Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Tour with Akademi Fantasia! the big news that I wanted to share.

Pada peminat-peminat Akademi Fantasia musim pertama dan kedua, kalau awak ingin bersama sekali dengan para graduan Akademi Fantasia untuk Akademi Fantasia Tour '05 - ni ada berita baik.

The Malay Mail bersama dengan Maestro Talent & Management bersama menganjurkan 'Akademi FANtasia Tour '05 Contest' dimana SATU pemenang bertuah akan ikut 'tour bus' Akademi Fantasia untuk ke Alor Setar, Kedah untuk persembahan mereka di sana pada Mac 11.

Untuk lebih maklumat, usha je suratkhabar The Malay Mail dari hari ni sampai ke hujung minggu. Takleh la bagitau hari apa keluar lak kan...tak aci le. Kena beli la paper tiap-tiap hari.

Anyway, nak rushing sikit ni. I just called a cab and am leaving soon nak gi KLIA. My flight to Sandakan via Kota Kinabalu is at 3pm. Pada orang Sandakan dan Keningau - usha-usha la kita ek kalau datang tengok konsert Akademi Fantasia di sana.

Ok...leaving now...ta all.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Jom pi Kedah untuk Akademi Fantasia Tour '05!

Ok malas nak tulis banyak. As usual I have too much work to do, and too little time to actually finish it.

Tomorrow at 3pm am leaving for Sabah for the Akademi Fantasia Tour '05 in Sandakan and Keningau.

Apapun, ni to those yang nak join competition tuk join bebudak Akademi Fantasia masa mereka gi Kedah on March 11 - pandai-pandai baca blog aku setiap ari ek untuk find out how!
Ada surprise news sikit. Exclusive beb!

Apapun - aku malas nak tulis banyak-banyak. I know I am supposed to post a LOT of photos - but time has been this evil factor here - not to mention I left my card reader in my sister's car - so unable to transfer the photos from my Nokia.

But...expect more photos from Sabah!

Anyway, to Shai and sultanmuzaffar - nice meeting you guys at the launching of the EVO series tadik - sori aku kelam kabut sikit tadi tak ada masa nak bual atau sembang. I had a lot of things on my mind actually.

So meanwhile before I sign off - updates on my single life - two possibilities - no scores (I've only had three quickies in February - an all time low! How depressing!!!)

Hope Sabah offers...uhm...some interesting possibilities!

Ciao...will be posting soon with the news....LOOK OUT FOR IT!

Akademi Fantasia di Menara KL

Pada mereka yang minat Akademi Fantasia - jangan lupa hari ni (Selasa) pada pukul 3 petang, pelacaran album-album EVO akan diadakan di Menara Kuala Lumpur. Of course, ramai-ramai ler budak-budak Akademi Fantasia musim kedua akan hadir. Thank you Shai sebab ingatkan...da tau sejak minggu lepas tapi terlupa...

I'm very tired at the moment - so tak banyak to post.

To fans of American Idol - tomorrow is the first round of elimination performances from the guys! Followed by the first performances from the women, and on Thursday FOUR of them (two guys and two girls) are going home!

My favourite at the moment is Mikalah, Anwar and David Brown. There's also this other girl, but can't remember her name. Hope they go all the way!

So see you guys tomorrow - found lots of pics I have to post - from my Bangkok trip to the recent Penang trip yang on tour with Akademi Fantasia Tour 2005.

Thank you pada kawan-kawan yang email bertanyakan pasal ujibakat Akademi Fantasia 3. Kalau apa-apa pertanyaan pasal proses ujibakat yang aku leh tolong, jangan segan-segan tanyakan, ok.

Got to go home now. Ada kerja sikit lagi nak habiskan dirumah kerana tak nak lama kat office esok. Nak gegas ke Menara KL punya pasal. And on Wednesday, nak gi Sabah for the tour with Akademi Fantasia. Orang Sandakan dan Keningau dah demam?

Me? I dah ngantuk....good night....

Monday, February 21, 2005

Astro - medan perjuangan

Semalam went to Astro of course for the Akademi Fantasia 3 auditions. Mak ai! Aku tertidur, sampai pun dah 11am plus...ramainya orang!

The best part was, majoriti yang aku kenal atau kenal aku bekas-bekas budak-budak yang join Malaysian Idol, Auditions, Bintang RTM...yang pada masa meka join semua hentam Akademi Fantasia kata tak kelas sebab tak credible. As if! Eat your words! Audition gak...dahler ada yang malu first round tak lepas pun!

Anyway, temankan Ted tuk ujibakat tu, serempak ngan mama Zahid yang temankan anak buah dan adik Zahid, si Farihan yang baru-baru ni masuk ngan bandnya Fiezzta dalam Blast Off! Hitz.TV. Panas-panas satu ari terbakar, worth it sebab wat lawak bodoh sambil ulang alik ke cafeteria tuk melantak and audition rooms tuk gelakkan yang penyanyi-penyanyi yang sumbangsih.

Petang sikit, Darah lak happened to be there sebab budak-budak Akademi Fantasia baru balik tour dari Kuantan and singgah Astro sat. Jadik lah bouncer Farah sat.

Lewat sikit, Sahri lak drop by - kebetulan ngan Bob yang baru balik Kuantan gak. Respect ler as they spent time to fulfill request nak bagi tips to those yang auditioning.

By the time si Ted clear stage four - dah kul 12 tengah malam dah! We had actually been there over 13 hours!

Got lots of work today so will post pics and more information on the auditions later...or maybe tomorrow...letih....nak tidur sangat.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Flying flowers!

Sent Ted back early cause he needs the rest untuk esok nya audition.Bosan lak masuk Internet cafe awhile. Thought I'd add this bubble script with the flying flowers from an old home page. Only problem with it is not only it slows the loading of the page - it's only active for the first portion of the page...

Hope you guys like it...going to look for more stuff to add on my blog.

And to those yang ada apa-apa pertanyaan mengenai Akademi Fantasia 3 - tinggalkan pertanyaan je kat tagboard sebelah ni ok...I will try and help answer any questions you have.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Akademi Fantasia III

Pada mereka yang akan audition di Kuala Lumpur (Astro) besok...good luck!

Ni ada sikit update mengenai ujibakat Akademi Fantasia musim ketiga.

I went to Astro today nak tengok camna auditions, and pening siot!

I think a lot of people langsung tak practise, ataupun make an effort to perform langsung.

Pendek kata, ramai yang hanya layak menang piala sumbang-sih!

But then again, hari ni baru first day dan seramai 102 yang di panggil Astro selepas mereka pre-register saja yang ambil mungkin terlalu awal nak judge how things will go. 'set' audition di Astro. Ada dua bilik audition.

First step registration. Second stage is actual audition for vocals and choreography (hanya kalau vokal layak) - dan the third stage is personality and character interview. Pandai-pandai ler serlahkan diri supaya membuktikan cukup layak nak tayang muka kat TV ek...

Ada dua judges untuk audition stage two and three, termasuk nama-nama yang tak asing lagi, Ellie Suriarty, Iman Wan, Adnan Abu Hassan, Fatimah Abu Bakar. Seramai lapan judges akan standby untuk bergilir di peringkat kedua dan ketiga.

Mereka yang lepas the third stage, akan di shortlisted, dimana evaluation akan di ambil kira dari rakaman-rakaman persembahan di ujibakat, sebelum dua belas pelajar dipilih.

That's all for today's posting. Nak main game Battle Realms sat, before I have dinner. Esok nak gi awal as Ted is auditioning.

To everyone auditioning, good luck again.

Pada teman-teman di Brunei, walaupun jadual terbaru tidak menunjukkan tarikh ujibakat Akademi Fantasia musim ketiga di Bandar Seri Begawan, the auditions there are confirmed by Astro. Cuma buat sementara, tarikh, masa dan lokasi masih dalam bersabar-sabar, dan banyak berlatih ler.

See you guys...

Studio ujibakat 1

Studio ujibakat 2

Control room untuk monitor segala perjalanan ujibakat

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Akademi Fantasia musim ketiga - ujibakat

Untuk semua yang berminat tuk mengikuti ujibakat untuk Akademi Fantasia musim ketiga, ini jadual yang sudah dikemaskini.

Pada semua yang bertanyakan samaada mereka yang tidak menghantar borang untuk menjalani ujibakat - jawapannya memang ya. Tapi - kan lebih elok buat seperti diminta dan mempunyai keutamaan menjalani ujibakat. Dari last minute masuk tak sempat lak. Lagipun, memang kalau leh, ujibakat walk-in memang tak digalakkan setakat aku tau. Good luck.

Sat agik aku posting entry terbaru ek...

Tarikh Tempat Masa
19 Februari Astro, Kuala Lumpur 5 petang – 8 malam *HANYA untuk mereka yang mendaftar dan dihubungi oleh Astro
20 Februari Astro, Kuala Lumpur
9 pagi – 2 petang

Tarikh Tempat
26 & 27 Februari Hotel Excelsior, Ipoh, Perak
26 & 27 Februari Sri Warisan Resort, Melaka
5 & 6 Mac Cinta Sayang Golf & Country Resort, Sungai Petani, Kedah
5 & 6 Mac Paradise Sandy Bay Resort, Pulau Pinang
12 & 13 Mac Sutra Beach Resort, Kuala Terengganu
12 & 13 Mac Pahang
19 & 20 Mac Johor
26 & 27 Mac Sabah
26 & 27 Mac Sarawak

Nama Lagu Penyanyi Asal
Tangisan Dalam Kerinduan
Jangan Kau Mimpi
Bunga Melur
Tak Tahan Lagi
Farah AF2
Sarah Raisuddin
Siti Nurhaliza
Melly Goeslow
Christina Aguilera
Cinta Seorang Teman
Akar & Bumi
Pantun Budi
Semua Untukmu
Bob AF2
Tan Sri SM Salim
Anuar Zain
Michael Buble

Dapatkan borang penyertaan disini dan isikan secepat mungkin. Borang penyertaan lengkap perlu sampai sebelum Febuari 28. Alamatkan semua penyertaan kealamat dibawah. Tips for those yang nak enter : jangan lah nak feeling nak walk-in audition walaupun dibenarkan.

Unit Penyelaras Peserta, (AF3)
All Asia Broadcast Centre
Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil,
57000 Kuala Lumpur

Monday, February 14, 2005

Darn it...

The evil of cupid caused my blog to crash for some unknown and unexplained reason come midnight on Valentine's Day!

I have just gotten it back up not too long ago...damn you, you stinking homicidal cherub!

No dates tonight...just two Valentine from a former one night stand...and another from my ex in Jakarta.

Oh and of course Ted - but best friends don't count...they're supposed to cherish you anyway, no matter what (cue evil laughter)

Have no idea what I'm going to do tonight.

Silver lining - am going to Penang tomorrow for the Akademi Fantasia 2005 tour to follow the kids for their show there. Be back on Thursday...

Will post one more time before scooting there...till then...again....Happy (or miserable) VD!

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Kill cupid!

Was going to post some pics from Bangkok, but because tomorrow is Valentine's Day, today's entry is going to be focused on the commercial exploitation of the emotions rendered by intoxicating pheromones, which are most probably (though definitely not scientifically proven) promoted by hyperactive sweat glands.

First of all - Happy Valentine's Day to everyone celebrating the lovers' celebration. I'd personally like to wish my ex in Jakarta (will call you later hon if you read this) Happy V-Day, sweetie. It's our one year anniversary of having met come the day after....

So this is dedicated to all the lovers out there...

And this portion is to all the lonely souls out there. Personally, I just don't care anymore. Hey, if you are happy and all that crap, good for you! If you are reveling in your misery, then good for you too! I couldn't be bothered about Valentine's Day anymore, seriously.

For the lonely hearts out there, looking for solace, etc., remember you are not alone, even if you think you are. Or maybe you are alone, even if you think you're not. Oh whatever...

Enjoy the anti-Valentine greetings below...I'm with you...

My quote for tomorrow will be...

"Valentine's Day is like herpes: just when you think its gone for good, it rears its ugly head once more. No wonder some people prefer to call it VD."

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Bangkok reflections...

These are my musings from my recent trip to Bangkok. Much delayed, but still pertinent observations to be shared. These are just musings, so discover the truth on your own when you go Thailand and see if these bits are true.

1. Thaksin is toxic - As my friend Amir put it anyway. While the first night I didn't realise about it, the second night made me recall the 1am nationwide nightspot closure imposed.

Apparently, since we were there days before the general elections, the whole of bloody Patpong and the immediate Silom area nightlife came to a standstill after that time.

We got there on the second night after the MTV Asia Aid ten minutes to one, and everything was closing up! Fucking ten minutes to 1am! That's like the itme the party actually starts for the nightlife in Kuala Lumpur! Ridiculous!

2. Go-go dancers both male and female, should be observed at this time for how they REALLY look!

With the harsher white fluorescent lights kicking in at 1am, being caught off guard with the new closingtimes made me realise that, flaws are more often than not, extremely noticeable!

Best time to get your money's worth minus the illusion (Unless you're zoned out on drinks or dope)

3. Cars in Bangkok do have horns! - Strange as the few days spent there, I believe I heard only two cars honking! This despite the horrendously notorious traffic jams! In KL, not only you would probably be deafened by the sound of the incessant honking, you'd probably go blind with the amount of finger flipping sign language that takes place. KL drivers...

4. Thais are way smarter - Even places like Prathunam wholesale market area which is supposedly a safe haven, has been turned into a tourist trap! So don't expect to get your Dollar or Ringgit's worth anymore...

5. Sex is pretty much part of their lives - Dig the crazy nightlife scene happening while kids run about mixing with scantily clad folks! It's more embarrasing being a tourist and watching all this going on with the family run night markets businesses operating side by side with the sex industry.

6. Their traffic policemen have the kamikaze streak! - They step out of nowhere right in front of your vehicle to stop the flow of traffic to manage the flow. They seem fearless and invincible for some reason to do that - and we're not just talking about emerging in front of a speeding car - but also very possibly maiming buses and trucks!

7. Bribery is sitll familiar - And yet, when the cab I was in got stopped no thanks to me not wearing a seatbelt (so KL-lite) the driver got into a frenzy and started blabbering about how he (in almost undistinguishable English or some language with the semblance of it) would have to pay the cop off, and I would have to foot it. I agreed, and it turns out, the bribe was only a freaking 100 Baht! That's RM10 or less than USD$3!

In KL RM10 would be scoffed at, and not only you would get a ticket and a bribery charge, be sure that you'll probably end up with a helmet thrown in your face too for insulting the officer of being cheap! I then asked the much relieved cabbie (after paying him the additional amount) how much the actual traffic ticket would have been as he said 400 Baht. I WANT TO LIVE IN BANGKOK!

8. We all look the same - So goes the Caucasian belief. Chinse, Thai, Korean, Japanese...anyone oriental is not distinguishable....and who can blame 'em. I was endlessly mistaken for being Thai (how impossible!) by the locals and some didn't even believe that I was telling the truth about not being Thai.

9. I need to stock up on skin products and have cosmetic enhancement - They didn't stop me at all to check on my passport to ensure I was 21 going into the go-go bars. This despite my 40 year-old friend having been ecstatic before when they wanted to verify his age. This means? Am I losing it?

10. Everything comes from China - Walk through any of the markets, chances are, from the wide range of stuff being sold, you'll find that most of em are available in Chinatown in any part of the world! Especially in KL's Petaling Street! The labels declaring 'Made in China' or 'Made In Taiwan' should explain that mystery.

11. Gay culture is acceptable - My tour guide said something like Thailand means land of the free (thought that was America). Hence any ideaology or way of life, or belief or religion etc is tolerated. And it seemed so true!

It's hard to believe my Western friends have been telling me KL is more acceptable of the gay lifestyle (though I'm inclined people here are opening up more - despite playing our cultural norm of denying everything in public)

12. No one speaks English - Apart from the major hotels and several folks in the bars, I found it extremely true that Thailand is perhaps the hardest country in South East Asia to travel without a basic command of the local language. Which leads me to point 13...

13. Standard English - The most popular words in the English language are 'Sex' - 'DVD' and 'VCD'. Occassionally they'll throw in 'Boy' or 'Girl'. No less than 63 porn peddlers proved me right on that point as I went down the Patpong area.

14, Toilet paper is the choice - Do NOT expect hoses or similarly functional devices available in the loos when you take a dump - they do not subscribe to that belief, and paper is the way to go when it comes to the Thais. I believe in using more biodegradable methods of hosing -and erm...creativity has to come into place after some major investment.

15. They're the most gorgeous people around! - Thai men and women are like WOW! They have the best of Chinese, Malay and Indian features all rolled up into one...nuff said. Even the fugliest of them are like - way above the average scale.

16. Telecommunication rates! - Are way cheap! Get a prepaid starter pack if you get there.

Cheaper to call home as well as local rather than roaming!

17. Sad geriatrics form the core of tourists - The sex industry is admitted. But really...the amount of dirty old men there (especially from the West) is almost disgusting. Old white men ogling boys....dirty old men oglish girls...eww!

18. Our transvestites are prettier - Yup...Malaysian drag queens look more the real deal than Thai ones do. Even though the latter may have gone for the snip and closer to the original woman - Malaysia trannies are hotter and more gorgeous and sexier anyday!

19. A tuk tuk driver, that little motor-vehicle zooming past you and precariously weaving in and out of traffic - is the Malaysian equivalent of the local 'rempit'. While we have illegal motorcycle races here...there it's tuk tuk races. We decided against taking one after we caught one particular one near the Silom area, with a couple doing wheelies! (I kid you not!)

20. Singha is big - I knew the local brewery was big there...but I didn't expect their bottled water there to be...well...everywhere as well. Thailand's equivalent of the Indonesian legacy that is 'Teh Botol'.

So that's most of the main observations I made while in Bangkok for the second time...will update next time I go there and study their folks closer. Am planning another trip to ...ehem... for some bonding in the near future. off to see Constantine. Hope it's a good movie...

Friday, February 11, 2005


Nothing much to post today. Still no time to do post my Bangkok reflections.

Just in the office for a while today to send in my gossip column. Malas habis nak kerja. Nak holiday mood sikit pun tak leh. Aduh! parting - until the next post - got the second for February last night.

This is going to be a slow month...I can tell...

Thursday, February 10, 2005


I've been avoiding talking about this...and it's basically taken up so much of my thoughts that I finally have to put it out there.

Last Friday...I broke up. That you know.

The circumstances leading to it?

Here's the deal.

I got back from Bangkok missing my significant other because it had been almost a week since we last met. Called him several times from Thailand just to find out how my sayang was....venting how much I missed my sayang ...the usual stuff. Things seemed great.

And then the bomb dropped.

When I touched down KLIA, already I was in a foul mood no thanks to a 'friend' who had decided to drag his emotional baggage around and totally spoiling my whole trip in the process. And that stupid self indulgent session threw me on the brink of losing my sanity even to when we arrived back in Kuala Lumpur.

So I decided to haul ass back on my own, leaving that idiot to settle his 'marital' problems on his own. Called my sayang...only to find out my sayang was on his way to his extra job. Somehow it became a full blown argument - no thanks to a lame mobile phone battery which kept crashing, and irritating non commital answers etc.

So when finally, despite being tired out, and waiting for the idiot to finish work at about 4am (that's like fucking 8 hours of waiting) we went for a drink.

Muka dia cam sial - and insisted I drive as well, bringing two separate cars.

Sign of a storm brewing.

Anyway - my sayang kata dia moving further away. Dia refused to deal with the issue of whether we would continue things, or we would go on hiatus. And it just went totally downhill from there.

In the end, thanks to being prepared with a premonition of a break up (I get those - and this one had come almost a week earlier with a depression attack) I offered to break up if our relationship too taxing.

No second guessing. And dia so relaxed after that.

Anyways, to cut a long story short - I found out my sayang had a lot of problems financially dia sembunyikan, and with a long more things on his mind, aku try not justifying things but I sympathise sangat...and in a way I understand how perasaan dia finding it hard to live up to responsibilities.

So I blame fate for seperating us.

Doesn't make it easier though. Since my ex in Jakarta - my sayang has been one of the few comforts in my life...and I know I'm going to find it hard to go on without. Lord help me.

Anyway...I felt lonelier than ever heading home back home at 6am - and I almost absent mindedly called my ex. Yeap, despite it being 5am in Jakarta, dia picked up the phone and had a short chat with me.

It wasn't too awkward since we had already made peace not too long before. And we continued the next day and dia ni such a shoulder to cry on for me (I knew my relationship ngan dia wasn't a mistake).

Also met up an ex on Saturday and had a great screw. This is amazing since we were NOT on talking terms...but I always knew dia ni still had a crush on me - so dia appreciated the fact that I was 'vulnerable' and 'took advantage' of it. So I had my first sex of February!

Now I'm just trying to get past thoughts of my sayang...but God it's hard. Anyway, I'm still trying and it's therapeutic to have written most of it out here.

Anyways....that's all I have to share for tonight.

Promise my blog will be more upbeat after this.

I want to share my experiences in Bangkok - and things I learnt there (including how buying toothpaste will NOT help your room mate avoid bad breath since he is not inclined to oral hygiene).

Till then...

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Happy Year of the Cock! ...erm...rooster...

First of all - major rush today because I need to get out of the office NOW and head home for my reunion dinner. So a little bit haywire now as I just whizz through things.

Whatever it is - to all those celebrating the Lunar New Year - I'd like to wish Happy Chinese New Year/Gong Xi Fa Cai/Kong Hee Fatt Choy to all of you.

May the year of the rooster be a prosperous one!

And for those interested here's more information on the Akademi Fantasia auditions. Segala butiran you can actually get dari website Astro, but this is just to make things easier for you guys.

Untuk mereka yang berminat - ini butir-butir mengenai sesi ujibakat Akademi Fantasia musim ketiga yang akan diadakan. Di bawah jadual tarikh dan lokasi sesi-sesi ujibakat. Also included, senarai-senarai lagu pilihan para peserta untuk ujibakat.

Tarikh Tempat
19 & 20 Februari Astro, Kuala Lumpur
26 & 27 Februari Bandar Melaka, Melaka
26 & 27 Februari Ipoh, Perak
5 & 6 Mac Penang
5 & 6 Mac Kedah, Alor Setar
12 & 13 Mac Kuantan, Pahang
12 & 13 Mac Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu
19 & 20 Mac Johor Bahru, Johor
26 & 27 Mac Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
26 & 27 Mac Kuching, Sarawak
2 April Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei

Nama Lagu Penyanyi Asal
Tangisan Dalam Kerinduan
Jangan Kau Mimpi
Bunga Melur
Tak Tahan Lagi
Farah AF2
Sarah Raisuddin
Siti Nurhaliza
Melly Goeslow
Christina Aguilera
Cinta Seorang Teman
Akar & Bumi
Pantun Budi
Semua Untukmu
Bob AF2
Tan Sri SM Salim
Anuar Zain
Michael Buble

Dapatkan borang penyertaan disini dan isikan secepat mungkin. Borang penyertaan lengkap perlu sampai sebelum Febuari 16. Alamatkan semua penyertaan kealamat dibawah. Tips for those yang nak enter : jangan lah nak feeling nak walk-in audition walaupun dibenarkan.

Unit Penyelaras Peserta, (AF3)
All Asia Broadcast Centre
Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil,
57000 Kuala Lumpur

Monday, February 07, 2005

Lazy Mondays...

Slept in until time for my press conference today.

It was the Akademi Fantasia season three auditions launch press conference. So sesiapa yang memang menunggu untuk masuk pencarian bakal-bakal pelajar untuk masuk Akademi Fantasia - ni butiran yang perlu anda tahu.

Proses pendaftaran telah dibuka as of today. Mereka yang berminat boleh mendapatkan borang permohonan di pejabat Astro atau di laman web Astro. Lengkapkan borang permohonan, sertakan sekeping gambar berwarna terkini berukuran 3R dan hantarkan penyertaan lengkap sebelum Febuari 16 ke Unit Penyelaras Peserta Akademi Fantasia, Tingkat 1, Pusat Penyiaran Asia, Taman Teknologi Malaysia, Lebuhraya Puchong-Sungai Besi, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur.

These are the audition dates untuk sesi ujibakat : Astro (Kuala Lumpur) - Febuari 19 dan 20, Bandar Melaka (Melaka) - Febuari 26 dan 27, Ipoh (Perak) - Febuari 26 dan 27, Pulau Pinang (Pulau Pinang) - Mac 5 dan 6, Alor Setar (Kedah) - Mac 5 dan 6, Kuantan (Pahang) - Mac 12 dan 13, Kuala Terengganu (Terengganu) - Mac 12 dan 13, Johor Bahru (Johor) - Mac 19 dan 20, Kota Kinabalu (Sabah) - Mac 26 dan 27, Kuching (Sarawak) - Mac 26 dan 27 dan Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunei) - April 2.

Kalau ikutkan tarikh-tarikh tersenarai - it's obvious that tahun ni peserta dari Brunei juga layak untuk masuk Akademi, so it'll be heavier competition I suppose.

Tu je kot for today, thought I'd post the information because at the moment, Astro belum lagi keluar information pasal ujibakat yang akan berjalan - ni dari sidang akhbar tadi.

I'll try and post pics and stories from Bangkok tomorrow. It's been a slow - yet strangely hectic Monday. Thank God jugak, because I need to take my mind off...'that person'...

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Another first...

Back from Bangkok - worst trip there so far - MTV was boring - and the trip itself crap!

Back to Kuala Lumpur - the first break up of the's over...too lazy to post much today...tomorrow....probably...

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Can't write rushing to head to the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

Yeap! It's Bangkok...ready or I come!!!

See you guys maybe Saturday - take care! Hugs!