action figures that I've gotten so far. I really want to grow my collection - but damn this is an expensive hobby.

Of the mugiwaras (the Straw Hat Pirates), I'm only missing Franky - and that's because it's limited and hard to get.

And now they're releasing so many more... the Admirals, CP9, the four emperors... damn...

Anyway... this collecting comes with a obsession to 'photoshoot' them. Pakai Blackberry saja... takde DSLR ke pe... boleh lah kan? What do you think?

Oh... here's a bonus for Sanji fans. Couldn't resist doing this given Sanji's character.

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Happy birthday

Happy birthday kakak. It would have been your 56th birthday today. 

Just wanted to let you know all of us are still missing you here. 

I got a chance to pop by today. Been a while since my last visit last Aidilfitri. 

We love you... and wait for us there ok. Can't wait to have a good ol' laugh with you again.

Thank you Google for honouring Yasmin Ahmad with a doodle today. She will always live in our hearts...